Pita0224 Member


  • Hey there, I had a reduction when I was 16, it's been 8 years, so I'm sure things have changed and I only remember a little. At the time I competed in powerlifting, I think I took 3 weeks off before returning to that (so you can base your weight lifting/strength training on that). I think I also took maybe 5 days off of…
  • There will be a lot of people that will respond to this with different feelings and emotions in regards to it. When I lost weight before my wedding, every Sunday was cheat day. I was meticulous during the week, worked out on my cheat day but I cheated very extreme. Then the next day I started again with being meticulous..…
  • Interesting.. I'll have to look into it more. What does it cost? Waiting with anticipation to see what others say....
  • I love the Biggest Loser and Dance Central.. if you have kids we have the Sports one as well and I burn a ton playing with my son. There's track and field, volleyball, soccer, etc. and nothing better than competition with the kids!
  • You look great!
  • I was reading through some of the other replies and was surprised to see how many people questioned your weight gain with hyperthyroidism. Just an FYI to anyone else that will post, even though hyperthyroidism typically makes people lose weight rapidly, it also more than doubles your appetite due to the increased…
  • Hey, I'm going through the same thing! I was diagnosed with Graves disease this past July and did the radioactive iodine and took methimazole as well to kill my thyroid. Funny thing is, like you, I gained weight with hyperthyroidism. I'm currently trying to get my levels back up to "normal" now. The most important thing I…
  • Jillian won't be there? I didn't know that?! I used to love her until she started promoting all of her weight loss products. My husband pointed out the 1100 calories they consume, isn't that crazy? I wonder if that's what they total on the ranch as well...
  • I have the DVD set but I've never made it past the first DVD, although I LOVE the ab workout that came with the series. I think it's a great workout but I just can't stick to it!
  • Welcome to the site! I love that quote- I think I'll add that to my fridge! (and my cupboards and the pantry... lol). I came to this site after discovering I had thyroid problems (I have Graves and underwent treatment to destroy my thyroid, so now I'm hypo and working from the same spot you are). There is so much support…
  • Welcome! You will find the support on here is amazing! You should go to the search button and type in thyroid, I found lots of great friends and support that way. I have Graves disease and had an overactive thyroid but still never lost the weight. I underwent treatment to kill the thyroid so I'm now hypo and working…
  • Welcome and congrats on your little one! I have a 9 month old, so I can relate. You'll find the "mom" boards on here priceless, the support from everyone is great!
  • Congrats on have lost 80 lbs! That's amazing!!!!
  • What do you know, we're already friends and both nurses :-) I work on the surgical floor primarily overseeing orthopedics, urology and gynecology. My secret lies within my day, I work 12 hour shifts and usually have a rushed lunch. I always make sure to pack a super healthy lunch and do not bring any money with me so that…
    in Nurses Comment by Pita0224 November 2010
  • I saw a post for this not too long ago and there is a large amount of us that use it. I believe if you go into the Challenges you can search MFP and will find all the different challenges that MFPers are doing. I have yet to look though.
  • Hi! I just sent a friend request, but I'm also returning to this site from a previous failed attempt and ready to kick some butt, and it's so great to have people to talk to about it as well as comment on the updates!
  • I'm there with you! I had baby number 2 in March and have lost that weight plus 10 lbs, but I still have 50 lbs to lose from the first!! Congrats on the new baby and we are here for support!
  • Welcome! I just love the support that you can find on this site in the community and between friends!
  • Welcome! You will love this site and the support on here is amazing!
    in Hello Comment by Pita0224 November 2010
  • I tend to weigh myself daily and it affects my mood. I try very hard to only do it twice a week, which is how frequently I put it on MFP. However, when I become obsessive my husband swoops in to hide the scale. It's rather refreshing. Out of sight, out of mind.