zanth07 Member


  • YAY!!! Glad you could make it!!!! Sandy
  • Hi Autumn! I quit over 5 years ago using Chantix ... you should go to and join the CHANTIX USERS CLUB on there, that's where we all "met". I had mostly good side affects ... wow do I miss the wonderful dreams. Sandy
  • Some great ideas there. I'm still trying to wrap my head around how a can of black beans will substitute as flour for brownies. I've been doing some experimenting with Almond Meal already. Sandy
  • My favorite snacks - Babybel Light Cheese round, Black or Green Olives (healthy fats and really filling), Artichoke Hearts. Before gym on many days I'll have a "peanut butter cookie" that I make 1 cup peanut butter (I use extra crunchy) 1/2 cup splenda or Stevia 1 egg 1 tsp vanilla Mix well. Use a small scoop and drop on…
  • Peggy, Small changes and get used to them, otherwise you'll either feel overwhelmed or feel like you're missing something. I have made a lot of significant dietary and exercise changes over the last year, but I didn't make them all at once, I would make a change, wait 3-4 weeks until that change had become a "habit" ...…
    in Tests Comment by zanth07 August 2012
  • I'm usually on the mobile app, which is why my responses to discussions are infrequent, and in clumps when I do. Sandy
  • Peggy, things will get easier has your dosage goes down, you're doing great! Don't get discouraged. My Friday weigh in (on Saturday) shows me with a loss. I'm getting so close to my next goal (loose 100 lbs)! Sandy
  • Thanks Bob! This is Sandy, originally pop9095 on the Q, now Zanth07 ... I've not gotten on the Q in a very long time though, but I was part of the whole "Motley Crew", quit in '07. Sandy
  • My OCD kicks in sometimes and I tend to weigh myself a couple of times a week, but my "normal" day is Saturday morning just after I get up. It would not be best for me to start doing it 2 days in a row, so hopefully it's ok if I just stick to Saturday?
  • I use unflavored chobani 0% fat yogurt. I find it's very yummy and filling if I add about 1/2 - 1 scoop of About Time Birthday Cake protein powder (I'm sure that a good store bought vanilla protein powder would be just as good) and a teaspoon of Polanar Sugar Free Strawberry preserves with added fiber. It works out to 30 -…
  • I'm still very much motivated, I hope that the changes I'm making now are lifestyle changes! I know that for myself I'm a carb addict. I do everything that I can to limit carbs ... if I don't I end up craving them and that is no fun at all! Most days I look forward to going to the gym even ... not so much today though ...…
  • Hi all! I have a couple of tips that may help: 1.) Eat slowly ... put your fork down between bites and chew a lot. We tend to have the need or desire, not sure which, to eat quickly, but it takes our stomach a while to send the signal to the brain that we are full ....slow down to give it time! 2.) Use smaller plates ... I…
  • <waves> I love myfitnesspal, been using it since February I think. I track food and water every single day. I don't track exercise on it though. I'd like to get a fitbit at some point in the future. Sandy (my total lost is from prior to and since using myfitnesspal)
    in Hey Y'all Comment by zanth07 August 2012
  • Hi all, My current goals are to track food each day, keep my carbs below 50 grams a day. I am also aiming for 64oz of water or more on a daily basis. My ultimate goal isn't small, but I'm looking to loose another 82 lbs. Sandy