Why cant I lose weight?

This is a rhetorical question, I already know the answer.

I'm not working hard enough, and I know it. I can admit that I'm not going all out, like I should be. At first I thought that just smartening up my eating would be enough, but I know now that no matter how (c)lean I eat, I'm not going to get the results I want without getting my *kitten* moving.

I'm starting P90 tonight, and I'll still be doing my daily cardio routine. As soon as the weather smartens up, I'll be biking to work too.. just that little extra bit to get me moving. I'm already doing stairs at work, and I've cut down a lot of my junkfood intake (still have a rough day here or there, like yesterday...ugh).

Reading a lot of threads on here where people are asking about quick and easy ways to lose fat, or keep their junk food habits while still exercising, etc. I already know there's no quick results that arent harmful or unhealthy, and that the food habits are what got me here in the first place. I'm ready to make that change, and I'm already underway.

Are you?

I'll post up a before pic, and a current pic after lunch today.. you can see what kind of progress I've made in just a few weeks of moderate effort.


  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    I looked at your diary. I'm glad you're being honest with yourself that you need to change your eating habits. Losing weight starts with changing the way you eat. Exercise is wonderful for fitness, but if you were the kind of person who can eat whatever he wants and doesn't gain weight so long as he exercises, you wouldn't be here :) Congrats on taking the hardest step!!
  • I began P90X about a month ago and have lost 10 pounds. Doesn't sound like much but when you consider that for the past 4 years my scale has not budged, this is huge for me. My husband is doing it and lost about 30 pounds. I modified our nutritional plan to follow the P90 one loosely. I upped our veggie and fruit intake, increased the lean protein intake, have SERIOUSLY limited out carbs and processed foods, and he lost ANOTHER 15 pounds since then. I think one of the most important things I have learned is that everything has so much sodium in it: lunch meat, tomato juice, BROTH. Are you kidding me?
    So I have made it a point to buy everything I possibly can with Low or reduced sodium.
    I never thought I could do this because I love bread, pasta, cheese, brownies!! I am SHOCKED to see that I am learning to cook things that are fantastically healthy and taste delicious. I spend time searching for yummy recipes that utilize the main ingredients in the nutrion guide.
    I feel better than I have in so long. I don't get winded going up the stair at work. I able to finish EVERY SINGLE P90 workout now without taking a break. I can play with my kids and run with my 3 year old! I just want to encourage you to stick with it. The road is tough. Giving up is easy. I refuse to take the easy way out anymore.
    I want to turn heads again (yes I'm married but it's still nice to be appreciated!). I want to be told how great I look. I want my confidence back.

    Set your mind to it and don't settle for anything less than your absolute best!
  • I've been having trouble, but working so hard! It's very frustrating. A lot of things to consider that I've read about on here is that you could be eating too little with the amout of exercise you are getting, or eating to much with the amount you are getting now and then when you start adding all that stuff on you will need to eat more! Maybe move your calorie intake around a little bit? It's like a medication, you don't know what works for you until you find out through trial and error. It takes longer and that part sucks, but in the end it will be worht it, just like trying to find a medication! Just my weird analogy! But don't give up! Good for you for adding on the P90X, I just started Jillian Michaels Ripped in 30 yesterday so I am hoping I will see some sort of change with that, but we will see. Good luck and don't give up! :)
  • TheLukePhone
    TheLukePhone Posts: 30 Member
    When I first started, I was only recording what I ate, just to see a benchline. I was consistently around 3-3500. I set a 1500 soft limit, and tried to more less stick to it. I then set a 1500cal hard limit, and stuck to that, and it was tough.. I upped to 2000, and felt a bunch better, but I feel like it's not quite low enough, so I've dropped back to 1800 cal.

    I'm going to stick with 1800 as my reference point for another week or so, and just guage by how I feel, both physically and emotionally.

    After talking to someone today, I'll be starting a multivitamin asap, and am starting to incorporate some natural thermogenic type foods as well. Lets see how they work out. :)
  • Good deal! I started with a goald of 1700 calories and now that I've lost about 12 pounds, it's been lowered to 1630 I believe. The biggest thing that is helping me is watching my sodium and sugar intake. They are everywhere! The trick is not to lose hope and when something doesn't work, try something else! Every body is different and will react to things differently. What may work for me may not necessarily work for you.
    Best of luck!