Unconditional Support Group



  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    Will do!
  • profjan6
    Helloooooooo! Where is everyone? Could always use/give some unconditional support! Hope everyone is ok.
  • jacgray
    I'mdefinately up for the banana in your ear diet! The problem with any diet is that no one diet works for all. We are all so different. I count my calories, do my exercise - which incidently I hate cos I'm 58 and have wonky knees and various other dodgy joints, but my weight loss is so slow, 1/2 to 1lb a week and I only have to slip up a little and I gain. Its all about finding a diet and a way to make it work for you and with a lot of determination and a little support - which is why I am here! - hopefully we can all get slimmer and fitter. My only saving grace is that now I don't get TOM the chocolate urge is not quite so bad (but I LOVE the idea of selling Tampax and M&Ms packed together LOL!)
  • Connie48
    Connie48 Posts: 190 Member
    Last week was one of those stressful weeks that had me wanting to eat everything that wasn't nailed down! (I"m proud to say I didn't do that! lol) Hopefull this week will be better. Good thing is we don't have junk food in the house. Hubby was diagnosed with high triglycerides, high cholesterol, high BP about a yr ago....we went to a dietician and within 2 months all his numbers were down and he doesn't need meds! He is 62 yrs old! We had no clue this was going on because he was really over wt by much, maybe 20 lbs, is very active. But he stuck to the diet so well! I could have used it for a guide line (I did lose 15 lbs to his 25) but the diet was stuctured around his likes and dislikes in food. I could have made it work for me, but I didn't. Too many stachy carbs causes my reflux to act up. Dang this post is all over the place! Sorry about that, back on track....I"m going to have a MUCH BETTER WEEK this week. I saw this quote on a fitness website recently and I think is says a LOT

    "Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out"
  • profjan6
    Great quote! I'll have to remember that one. I was doing so well until last night. For some reason the weather is a trigger for me. Sounds dumb, huh? Whenever it gets cool or nasty out I want something good to eat! It was like that last night and I ditched the planned meal (which was better for me) and we got Chinese food. It wasn't terrible stuff, but it sure wasn't what I was supposed to be having. Then after I feel so bad about it! I know this is probably pretty common. Ok, so now I vented.
    I hope you are having a good day!
  • debidoodle
    Hi everyone! My weekend was nice and quiet. Just about all day yesterday I spent in my big comfy leather chair next to an open window (cool breeze outside) listening to Harry Potter #4 on audiobook while knitting on my first sweater.

    The scale was kind to me this morning and now I am only 2 lbs away from a 100 lbs loss. I can hardly believe it!

    Does anyone have any recommendations on a good pedometer? I am going to Disney World in Florida in a few weeks and would love to see how many steps I walk while I'm there :)

  • Jenn97355
    Jenn97355 Posts: 103 Member
    I would GLADLY stuff a banana in my ear and jump on one foot :bigsmile: LOL

    And...I LOVE that a lot of people on here do not bash people for what they are eating, or telling people HOW and WHAT to eat. We all know our bodies...we just need to listen to them! I have seen a lot of posts on quite a few sites of people getting "mad" because people ate "junk" food. I find that stupid, as I allow myself "junk" food in very small amounts so I don't just go out and GORGE!!! (Not saying I don't think about it sometimes)

    Also, I opened my food/exercise journal because I was learning things from others' journals. I appreciate this, and am glad to have so much support.And I'm doing a GREAT job of ignoring the mean people:bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • profjan6
    Debi you are truly amazing! 100 pounds is really something and I applaud you. I, too, would love a good pedometer. I go to Disney every year and I'm sure I walk 10 miles a day. I've had some pedometers in the past but they just seem to break easily and for some reason I don't feel they are accurate.
  • Connie48
    Connie48 Posts: 190 Member
    Does anyone have a FitBIt? I"ve been hearing great things about it. I think it would be beneficial to me to have a better idea of how many calories I"m burning throughout the day. I have a desk job so I know even with consistant exercise I'm not burning near enough calories!
    I eat healthy most of the time, but even with healthy food its easy to go overboard on calories, especially when ya sit all day!
  • 1Corinthians13
    1Corinthians13 Posts: 5,296 Member
    I love the idea for this group. I've posted in other threads and read other threads that pi$$ me off so much! The clean eaters who make us sound horrible if we eat anything processed....

    Anyway, I'm in!
  • debidoodle
    Hi everybody ...

    I'm really frustrated right now! It seems like I'm doing the whole 2 steps forward, 1 step back thing on the scale. In my head I know it is just the normal ups and downs of day to day living and hormones from being a girl. But that doesn't help the non logical part of my brain who wants instant gratification, ya know?! :)

    I hope everyone is having a good day and thanks for listening!

  • profjan6
    profjan6 Posts: 333
    The ups and downs are the most frustrating! I feel like I'm on a roller coaster. Feeling good about things one day, and not so much the next. I guess we have to concentrate on the positive? I try, try, try!
    Ok, so there is way too much good food around. I can't expect others to not eat. How do I get through this? Going out to dinner and always trying to eat broiled fish is just not happening. I actually found that if I eat steak and veggies with salad it is fine. If you like fajitas just eat the meat and grilled veggies and not the tortilla. That has been working for me also, since I'm doing low carbs.
    Hope everyone is ok and having a good start to the weekend.
  • mcjabber
    mcjabber Posts: 374 Member
    hi group! long time no check in... oops. i went to maui for my five year anniversary with my boyfriend and we were VERY active, hiking and swimming and things, but then i ended up exhausted the whole time. i think i should've planned one more day of do-nothing-on-the-beach. and my eating was not so good... it seems like they don't believe in vegetables on that island. plenty of fruit, but not a broccoli in sight. mostly starchy greasy stuff. needless to say, i came back up a few lbs.

    but i've already mourned and am ready to get back on track! i decided i have a new very vain fitness goal: i'm running a silly 5k race in december (assuming my sprained back is ok with that), and i want to be able to do it in just a sports bra (and bottoms, obviously). i'm in california, so the weather should be ok for that. well, let me rephrase, i want to do it in just a sports bra and be COMFORTABLE and not thinking about jiggly parts the whole time. we'll see if this happens!

    hope everyone is doing well, happy tuesday!
  • Connie48
    Connie48 Posts: 190 Member
    Hello everyone, I"ve been camping and horseback riding...gosh I hate coming back to work after being off for several days! I did really good as far as eating healthy. I cooked rice, sweet potatoes before heading to camp and I used the crockpot to cook chicken while we were riding. I did have a few beers....but I"m not gonna stress about it, I didn't gain any wt so thats a good thing.
  • debidoodle
    Hey y'all,

    I started a new thread for the month of October ... here it is.

    Debi :)