Unconditional Support Group



  • buggaboo73
    So did everyone in the US survive the long weekend? Do anything special?

    I know I messed up on Saturday. Took the bf out to dinner to celebrate his promotion and he chose to go to Olive Garden. We never go to Olive Garden! They were out of the salmon.... I over did it on cals and I didn't even eat half my dinner or drink half my glass of wine. Felt like poo the next day.

    His friends hijacked us on Sunday and took us out, but I did ok since I had gone walking earlier in the day, and did more walking on the boardwalk that night. We ended up going to 2 different places for dinner. We all wanted clams so we went to the place on the boardwalk that does seafood....they were out of clams. Ok, how bout oysters?.... out of those too. Well damn. We went off to the steak house for prime rib.... damn it! All they had was well done. They ended up having NY Strip steaks, I had the fish n chips, but I took the breading off the fish and let the guys have the fries. They so kindley let me have all the salads! lol

    Monday was just a laid back slug day. Gotta have them once in a while.

    Slug days are a definite need for me now and then. Get too run down otherwise.

    It sounds like you hung in there and maintained, if nothing else. I think on the holiday weekends that's the best you can hope for if you want to still have fun and participate, you know?

    I just threw it all out the window and ate like a (not so) little piggy but TOM is here today so now I understand why. Went school shopping on Saturday with the kids, kept my patience.....that amazed me......man the stores were full of stressed out moms but I hung in there and only snapped now and then. Sun and Mon went to the family camp to visit my 94 year old gramma.....who is at that LOVELY age where she says whatever the heck she wants because she's earned the right to it so......yeah well let's just say I'm fat and now I"ve been reminded LOL so it's back to work!
  • buggaboo73
    Well now......THAT is a tough question! I like the Franzia chillable red but since we are an unconditional support group I suppose we can all still be friends even if you guys like white or pink!

    Cheap and tasty is all I care about! LOL

    And Connie, you and I are like this <fingers to eyes> on the beer. I <3 beer.

    How's all the sexy supporters out there doing? And no, I'm not talking about our lingerie. Everyone feeling good and happy?

    Mmmmmm beer (makes homer simpson face with tongue hanging out)

    My lingerie is hanging in there :laugh: or maybe hanging around there......I'm doing good. Under on calories, trying hard to stick to it, got up got kids off to school w/no drama, went for a walk, showered, eating good and until now haven't even goofed off very much so having said that, it's back to work for me!
  • buggaboo73
    Happy Hump Day, USGers! Just have a min to say hi - hope you all are doing well!

    Whooohoooo hump day!!!! Friday's a-comin! :bigsmile:
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    I am in, losing weight is hard enough without people bashing. :bigsmile:
  • mcjabber
    mcjabber Posts: 374 Member
    Hi everyone!

    just thought i'd check in. you ever have one of those workouts where you're pretty sure you're going to die? i just came back from one. it's a mountain i've hiked plenty of times, but today something possessed me to see how much of it i could run. YIKES. however, i did not die! yay! i think that may be a fitness goal--to be able to run the whole mountain. every time i hike it and i see people running, i wonder if they've run the whole way or are only running at that point because they're passing another person and want to show off :laugh: haha, don't get me wrong, i definitely did that a few times today and then felt like passing out afterward!

    which brings me to my next question--anybody have a heart rate monitor or bodybugg type of thing that tells you calories burned? i wasn't totally sure how to record this workout--MFP thinks it burned less calories than my normal hikes but there's NO WAY that's true... so? anybody? better question--anybody have something like that that they love that was super cheap?:tongue: i figure as long as i'm setting fitness goals i may as well be able to record them accurately.

    happy hump day!
  • Connie48
    Connie48 Posts: 190 Member
    Way to go mcjabber! I recently bought a HR monitor that is supposed to count calories. Haven't done the calorie thing yet.

    This week has been stressful @ work, I"ve made a few not so healthy eating choices but over all have done pretty good. Changed my mind about EC diet cooler 1 plan. Egg whites and oatmeal-just can't hang with it!
    I'm just gonna focus on getting plenty of veggies, lean protien and fruit. Grains just don't agree with my tummy.
  • Connie48
    Connie48 Posts: 190 Member
    I've lost another lb! I know that isn't a lot but still it makes me happy! I have been more "relaxed" about my diet (I don't mean eating unhealthy food" I mean not eating the "expert" recommeded 5-6 meals a day or breakfast. I eat breakfast when I get hungry. I"m up around 5:30-6:00 AM and had to force myself to eat....I got so sick of it! Now I wait until my body tells me its time to eat, usually around 8:30AM. I also haven't been logging in my diary either....drives me crazy constantly counting calories! I eat out of a very small plate and make certain I have a portion of lean protien, a veggie and a smal serving of a starchy carb (potato, rice) I don't eat much bread because it does trigger my reflux. Exercise: I"ve scaled back to gentler cardio and total body wt training. I have a desk job so I know I have to move more throughout the day. I try to get up and walk around (even if its only a few minutes) throughout the day and I"m not sitting around as much in the evening after I workout. I really do believe its the simple things that help us (me anyway) make progress. I struggle with feeling "gulity" for what I consider easy workouts. I was an intensity cardio junkie for many yrs and heavy wts for training. As I"ve gotten older I think my body needs a change in the way I work out and so far its working!! Scaling back on intensity gives me more energy throughout the day and my joints are not complaining!
  • buggaboo73
    Have you tried ebay Mcjabber, on the heart rate doohickey?

    We are just so darn technical in this thread LMAO. But really, sometimes you can get decent electronics that are shelf pulls or barely used items for relatively cheap.
  • buggaboo73
    I've lost another lb! I know that isn't a lot but still it makes me happy! I have been more "relaxed" about my diet (I don't mean eating unhealthy food" I mean not eating the "expert" recommeded 5-6 meals a day or breakfast. I eat breakfast when I get hungry. I"m up around 5:30-6:00 AM and had to force myself to eat....I got so sick of it! Now I wait until my body tells me its time to eat, usually around 8:30AM. I also haven't been logging in my diary either....drives me crazy constantly counting calories! I eat out of a very small plate and make certain I have a portion of lean protien, a veggie and a smal serving of a starchy carb (potato, rice) I don't eat much bread because it does trigger my reflux. Exercise: I"ve scaled back to gentler cardio and total body wt training. I have a desk job so I know I have to move more throughout the day. I try to get up and walk around (even if its only a few minutes) throughout the day and I"m not sitting around as much in the evening after I workout. I really do believe its the simple things that help us (me anyway) make progress. I struggle with feeling "gulity" for what I consider easy workouts. I was an intensity cardio junkie for many yrs and heavy wts for training. As I"ve gotten older I think my body needs a change in the way I work out and so far its working!! Scaling back on intensity gives me more energy throughout the day and my joints are not complaining!

    Good for you!! When I'm able to go with my gut (no pun intended!) and eat sensibly and scale back on the over-thinking and lose even a pound I feel so satisfied. Like HEY I do know how to do this, I just have to trust myself!
  • buggaboo73
    Well HELLOOOO everybody.

    Just wanted to check in, after the scale not budging all week due to TOM I got on this morning and I am SIX pounds lighter. Think I was carrying around some water or what???

    Today I didn't eat the best for lunch, I had a couple snack bags of chips, but I handled it well. I went into my food diary and overwrote the healthy lunch I had planned with the unhealthy one I actually ate.....tweaked the rest of the day so that it is more healthy than not, and I"ll still come in at 1500 cals so not bad at all.

    Providing I STICK to my diary for the rest of the day......now that is the challenge!!
  • profjan6
    buggabboo 6 pounds! wow thats great. when the water weight packs on it feels lousy, right?? but having it off feels even better. i have not been good the last few days. lots of bad food (well, the food tasted great). i seem to be hitting up every excuse i can muster. i am going to try to get back on track now. i really don't feel good. i kind of feel all bloated and heavy from the food. won't even attempt to get on the scale! i also haven't exercised much. no real excuses for that one. there should always be some time to do something. shoulda coulda woulda....oh well. onward and upward!
  • sincereme
    Thanks for the support!
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    Hi - I'm dropping in here because I saw Buggaboo's response to a LC question...

    I like this concept :flowerforyou: ... hopefully the drama-seekers will steer clear.

    About me - not following any one plan. I've got insulin resistance, not as a result of poor eating, but genetic factors. As I currently eat kind of LC, sorta' Paleo, I do intense workouts, my weight loss journey is incredibly slow and very frustrating. I've been working with a an expert in nutrition (his concept is nutrition to optimize your function...)
    He had me cut all grains and slowly reintroduce grains with low GI values like steal cut oats, quinoa, barley... While I can tolerate some, I bloat up like made on beans and barley. Makes me sad because I love both!
    So I try to follow a 30-40g/meal Protein, paired with a carb (vegetable) and a good fat. It's working...slowly.
  • Connie48
    Connie48 Posts: 190 Member
    buggaboo congrats on the 6 lb!

    mojogurl I totally can relate to blowing up by eating grains! Grains just don't work for everyone even though they are healthy. We all have to find what works for us and individuals.
  • blankiefinder
    blankiefinder Posts: 3,599 Member
    I tried the "Sit on your butt and watch TV" Diet. You can scratch that off your list.

    Oh shoot! Are you sure you gave it a good enough shot? Sounds like my kind of diet!
  • profjan6
    Does anyone know anything about Dreamfields Pasta? Sounds like it might be good!
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    I just asked about these (because I was in the states and wanted to pick up some low carb foods that I can't get here) - someone recommended them, but I can't vouch. I picked up Al Dente Carba-Nada - they are "artisan" noodles, so different flavors. I had the garlic fettucini variety and say even naked, they are delish!
  • buggaboo73
    MMmmmm "naked fettucine".......sounds so naughty! :laugh:
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    MMmmmm "naked fettucine".......sounds so naughty! :laugh:
    :embarassed: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :glasses: :devil:
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    Another whino checkin in........yup I dated Chuck in High School.....we are still purdy close :P:drinker: