

  • Hi! So I don't have a panic disorder but I started a second round of Insanity on monday and I felt the same as you with my first round about the second month being really hard. I also had to move my workouts to the evening. It was just too hard to do that early in the morning!! If I were you I would buy a protein drink to…
  • You're doing awesome! I feel the same way as you about the scale, I've been doing Insanity for 7 weeks now and I don't even think I've lost 5 lbs but I can tell I've lost inches(not measuring until I'm done) my jeans are so much looser and my love handles are disappearing. I hate the scale :)
  • Good for you! I've had two kids also and gained a lot of weight with each so after I lose it with diet and exercise I too am planning to get my stomach fixed. I'm not one of those lucky women who popped right back into normal shape after pregnancy. I agree that no amount of diet and exercise will attach the skin back to…
  • Yep I have to get up that early 3 days a week and it really sucks lol. I only have 3 weeks left and I'm finding it hard to get myself motivated too. I was almost thinking about getting some sort of pre-workout supplement to give me some energy! I just keep thinking I've come this far so I CANT QUIT NOW. We can do it!!!
  • Good for you! It bothers my knees too :(
  • I'm the same as you, I started the recovery week yesterday. I'm really scared for the next month 2!! I can still barely make it through month 1 workouts.
  • I've heard lots of people say that in the first month of insanity we are building muscle and we won't start seeing dramatic results until month 2. I didn't lose a single pound in month 1 but have noticed that my jeans are looser and I feel more toned. I just started month 2 yesterday so let's hope I start seeing the scale…
  • I start month 2 today also. I was kind of like you for the first month, I still ate healthy and cut out junk food and fast food but didn't follow the nutrition plan exactly. I didn't notice much difference either. A little, but not what you'd expect for how hard the workouts are so this month I'm going to watch my sugar…
  • Hi I'm Kristin, 30 years old with two kids ages 6 and 8. Just trying to finally get the extra pounds off that I packed on while pregnant SIX YEARS AGO lol. Right now I weigh 130 lbs and I'm 5"2. I just finished month 1 of Insanity and am ready to start month 2 tomorrow!!!!
  • I read the about drinking chocolate milk after a work out also but when I actually looked at the nutritional info on the chocolate milk, it has a ton of sugar in one serving so I bought premier protein drinks at costco. The chocolate flavor tastes just like chocolate milk. They have 30 grams of protein and only 1 gram of…
  • I'm two days away from being done with week 4 and on to recovery week! I feel awesome and I finally got a HRM so I can log my workouts on here. It's amazing how many calories we burn during insanity. I'm a little scared of month two. I'm still struggling with making it through the entire work outs in month one, I can only…
  • I think I'll try it barefoot and if that doesn't help then I'll get a mat! Thanks for the advice
    in knee pain Comment by braykay23 May 2012
  • Awesome job!!! I'm only on day 19, I hope I have similar results!!
  • I'm currently on day 19 and I've only lost 2lbs but my clothes feel a little looser and overall I feel better! It is extremely hard and the first week I thought I might die but it gets a little more tolerable lol. I feel like a champ after I complete a workout though!! I've heard the same thing about the muscles retaining…
  • Yep I'm still on track. I haven't noticed much difference on the scale yet but I feel like my jeans are a little loose. I'm on day 19 today. I haven't really been taking my "day off" I've been doing the cardio abs on that day instead because I've had two kids so I feel like my core is non existent!!!
  • I did the 30DS a couple years ago before I went to Mexico and I was pretty satisfied with my results. I also have Jillians no more throuble zones and metabilism booster I think it's called. Right now I'm on day 18 of the Insanity program (available on and I have to say it is my favorite so far. It's…
  • I started 3 weeks ago and I was the same, hadn't worked out in months and plus I wasn't eating very healthy. I won't lie, the first day I felt like I was going to throw up and had to stop and put my head in between my legs several times but I kept going and by the 2nd or 3rd work out I started feeling a little better.…
  • I'm doing the same thing. Making my own meals but basically the same kind of foods as they have on the meal plan. It seems to be working!
  • That does sound like a lot. I'm on day 5 of insanity and my calculations told me 1750 calories a day. I think it depends on your age height and weight. I'm 30, 5ft 2 in and weigh 132lbs
  • I agree that doing it in the morning is hard. I have a wierd work schedule and two kids so when I have to do it in the morning I drink a protein shake first and that helps a little. Otherwise I do it after work. I usually make my family dinner and work out while they're eating since I cant eat what they are anyways!!! Life…