Do we have any MFP Nike+ users here?

If you don't have Nike+ check into it... I LOVE it. I use the Nike+ GPS on my iPhone and it tracks the routes I take. After I am finished on a route I can go to and compete against anyone that was on the same route. I can also look up routes then go run those to try and beat whoever has the current fastest time.

If any of you are on Nike+ add me as a friend :) kewkdb at gmail dot com

If enough MFPer's have Nike+ I will start a challenge for us all to join.


  • DizzieLittleLifter
    DizzieLittleLifter Posts: 1,020 Member
    I'm on there, but I forget to sync my Ipod after my runs :embarassed: I don't know how to add friends :ohwell:
  • UpToAnyCool
    UpToAnyCool Posts: 1,673
    bump (maybe i'll have Nike+ sensor AFTER the holidays! :tongue: )
  • Pita0224
    Pita0224 Posts: 23 Member
    I saw a post for this not too long ago and there is a large amount of us that use it. I believe if you go into the Challenges you can search MFP and will find all the different challenges that MFPers are doing. I have yet to look though.
  • kewkdb
    kewkdb Posts: 207 Member
    I saw a post for this not too long ago and there is a large amount of us that use it. I believe if you go into the Challenges you can search MFP and will find all the different challenges that MFPers are doing. I have yet to look though.

    deeerrrr *slaps head* I didn't even think to search the challenges lol. I found a few just now :D Thanks!