
I am ALWAYS over on my carbs everyday. But i feel like if I dont eat carbs, i dont feel full. I can eat tons of fruit and veggies and meat, but that doesnt keep me full for very long. But if I eat some crackers or a sandwich, I feel satisfied and fuller for longer. Is it bad to eat a lot of carbs? Its so hard to cut back on them..


  • GiGiBeans
    GiGiBeans Posts: 1,062 Member
    Your food diary looks like a sweet shop! Less cupcakes, more protein and veggies!
  • taylorwaylor
    taylorwaylor Posts: 417 Member
    Try focusing on eating more protein, it WILL fill you up.
  • TheLukePhone
    TheLukePhone Posts: 30 Member
    I absolutely struggle with carbs too.. some people crave sweets, I crave bread and pasta. Makes me crazy!
  • Firefox7275
    Firefox7275 Posts: 2,040 Member
    I am ALWAYS over on my carbs everyday. But i feel like if I dont eat carbs, i dont feel full. I can eat tons of fruit and veggies and meat, but that doesnt keep me full for very long. But if I eat some crackers or a sandwich, I feel satisfied and fuller for longer. Is it bad to eat a lot of carbs? Its so hard to cut back on them..

    So many threads on this if you run a search: you need protein AND fibre AND water AND fats for satiety. You are spot on, meat plus veggies probably won't fill you up because there is not enough fat and possibly not enough bulking fibre. You are running massively under on proteins and fats, MFP settings are minimums for health. Carbs are not all bad, highly refined carbs and added sugars are horrible for health - suppress immune system, feed bad bacteria in gut, promote inflammation and stress - and don't contain essential minerals and fibre.

    Try changing the types of carbs you eat, cut the refined/ processed/ sugary junk down to maximum 10% of daily calories, that is the vast majority of your diet. Replace those carbs with whole, natural, low glycaemic index carbs like beans, lentils, barley, jumbo oats (soak overnight). Lose the instant oats, instant rice, processed wheat cereals, fluffy bread, fries - they all behave much like sugar in the body. You don't eat tons of fruit and veggies, you eat barely any vegetables or savoury foods it's all sugary fruits and sugary snacks!

    Then be sure to get your three servings a day of reduced fat dairy, unprocessed no added sugar stuff, use fresh fruit to flavour. Also oily fish a couple of times a week ideally daily, other healthy fats and protein at every meal and snack (nuts, seeds) and of course your recommended servings of vegetables in the full rainbow of colours.