Unconditional Support Group



  • profjan6
    Hi Everyone! Very quiet....hope you are all still around! What a weekend. I had to get back to it yesterday after having too much fun with the food and drink. I really do try to take one day at a time with this stuff and try hard not to beat myself up if I fall off the wagon. Did everyone have a nice weekend? I am going to dry a few new recipes this week to shake things up a bit. Still looking for something low carb and crunchy. Have a great Monday!
  • mcjabber
    mcjabber Posts: 374 Member
    just checking in to say hi :smile:

    stay positive!
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    Mornin and all that stuff.... gotta get coffee.....
  • buggaboo73
    Another whino checkin in........yup I dated Chuck in High School.....we are still purdy close :P:drinker:

    Oh yeah, me too!!

    But don't get me going on 'the captain'. He and I haven't spoken since he left me passed out in a very embarassing spot about 4 years ago!!


    Also, thanks for the add!
  • buggaboo73
    just checking in to say hi :smile:

    stay positive!

    HI!! Trying to stay positive here, threw my back out on Sunday and did some pity party eating but now trying to get back on track.....again!
  • buggaboo73
    Mornin and all that stuff.... gotta get coffee.....

    LOL OK Check in after you're caffeinated. :tongue:
  • sincereme
    Just checking in.

    Going food shopping today so I was wondering if anyone wanted to share yummy Low Carb ideas with me. I have a few in mind already but variety is always good.

    BTW, I had a meeting yesterday with my hubby and kids. Told them that I can't do this journey alone. Told them that in order for mommy to get healthy I need their help. Which means instead of cookies and cakes around the house, we need fruits and veggies. Instead of watching tv all day, WE as a family need to get up and walk the dog together, etc. Everyone is willing to help. my little is so precious. He is excited...Awwww

    I look forward to this journey!!!
  • mcjabber
    mcjabber Posts: 374 Member

    BTW, I had a meeting yesterday with my hubby and kids. Told them that I can't do this journey alone. Told them that in order for mommy to get healthy I need their help. Which means instead of cookies and cakes around the house, we need fruits and veggies. Instead of watching tv all day, WE as a family need to get up and walk the dog together, etc. Everyone is willing to help. my little is so precious. He is excited...Awwww

    that's fantastic! it's great that you'll have that extra support, and also think of what a healthy example you're setting! this post made me smile :happy:
  • Connie48
    Connie48 Posts: 190 Member
    sincereme thats awesome getting the family involved!

    I turned 50 yesterday...this bothered me more than I expected it to. Kinda depressing at first, BUT I recalled the work I did Sunday (and many other days) and am quite proud that this 50 yr old body can still do so many things! I ride horses (trail ride) and due to the heat I haven't been riding the trails that are close to my house. It has finally cooled off enough for riding but I knew the trails would be grown up so I took the 4 wheeler, a chopping ax and pruning shears and did some trail clearing! I was sore yesterday! All this to say the yrs of consistant exercise is keeping my body fit (of course the loaded dinner plates are keeping me too heavy! lol)
    Anyway all summer I"ve been doing mostly circuit training to save time, like most people summer is very busy with so many things going on, but decided yesterday to start a 3 month rotation of Cathe Friedrichs STS http://cathe.com/fitness-programs/sts-series I did one rotation a yr ago during the fall/winter months. Its a great program and I need to kick things up a notch. I've decided to embrace my 50's with some kick *kitten* workouts (modifying when needed of course)

    Diet I"m still working on making slow, steady improvements instead of trying the "quick" results fads. For me they back fire. So slow and steady I'll go. I"m not losing a lot of lbs put I took measurements this AM and I"m losing inches. A few people have told me I look like I"ve lost weight.

    Hope everyone is having a great week!
  • sincereme
    Awww thanks mcjabber!!! I made sure I told them that as well. That mommy wanted a healthy family so we can all enjoy life together!!! I was honest with them and told them that Mom is not healthy and it can get worse if no change is made NOW!!! They are happy to get a healthier mommy!

    BTW, I had a meeting yesterday with my hubby and kids. Told them that I can't do this journey alone. Told them that in order for mommy to get healthy I need their help. Which means instead of cookies and cakes around the house, we need fruits and veggies. Instead of watching tv all day, WE as a family need to get up and walk the dog together, etc. Everyone is willing to help. my little is so precious. He is excited...Awwww

    that's fantastic! it's great that you'll have that extra support, and also think of what a healthy example you're setting! this post made me smile :happy:
  • sincereme
    Happy Birthdat Connie!!! I want to be able to do ALL those things when I turn 50 yrs old. I don't want to be afraid of life!!! Thanks for the inspiration!
    sincereme thats awesome getting the family involved!

    I turned 50 yesterday...this bothered me more than I expected it to. Kinda depressing at first, BUT I recalled the work I did Sunday (and many other days) and am quite proud that this 50 yr old body can still do so many things! I ride horses (trail ride) and due to the heat I haven't been riding the trails that are close to my house. It has finally cooled off enough for riding but I knew the trails would be grown up so I took the 4 wheeler, a chopping ax and pruning shears and did some trail clearing! I was sore yesterday! All this to say the yrs of consistant exercise is keeping my body fit (of course the loaded dinner plates are keeping me too heavy! lol)
    Anyway all summer I"ve been doing mostly circuit training to save time, like most people summer is very busy with so many things going on, but decided yesterday to start a 3 month rotation of Cathe Friedrichs STS http://cathe.com/fitness-programs/sts-series I did one rotation a yr ago during the fall/winter months. Its a great program and I need to kick things up a notch. I've decided to embrace my 50's with some kick *kitten* workouts (modifying when needed of course)

    Diet I"m still working on making slow, steady improvements instead of trying the "quick" results fads. For me they back fire. So slow and steady I'll go. I"m not losing a lot of lbs put I took measurements this AM and I"m losing inches. A few people have told me I look like I"ve lost weight.

    Hope everyone is having a great week!
  • mcjabber
    mcjabber Posts: 374 Member
    just checking in to say hi :smile:

    stay positive!

    HI!! Trying to stay positive here, threw my back out on Sunday and did some pity party eating but now trying to get back on track.....again!

    i feel ya there. i was in a hit and run accident in june which sprained my back in two places and caused about 2 months of pity eating. gained 10 lbs :noway: but that's why i'm here! ready to get back on track myself!
  • mcjabber
    mcjabber Posts: 374 Member
    Happy birthday Connie! I'm inspired by your trail clearing story. i'm 26 and i don't think i could do that :)
  • profjan6
    Happy Birthday Connie! I hope the celebration continues all week, all month, all year!
    Sincereme, its great that the family is involved. I think it helps. Every bit helps. Especially from the kids!
    Yikes! Hit and run Mcjabber....I hope you are feeling better these days.
    All those things in our lives turn us to food. Why is that? Hope everyone is well and having a good day!
  • Connie48
    Connie48 Posts: 190 Member
    Thanks for the BD wishes everyone! Life is good! I"m back on track today as far as eating goes. Gained a few lbs (I do the weigh in Wednesdays) but I expected the wt gain. Too many diet sodas and not enough water and a few days of "loose" eating. My workouts are good though. Too bad I"m not as consistant with eating as I am with exercise! lol
  • sincereme
    Just checking in. Day 2 back on track. I did slip up yesterday at dinner but it was because I went food shopping after work and was too tired to do anything else. I now know that I have to prepare better for tuesdays and days similar. I am still excited to see my weight come off!
  • buggaboo73
    Drinking Barium today for CT Scan in a little bit. Yuck. Wish me luck!
  • sincereme
    Sending a little prayer out for you! :flowerforyou:

    Drinking Barium today for CT Scan in a little bit. Yuck. Wish me luck!
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    Drinking Barium today for CT Scan in a little bit. Yuck. Wish me luck!

    Good Luck hun! Uhh, the mint and cherry MOM don't taste too bad....
  • Connie48
    Connie48 Posts: 190 Member
    Drinking Barium today for CT Scan in a little bit. Yuck. Wish me luck!

    oh I hate that stuff! Good luck!