tjjotoad Member


  • We've all been here. I will tell you this, your statement, "..the least important", is the root of all these issues (in my humble opinion of course). Make yourself the most important person in your life and it will all fall in line. I know, every mom says that's impossible, but it isn't. You have to throw away…
    in I give up Comment by tjjotoad March 2013
  • I'm sure you will hear it hundreds of times, but patience, my dear. I have the same exact problem, so I have decided to stop weighing myself until I am firmly established in my routine. I need to eat right and exercise consistently for at least three weeks before I will let myself be weighed. We'll see what happens at that…
  • I could always use more friends! Feel free to add me if you would like.
  • Love the Walking Dead! Huge Whovian as well, just a nerd in general. And I have two dogs who would love for me to be able to run with them. Not happening any time soon though. Feel free to add me if you would like! And I'm watching King of the Nerds! Starting to really dislike Danielle. Really, really dislike.
  • I like vodka and club soda with lime. A lot of my friends drink rum and diet coke.
  • Lookin' fab sister!!!
  • Sometimes you just need a reminder of why you're doing all of doesn't have to be mean. I get it though, I respond better to criticism than support- the old "I'll show you" method. I finally realized, with the help of a good friend, that this is a journey, not a destination. You screw up, you get back on the…
  • Congratulations, we all know what hard work that was! But, I have to say, the best transformation by far is the happiness in your face! Well done!!
  • I'm nowhere near my goal weight , but when I'm done, I hope to be about the same size as you (although I'm an inch shorter). I have been trying the Belly Fat Cure eating regimen, and so far, it's working. In a nutshell, you have to stay under 15 grams of sugar and 6 servings of carbs (serving size is 5-20carbs) per day. I…
  • Don't get discouraged! I know I hit a plateau, and I think everyone does, but you will get through it. In my case, I had to change up the way I was eating as well as my excercise to get my body out of it's rut. I also started doing different workouts every day, which helped. Are you taking measurements? I would do that too…
  • I know what you mean. I was so discouraged when I read the story about Sherri Shephard losing 40 lbs. and going from a size 16 to a size 6, when I lost 45 lbs. and went from a 16 to a 12. How does that work?
  • I did it a while back and loved it. After reading all these posts, I'm ready to start again!
  • I know the feeling. I had no idea my thighs were completely covered in stretch marks until I lost weight. It is a little disheartening, but I choose to think about how good my butt is gonna look in jeans rather than how bad my thighs will look in a bathing suit. It's all about perspective.
  • I have the same problem. I did really well for about a year and now I've hit a plateau and can't push through it, so I've "rejoined" this site. I'm hoping that seeing all the other success stories will help keep me on track, and maybe even create some accountability with me. I was doing Weight Watchers, and I had great…
  • I bought the DVD and I love it, but I haven't stuck to it. It's great because the workouts are only 20 minutes, but they kick your butt. Good luck!
  • Hi Sara. Welcome. I have not taken full advantage of this site yet, but I can assure you everything I have seen is wonderful and completely supportive. We're all in the same boat! Good luck and stick with it!
  • Good for you! That's my first goal- to fit into some Vera Wang work slacks I bought when I was feeling particularly optimistic. Probably need at least 20 more lbs.
  • That's fantastic! Keep it up:smile:
  • I'm hoping to lose a total of 92 lbs. I just started yesterday, so it's going to be a long journey, but I think I'm finally up for it!:wink:
  • Thanks, and congrats to you! Looks like you are doing great!
    in Hello Comment by tjjotoad April 2009
  • Hello everyone. I just heard about this website today. It's incredible! I've never had a tool like this before, I think it will really help. I've got a looonnng way to go!
    in Hello Comment by tjjotoad April 2009