

  • bump
    in BMR Comment by jacgray March 2011
  • I am extremely picky. I don't like any veg (or salad) except potatoes although I like the flavour of onion so I grate that into casseroles (hate the texture!) and I can just about manage carrots/swede/turnip in a casserole but def not on their own! I eat very little fruit, no salad and I hate anything that is…
  • I keep losing the weight off my bum, hips and legs - which is exactly where I don't need to lose it! My boobs have stayed the sames despite losing over 20lbs and my flabby midrift is just the same. If it carries on I will look like Dolly Parton!
  • Wish I could lose mine!! I lost 20lbs last year and all of it came off my tum and bum which were almost 2 sizes smaller than my boobs anyway! Not a scrap off my boobs. Now I have lost a bit more weight I have a 3 size difference and trying to buy clothes is a nightmare. Dresses are out of the questions and a winter coat…
  • Just wanted to say I will be thinking of you both. I wish there was something I could do or say that would help. x
  • At last the scales have moved! I lose weight very slowly despite sticking to my cals, so it can be disheartening. 1/2lb a week is normal for me, so to lose 2lb is amazing! (especially as I has a couple of cheats in the week!!) Week 1 166 Week 2 165 Week 3 165 Week 4 163
  • Not doing too well at the moment! Seem to have stalled, and not helped by not being able to exercise last week due to a swollen knee (but am back to walking now!) and a daughters birthday celebration! Hopefully can get back on track and lose some weight!! Week 1 166lbs Week 2 165lbs Week 3 165lbs
  • Start weight 166lbs Week one 165lbs Week two 165lbs
  • Many thanks for all your suggestions and encouragement, will give it a go!
    in HELP!! Comment by jacgray September 2010
  • I'mdefinately up for the banana in your ear diet! The problem with any diet is that no one diet works for all. We are all so different. I count my calories, do my exercise - which incidently I hate cos I'm 58 and have wonky knees and various other dodgy joints, but my weight loss is so slow, 1/2 to 1lb a week and I only…
  • Don't feel bad about it. You did a great job just starting the challenge. Everyone is so supportive and what is good about this challenge is that it is "doable", its not such an impossible challenge that you feel you want to give up after a couple of weeks. Thank you.
  • This is what happened with me, a loss for two weeks then a gain. I hoped the next week I would lose a lot but only lost what I gained, but I'm still on the downward trend so just keep going. You will get there!
  • Amazingly, despite a wedding anniversary with lots of foodie happenings, I have still managed to lose my 1lb, so weight this week is 165lb. Hopefully can lose a little more nexrt week!
  • Don't worry, I ate a whole bar of chocolate yesterday! Haven't done that for months!! It just gets so hard sometimes. i have stuck to my calories for the past three weeks, done regular exercise and only lost 3lbs. I really felt like giving up (again) but have decided to stick to it. Good luck and keep going!!
  • You have not been bad or stupid, you just wanted to lose weight! I have been to a couple of slimming clubs and been down the replacement diets and have come to realise that counting the calories and a little exercise is the only way to go. It means I can eat what I like - I'm a very fussy eater - and I can have that square…
  • I'm not confident but I'll give it a go (have a week away with the grandchildren planned for half term!). Location: Manchester I Like: My 4 gorgeous grandchildren my cat, chocolate I Don't Like: Housework and vegetables! Current typical or usual exercise: Trying the 30 Day Shred (but I work 2 12 hour days per week so cross…
  • I hate them too, apart from potatoes I hate all veg and it's definitely a texture thing more than a taste - although there aren't any that taste great to me, just a few that are tolerable! I make shepherds pie/pasta sauce by putting veggies in and wizzing them through the blender. I can't even bear tomato sauces so my…
  • I've put a pound on too! I am so upset because not only do I lose weight so slowly, I haven't cheated at all this week, kept strictly to the calories and done twice as much exercise as last week. Lets hope we get a good loss next week. I was so determined this time I would lose the weight once and for all and it has really…
  • Hi, I am new too and this is my first post. I am 58 years old and I want to loseweight for pretty much the same reasons as you. Sick of shopping in the big sections with the frumpy clothes, and want to be fit and healthy to play with my four grandchildren. I lost 21lbs last year but have put almost 14lb back on again, so…