Join Me! 30 Day Shred



  • monylove311
    monylove311 Posts: 251 Member
    Thinking about the Shred.... ok, i'll see if the library has it. : )
  • tjjotoad
    tjjotoad Posts: 22 Member
    I did it a while back and loved it. After reading all these posts, I'm ready to start again!
  • captainshlem
    captainshlem Posts: 12 Member
    Hello everyone *waves* I've been doing Shred every other or other other day for about a month now and I think its time I started doing it every day. I'm still on level 1 because I'm still having a bit of difficulty with the push ups and the side lunges....*mumbles curses* but no matter what on the 10th I'm moving over to level 2 so we'll see how it goes.
  • mystic333
    mystic333 Posts: 35
    Okay so moving to the new house took me a lot longer than expected lol. It took all week to get moved, unpacked, and just generally settled. Sadly I couldnt muster the determination to workout during the move :frown: . On the bright side Im finally back to working out. Im starting my count over tho since I took a week off. Just finished my New Day 1 Level 1 :wink:
  • Skolls081102
    Day 2 - It hurrrts! but im keeping positive (and achey). Hopefully it will be easier tomorrow... :)

    Yes it does...yes it does...push through. I wanted to stop after Day 1 and Day 2...just kept pushing and it got easier. Keep it up, you'll do great!!!

    Ok, so Day 11, Day 4 Workout 2 down in the books. Getting a little easier, but still can't make it through without little breaks. She's mean....real mean!!! Just gotta keep pushing. I'm hoping, 2 maybe 3 more days of Workout 2 and I'll move to #3. My plan is that when I feel comfortable with Workout 3, I'll rotate all 3 videos to finish out the 30 Days. Sounds good in
  • dolphinstar106
    Day 4 of 30 day shred done. Despite what i sad before, ts getting easier, i think im getting stronger. Arms and legs are coming up a treat - now for the rest of me...

    I still maintain however shes a sadistic mare, that Jillian Michaels
  • Alisontheice
    Alisontheice Posts: 9,624 Member
    I ended up taking the weekend off since I was out of town and busy with other stuff.
    Unfortunately what I did yesterday has aggrevated my back issues so I'll be taking at least 1 more day off. Oh well I'll bet back into it when I can.
  • Skolls081102
    Day 12, Day 5 Workout 2 down in the book. Definitley getting easier, but still can't finish all the exercises. I'm close, but not there yet. We actually added a 3rd person tonight. My neighbor came over and she, myself and my wife all shredded. Very cool to do it as a group. Motivated me more to push a little harder.

    I actually started my night (when I got home from work) with 42 minutes of Zumba- Cardio Party. Ate dinner, and finished out with Workout 2. Feel great actually.
    Have a great night everyone!!!!!!!!!!
  • Skolls081102
    I still maintain however shes a sadistic mare, that Jillian Michaels

    Oh my god, that's friggin hilarious!!! I told my brother tonight I was doing the 30-Day Shred, and he asked what it was. And I said it's a workout tape by Jillian "My other job is a Dominatrix...and I like to cause PAIN" Michaels!!! She is so mean!!!
  • smashpants22
    smashpants22 Posts: 33 Member
    I just ordered the dvd, im in as soon as it gets here!
  • mrsjcmyles
    mrsjcmyles Posts: 119 Member
    So I skipped for 2 days, but did cardio today and lots of laundry yesterday. Sundays and Mondays suck for me to exercise! If I could get more organized they would be much better, or if I suddenly became rich and had a cleaning person. *BIG dreams* lol. I think I'll try level 2 tommorrow *Yikes!*
  • Skolls081102
    Day 13, Day 6 Workout 2 down and out. Getting easier...I think I only rested during 1 or 2 of the exercises. We'll see how tomorrow goes, but I don't feel (at this time) that I am ready to move on to workout 3. I would really like to do Day 7 tomorrow and move on...but we'll have to see how that

    And where is everybody? I need some motivation here!!! So I am motivating all of you to post up!!! Let's hear your horror stories about Jillian abusing your body...I stick to my original thought...she's mean!!

    Hope to hear from you guys soon!
  • Skolls081102
    I just ordered the dvd, im in as soon as it gets here!

    Get ready for a tough, but worthwhile ride. She's a tough trainer, but it's worth it. After Day 1, even Day 2, you're gonna ask yourself "Why did I sign up for this? My body hurts!!!" Just keep with it. It gets easier. Day 3 won't feel as bad, and by Day 4 you'll notice a big difference. Good luck and let us know how it goes!
  • Alisontheice
    Alisontheice Posts: 9,624 Member
    I finally got to day 10 today after a 4 day break (ugh). My back is still sore from the weekend but I figured I'd try to see what I could do and with a few modifications I got through level 2. It wasn't super horrible but man she makes me sweat. Now I better start tidying the livingroom since it was like an obstacle course trying to do the workout.
  • pouringraina
    pouringraina Posts: 106 Member
    I did strength training in my aerobics class yesterday, so my body is SO sore! Especially my butt and thighs! So the thought of doing the Shred today was horrifiying to say the least! But i'm glad to report, it went great! I didn't have to pause the video and take a break! WOO HOO! Granted, I was with Anita most of the time, but I attribute that to my soreness.

    I am so proud of myself! When it got hard, I skipped one "rep" (can't think of anything else to call them...), and then I kept going with them.

    Jillian IS mean! I'm hoping to start seeing results soon! I took pictures for progress purposes and for my blog (check it out!), and I couldn't BELIEVE how much worse I look in pictures than I do when I look in the mirror! Not to say that it's any different from what I see in the mirror, it's just the pictures make it real! They made me SO ready to push hard during the Shred!!!
  • mrsjcmyles
    mrsjcmyles Posts: 119 Member
    So, I did Day 2 of Level 2 and it was slightly easier than yesterday, it also probably helps that I didn't do it at midnight :). I was able to hang with Natlie for part of some of the exercises and I stopped only a few times (more so at the end). The most exciting part was when I could do the walk out push ups or whatever those are called. I cursed less at Jillian today, but I still believe she was trying to kill Hoping for more weight loss this week, especially since I have a refrigerator (no thanks to Best Buy), and can keep food cold and not eat out everyday! Woo Hoo!
  • bubblylady
    I'm not sure where to measure, do you know of a site that shows where exactly?
  • dolphinstar106
    Day 7 done - i'm definitely getting stronger and can feel things "working" alot better. That said im just having a peek at level 2 as its only 3 days away.... eek!

    Oh well, no pain no gain... :D
  • mrsjcmyles
    mrsjcmyles Posts: 119 Member
    I'm not sure where to measure, do you know of a site that shows where exactly?

    Thanks, I was wondering that too.
  • Skolls081102
    Okeydokey...Day 14, Day 7 Workout 2 done!!! I actually did pretty good (which i was suprised at, having worked a little O/T today). Came home, started at 9 pm, and was enjoying my Shrimp (boiled w/ a little Old Bay) chaser at 9:30. I did pretty good. The only exercise I couldn't complete straight through was the second set of Chair Squats w/ a V-Curl...curse you Jillian Michaels...CURSE YOU!!!! I feel as though it was a good enough effort to move onto Workout 3 tomorrow. I don't know why I feel like torturing myself, but hey I'm trying to get thinner

    I am taking off on Saturday. Not by choice. I am working my 1st job 7-3:30. I have enough time to get home, change, and head out to job 2. I have a wedding (I DJ). Have to be there at 5, wedding ends at 11. So I should be home by 12:30-1 am. Then back up at 6:30 to be back to work at 8. So I may take off on Sunday. We'll have to see how I feel.

    Hope everyone is doing well. Catch you all later!!!