
My friend recommended myfitnesspal.com to me this evening. She has lost 30 lbs through portion control/calorie counting and I want to do it too.

I'm sick of dreading the holidays because of hateful extended family who I only see once or twice a year, but they never miss an opportunity to make fun of my weight. I feel so OLD and broke down, but I'm only 33. I've been very uncomfortable in my own skin for about 6 years now. I've put off having a second baby because I'm afraid of weight related complications. I'm mad at myself for letting myself go and my life is passing me by. I'm ready to put a stop to this nonsense and take back control.

Thanks for this site. It's looks great. Wish me luck!


  • Pita0224
    Pita0224 Posts: 23 Member
    Welcome! You will love this site and the support on here is amazing!
  • psiluvyou
    Hey, welcome! I know what you mean about the holidays. My family don't make fun of me, instead they offer me tons of good food that I can't resist.

    I'm 33 too. I am absolutely determined to get control of my weight this time. I am tired of feeling old before I am anywhere near old!

    Good luck!
  • Tennessee2019
    Tennessee2019 Posts: 676 Member
    Suggestion on surviving the holiday meals - use a salad plate. When you can't see the bottom of the plate, walk away from the serving table & do NOT go back. It's what I do & it works great!!