

  • GNC Wheybolic Extreme Chocolate Shake 3 scoops, 60g protein and 280 cals!
  • OMG, what an inspiring story!!! This would be a good intro for this site or any other site for weight loss.! Congrats on dropping the weight and feeling good about it all the while inspiring others to do the same.
  • Sounds like you have this down to a tee!!! It is not as easy for me to grasp the different portion stuff like what you are doing so I want to congradulate you on your success. If I have trouble maintaining then I will have to get ahold of you to teach me how to do that.
  • I worked out following the program, but ditched the menu. I use this site to track the amount of calories I consume in one day. It says I need to consume 1200 calories a day (with out exercising) and what ever exercise I do only adds to the number of calories I can consume in one day. So for example today: I did Plyo but…
  • I love the P90X!!! Plain and simple. I was 9 months postpardum with baby #2 when DH (dear hubby) and I started. I gained 65lbs with her and my husband gained 50lbs. We are not finished but both had met our weight goal in less than 90days. I found with this program by following the menu I was consuming too many calories. I…
  • Sorry to hear they are falling out of favor in other people's homes, but not mine!!!!! We love them and we have made a life altering decision to become healthy and drop the weight we put on. Like everyone else who has commented on this, they help us not to feel deprived.
  • sounds good:tongue:
  • 2cups of Malt O Meal Marshmallow Mateys no milk, 230cal. Was craving them from last night and could not resist!
  • DH and I are both doing the Classic and are in Phase III. He lost almost 50lbs and I have lost 23lbs. We started out using the food and nutrition guide but it started to be too much food for me, so I found this site and was able to shred off the fat. I only have about 12lbs left to go or until I fit into my skinny jeans…
  • Do you like Salmon?? I baked a Salmon filet 15min at 400 degrees. Sprikle some lemon pepper, salt and garlic powder ove the top and bake. I also like roasted veggies, In a baking sheet with sides place mushrooms, onions, red bell peppers and orange bell peppers, and tomatos. Drizzle with EVOO (Extra Virgin Olive Oil),…
  • Wow:noway: godsgirl, you've done it again!! These posts are amazing. I found myself tearing up and wanting to workout while reading this, what a motivational thread! Cheers to all you beautiful, healthy amazing women and men who posted here! We do deserve it!!!:drinker:
  • My top 5 are: 1. My wedding ring almost fits 2. I need to hear my husband tell me how beautiful I look and chase me around the house again. 3. I want to play outside with my children without being winded. 4. I want to set a good example for my little girls 5. Drum roll please......AND NUMBER 5 IS......for me. I want to…
  • I know how you feel....I probally do this two weekends a month and the only way I get back on track is I pull out my skinny jeans and try to put them on. When I can not get them zipped up I get my motivation back, grit my teeth and remind myself that I will not be the fat mom at the pool this year!!! You can do it, pull…
  • I have a tendancy to agree with adopt4 and believe you prob are not consuming enough calories. If you do seem to have other symptoms as described above go to the doc, you could be sick and not know it yet. Keep in mind if you are not doing well; monitor your symptoms for at least 7 days with out a fever, than see a doc…
  • :noway: Wow!!! That is amazing, I am sooo very happy for you! Take the day to relish in your accomplishments and then back to the grind tomorrow!!:smile: At that pace you will be at 63 before you know it!
  • Wow!! I had no idea that work out burned that many calories!!! DH(Dear Hubby) and I did not buy the HRM because of the cost involved. Thank you for the insight. We are also in phase III. I think when we are finished with this round I will try the P90X lean and see what I come up with.
  • If you are having trouble sticking to your 1200 calorie limit, try using some foods from GNC. I use the Wheybolic Extreme 60 for breakfast, and the Detour Protine Bar as a meal replacement for lunch on those busy days. A WORD OF CAUTION!!! Do not use this as your primary source of food all the time, you will get sick of…
  • I was not sure how to record or even calculate how many calories I was burning doing the rest of the workouts, so I was just winging it. If you would teach me how to calculate that I would greatly appreciate it. I think that would also help me to get motivated to loose the last 13lbs in the next 5weeks. I have been feeling…
  • The only workouts I record are the ab ripper, kenpox and plyometrics. Plyo is heavy aerobics, kenpox is light and abripper is light aerobics. I do record other things I do throughout the day like cleaning the house, mowing the lawn, gardening, and playing golf. Keep in mind when recording all this stuff if you put anything…
  • If you have the money to buy it I would suggest the P90X program. I was 9 months postpardum with #2 and about 35lbs left to go. I have not exercised since I was in Junior High (how sad!!!) and my husband was about 50lbs over what he is normally. We blame it all on the pregnancy but we all know we just let go. Anyway to…
  • I have the merina and I love it. I do not notice any side affects and feel the freedom of not having to remember to take the pill. I also do not have the bloating and weight swings as it did with the pill. I took one form or another of pill for almost 10 years and it was not good for me. After I made the decision to stop…
  • I found when I do more weight lifting I burn more calories and sweat more than when I do cardio. It then shows on the scale. Some suggestions would be pull ups, pushups and lighter dumb bells. That is what works for me. Good Luck
  • My husband and I are doing P90X together and we are just starting week number 3 for us.:tongue:
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