Eat back calories????????



  • Eoxenrider
    Eoxenrider Posts: 8 Member
    Thanks everyone!!:drinker:
  • Heaven71
    Heaven71 Posts: 706 Member
    You should be eating a minimum of 1200 calories to begin and then also your exercise cals so that you are NETTING 1200 cals..otherwise your body will think it is starving and will actually have the opposite effect you are going for..your body will STORE calories and fat. I understand it is very scary to eat your exercise calories back but it is absolutely necessary!

    Best of luck!:flowerforyou:

    ^^ This. Also, welcome to what feels like the most asked question on MFP. The answer does not change. (^.^)


    To be fair, though, I wondered about this at first as well. Trust me (And most everyone else in this thread) If you aren't eating enough, you will not lose. Best of luck on both your weight loss and the wedding!
  • TheLukePhone
    TheLukePhone Posts: 30 Member
    I'm going to try this also. Reading up on this, it's made me think, and reviewing my calorie intake on my week of biggest weight loss, I was consistenly around 2k/day, up to 2500.

    Pushed up my limit to 2k/day, and did 2400 today.. mmm.. burger for dinner. :)
  • TheLukePhone
    TheLukePhone Posts: 30 Member
    So here I am, the first day of my new and improved "eat your workout" routine.

    I have to say that waking up today after a 2400cal day yesterday, I feel awesome. Better than I've felt in probably 2 weeks. Walking up the stairs at work, I had no pain/burning in my legs like I have been experiencing lately.

    My mood and energy are incredible right now! I'm so looking forward to my ride tonight, I think it's gonna be a big one. Lets see if I can do 40km on the stationary bike tonight. :D

    I'll keep everyone posted on my progress this week, but it already feels like upping the calories was the right thing to do. :D
  • LordBezoar
    LordBezoar Posts: 625 Member
  • raw14
    raw14 Posts: 22
    Everyone is different in my opinion and what works for one, might not work for another. Something I've been doing and lost 15lbs in 3 months is Eating for my goal weight. I researched what a 130lb woman my height would need to eat in calories to maintain her weight and set my MFP to that. for me it is a 250 deficit from my maintenence calories which means every day I should lose something. Then I don't eat back my excercise calories as it is additional weight lose and icing on the cake. :P This also helps me establish good eating habits as I will have to eat like this forever to maintain my weight. it also stops me from planning to excercise and then not and going over my calories. (which i have been known to do) I also aim to eat a clean diet of no processed foods, but do have one cheat day. I also eat 3 meals and 3 snacks (including desert) keeps the metabolism going and not worrying about starving. I LOVE THIS! the weight has just melted off in recent partly due to my anniversary comming up and a new goal of burning 500 calories a day in excercise. P>S get a heart rate monitor if you don't have one. Best money spent.

    I do make sure I am not going below 1100 calories even with excercise.
  • walkner88
    walkner88 Posts: 165
    I feel like I agree with the initial post. I'm extremely active with my work (active duty navy) and then if I do my work pt and my workout and walk the 30 minutes to and from work I'm looking at around 2000 Cal worth of workouts. How could I eat this plus my 1800 and not have issues?
  • Mom0fTwo
    Mom0fTwo Posts: 326 Member
    so I was on the 1200 cal thing for a while then I stopped losing (and yes I was eating it all back) then I decided to up it to 1400 and see what happens, for 2 weeks i gained about 4 lbs and then on the 3-4th week i lost all of it and plus 2lbs, so more=better, I love getting the extra food after working out it is like a reward lol
  • TheLukePhone
    TheLukePhone Posts: 30 Member
    Results of day 1: Tons more energy, generally better mood. Did 26km on the bike tonight, could have gone farther if I didnt have the resistance at 85% for the whole thing. :)

    For me: 2000 cal is working out much better so far. I'll update more once I get on the scale on Sunday.