Is this normal?

jtintx Posts: 445 Member
edited September 19 in Fitness and Exercise
Every now and then I'll have a day or two in which I just can't seem to do anything. For example, Sunday I did a moderate bike ride. I got home, showered and then slept in my recliner the rest of the day, awaking only a few times, and then slept soundly all night. Got up Sunday and did a really hard ride and then again slept off and on all afternoon and slept like a rock all night. Do any of you have days like that? I just feel totally exhausted and have absolutely no strength or desire to do anything but sleep. Is this normal or something I should look into?


  • agarlits
    agarlits Posts: 429 Member
    Sounds like the time I had Mono
  • heather0mc
    heather0mc Posts: 4,656 Member
    i would mention it to your doc. i am no expert, but depression has those sort of symptoms. however, it could be your body wanting to heal itself after hard work outs. diet plays a big part in energy and our bodies are pretty smart when it comes to knowing when it is time to rest. but like i said, talk to your doc - that is what they are there for! :flowerforyou:
  • abr25
    abr25 Posts: 179
    Does your throat hurt at all? And watch out for a fever...if you continue to have these symptoms GO to your doctor as soon as you can. I am just recovering from mono and was alwaysssss tired. Better to get tested than be sorry!
  • adopt4
    adopt4 Posts: 970 Member
    I do that when I do a lot of extra exercise I"m not used to. I also get very tired when I am not eating enough. Make sure you are eating well before you do your exercise, that you have plenty of protein and carbs before you exercise, and also fill up with protein after exercise so your muscles can recuperate.
  • likes2bwet
    likes2bwet Posts: 275 Member
    I was kinda the same way. I think because it was a 3 day weekend and my routine got thrown off and I felt overwhelmed by things I wanted/should do. I was a little productive, but ate horribly then felt bad. Biut it is OK, I know that I can re-group and re-focus and maybe my body just needed a catch up on everything day with no worries...I am much better and good to go again today...WAHOO, GO FITNESS!! :drinker:
  • kariadams
    kariadams Posts: 24
    I have a tendancy to agree with adopt4 and believe you prob are not consuming enough calories. If you do seem to have other symptoms as described above go to the doc, you could be sick and not know it yet. Keep in mind if you are not doing well; monitor your symptoms for at least 7 days with out a fever, than see a doc otherwise they will try something and see you back in a week. good luck and remember your body does have to recover and it needs fuel, so remember to eat right and take vitiamins.:wink:
  • jtintx
    jtintx Posts: 445 Member
    This has been going on for usually happens about every 2 to 3 months. I mentioned it to my doc awhile back and asked about chronic fatigue and he said that if I was able to go out and exercise for an hour and a half that it was not chronic fatigue....that I wouldn't be able to do that with CFS. He didn't say anything else and I let it go. But now I'm wondering if I should bring it up again. It just doesn't seem normal for someone to sleep that much.
  • jtintx
    jtintx Posts: 445 Member
    bump - hoping for some more input. I do plan on talking with my doc about this but since my previous doc kind of blew me off I need to figure out how to approach this. I remember this starting back in college - a LOOONG time ago!
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    mono does have these side effects but so does increasing your exercise, and stress!

    I find that I am tired about an hour after I do a hard workout. If I am tired enough I lay down and set an alarm for 45 minutes and when I get up I am usually ready to go. Too much sleep can actually make you sleepy so the catch is to get just enough and listen to your body.

    If you have symptoms of illness go see your doctor.
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