Birth Control Pill

MissesOfficer Posts: 368
edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss
Any other women on one? I'm sure lots probably are.... do you find they hinder your success? I'm taking one that's a progestin only pill and it is known to cause weight gain, just like the ones with estrogen. Darn things... I wonder how much it holds me back?


  • Any other women on one? I'm sure lots probably are.... do you find they hinder your success? I'm taking one that's a progestin only pill and it is known to cause weight gain, just like the ones with estrogen. Darn things... I wonder how much it holds me back?
  • have you having sexual """"""""""""'sex"""?
  • manda1111
    manda1111 Posts: 113
    I am too. I noticed when I first started taking it a few years ago that I gained about 15lbs. I haven't been trying to lose weight for very long but I do think it will matter when I get to that last 15.
  • shannahrose
    shannahrose Posts: 585 Member
    i wonder this too and am planning on asking my doc when i go in for my annual physical next thursday. i've been on it for about a year, but i want to know if there are different brands of BC that make you gain more weight than others...??
  • Pattyisgr8
    Pattyisgr8 Posts: 104 Member
    I lost about 25lbs (was 165lbs) five years ago, then I started taking the pill and ballooned up to 207 (my max) over those five years. Do I blame it on the pill sure, thats easy, but I also met my husband then and stopped trying to maintain/ lose weight. I went back to drinking soda and fast food which I gave up when I was losing.

    I spoke to my OBGYN last yr and she had me tested for hormone levels and thyroid problems but all came back pretty normal. So I can blame the pill, but I also have been trying to lose weight and watch what I put in my body for the last 6 weeks and have lost 13lbs! When I get back down to 165 I bet it will be hard to get past there but I know it will happen, if I keep trying!

    Best of lock,hope it helps, I have also been a big girl throughout my school life, but I want to be at a healthy weight for my 5'2 frame and try to start a family. So YES I am sexually active!
  • I have been on some type of pill for the last 6 years, but there was one period of 6 months that I went off of it due to health problems related to it. When I went off the pill (which at the time I was on an estrogen + progestin pill), within the first few days my jacket was much looser around my tummy. Could have been bloating from it, not to sure. Now I am on just the progestin pill (estrogen was what caused problems for me -- blood clots in both lungs). My Dr. suggested the IUD device that works without hormones, the copper in it creates a negative environment for the "little guys" and they die before they get anywhere and because it is not a hormonal device, it does not mess with anything in your body, I may try it out.
  • soxygirl
    soxygirl Posts: 173
    I strongly recommend the non-hormonal IUD . . . I have used it for over a year now, with no side effects. As with anything, our bodies are smart enough to react to a change in chemical balance. When we add a bunch of hormones to our blood stream that are not naturally supposed to be there, the body will react the best way it knows how to survive -- and one survival mechanism for our bodies is storing fat and water.
  • if you would feel more comfortable using a form of birth control that is not hormonal, then by all means do what will work best for you. but i have been on several different kinds of hormone-related birth control pills over the last few years, and would not contribute any weight gain to bc. in fact, i lost 45 lbs last year, while taking it. (i didn't gain it back either... i just recently joined mfp cuz i'm back to finish what i started)

    good luck with whatever you choose to do!
  • kariadams
    kariadams Posts: 24
    I have the merina and I love it. I do not notice any side affects and feel the freedom of not having to remember to take the pill. I also do not have the bloating and weight swings as it did with the pill. I took one form or another of pill for almost 10 years and it was not good for me. After I made the decision to stop taking it I feel much better and the mood swings it caused are gone too. Love the Merina, good luck to you.
  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    IUD's are usually only given to women who have had children before because their cervix has been stretched out during childbirth. If you've never had a child before I hear it's a B*TCH to get in and EXTREMELY painful.

    I'm looking forward to my IUD........AFTER I have kids though cuz I'm a wimp. :bigsmile:

    Right now I'm on YAZ and I :heart: it. It has a diuretic in the pill so it fights weight gain and bloating. It's by far the best BCP I've been on and I have been on just about ALL of them!
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    the reason the pill is known for causing weight gain is because the increased hormones in your system make you feel muchies... if you stick to your calorie goals, the pill has no power to "make" you gain weight. it just stimulates your urges to eat (it is tricking your body into believing you are preggo, so biologically, your body thinks.... EAT!) So as long as you don't go over on calories you cannot gain weight. It doesn't appear from nowhere:bigsmile:

    I have been on the pill for 15 years, no problems.
  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    the reason the pill is known for causing weight gain is because the increased hormones in your system make you feel muchies... if you stick to your calorie goals, the pill has no power to "make" you gain weight. it just stimulates your urges to eat (it is tricking your body into believing you are preggo, so biologically, your body thinks.... EAT!) So as long as you don't go over on calories you cannot gain weight. It doesn't appear from nowhere:bigsmile:

    I have been on the pill for 15 years, no problems.

    See now for me I don't think that's true. I've been on all different types and levels and there are for sure some out there that add on an extra 5 pounds. I didn't eat ANY differently and there it was. Seasonale is definitely one of those.
  • levans
    levans Posts: 15
    IUD's are usually only given to women who have had children before because their cervix has been stretched out during childbirth. If you've never had a child before I hear it's a B*TCH to get in and EXTREMELY painful.

    I'm looking forward to my IUD........AFTER I have kids though cuz I'm a wimp. :bigsmile:

    Right now I'm on YAZ and I :heart: it. It has a diuretic in the pill so it fights weight gain and bloating. It's by far the best BCP I've been on and I have been on just about ALL of them!

    During pregnancy the cervix dilates and it also dilates during menstruation. An IUD is usually inserted during menstruation when the cervix is dilated. I had a c-section because my cervix wouldn't dilate past 3 cm (full dilation is 10cm) so my cervix wasn't "stretched". I was told my IUD, Paraguard (the non-hormonal device), would last for 10 years and could be taken out anytime if I wanted to get pregnant again. I've had no issues and would recommend an IUD to anyone.
  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    IUD's are usually only given to women who have had children before because their cervix has been stretched out during childbirth. If you've never had a child before I hear it's a B*TCH to get in and EXTREMELY painful.

    I'm looking forward to my IUD........AFTER I have kids though cuz I'm a wimp. :bigsmile:

    Right now I'm on YAZ and I :heart: it. It has a diuretic in the pill so it fights weight gain and bloating. It's by far the best BCP I've been on and I have been on just about ALL of them!

    During pregnancy the cervix dilates and it also dilates during menstruation. An IUD is usually inserted during menstruation when the cervix is dilated. I had a c-section because my cervix wouldn't dilate past 3 cm (full dilation is 10cm) so my cervix wasn't "stretched". I was told my IUD, Paraguard (the non-hormonal device), would last for 10 years and could be taken out anytime if I wanted to get pregnant again. I've had no issues and would recommend an IUD to anyone.

    I want one because of the convenience but then I've heard some scary things from friends like their uterus being punctured and their boyfriends being poked by it during sex.
  • Lynn661
    Lynn661 Posts: 28
    IUD's are usually only given to women who have had children before because their cervix has been stretched out during childbirth. If you've never had a child before I hear it's a B*TCH to get in and EXTREMELY painful.

    I'm looking forward to my IUD........AFTER I have kids though cuz I'm a wimp. :bigsmile:

    Right now I'm on YAZ and I :heart: it. It has a diuretic in the pill so it fights weight gain and bloating. It's by far the best BCP I've been on and I have been on just about ALL of them!

    During pregnancy the cervix dilates and it also dilates during menstruation. An IUD is usually inserted during menstruation when the cervix is dilated. I had a c-section because my cervix wouldn't dilate past 3 cm (full dilation is 10cm) so my cervix wasn't "stretched". I was told my IUD, Paraguard (the non-hormonal device), would last for 10 years and could be taken out anytime if I wanted to get pregnant again. I've had no issues and would recommend an IUD to anyone.

    I want one because of the convenience but then I've heard some scary things from friends like their uterus being punctured and their boyfriends being poked by it during sex.

    I've had 3 c-sections and a tubal. If I were to do it all again, I think I would try an IUD. I've never heard of those complications mentioned earlier but I did some research on tubals and IUDs before deciding on the tubal.
    More cramping and heavier bleeding during periods were two of the side effects. I can vouch for it. .....with the tubal anyway.:grumble:
    But I'll take that over the mood swings I had on the pill:explode: .... my husband prefers it too. :tongue:
  • bluroses
    bluroses Posts: 90 Member
    I take the LoestrinFe and have never noticed any weight-related side effects from it.
  • watch48win
    watch48win Posts: 1,668 Member
    any thoughts on the shot? Deprova (sp?) I think is what the name is get a shot every 3 months....
  • paldal
    paldal Posts: 154
    I take the LoestrinFe and have never noticed any weight-related side effects from it.

    I'm on the loestrin 24 too. It's supposed to have less estrogen in it (hence the name)....I haven't had any mood swings, weight gain or anything realated to usual BC.
  • loreeb18
    loreeb18 Posts: 1,221 Member
    I used to be on Yasmin. I had problems with depression for several months after starting it. After my daugher was born last September I went on Yaz but I had spotting. So the doctor switched me to Ocella (generic Yasmin) and I've been good since then. I didn't notice any difference in my weight with any of the 3 of them.
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