Calling all P90Xers

annhjk Posts: 794 Member
edited September 19 in Fitness and Exercise
Just thought I'd start a thread to see where everyone is in the program. I know we have a couple of threads, and probably some new people that might not have found the threads yet.

1st Round, phase 2, starting week 6 tomorrow.


  • annhjk
    annhjk Posts: 794 Member
    Just thought I'd start a thread to see where everyone is in the program. I know we have a couple of threads, and probably some new people that might not have found the threads yet.

    1st Round, phase 2, starting week 6 tomorrow.
  • BR1986FB
    BR1986FB Posts: 1,515 Member
    I start my final week of round 1, week 13, tomorrow.
  • ericpaci
    ericpaci Posts: 8
    Round 1 week 3 starts tomorrow.

    Doing the classic program + By plus I mean I am running 3.5 - 5 miles on all of my resistance days (days 1, 3, 5) and either on Kenpo day or rest day.

    Having trouble consuming enough calories. How much is too little?
  • annhjk
    annhjk Posts: 794 Member
    I'm not sure, but I know my husband struggles too. Could be why he isn't dropping much weight.

    How tall are you? what does the p90x program have you at?
  • ldumaua
    ldumaua Posts: 17
    Just ordered mine yesterday....waiting for it to arrive and I will get started. I'm sick with a cold so hopefully, I'll be fully recovered by the time it gets here! I'm ready! I will take some before pictures and try to get those up soon (even though I am VERY camera shy)! I'm so glad to have found this board!

    ; ) Lisa
  • amunet07
    amunet07 Posts: 1,245 Member
    I am intrigued by this program... I haven't even finished my new Wii MyFitnessCoach before I bought 30 Day Shred and now an interested in p90x. Where did you get yours, how much did it cost and where do you get the pull up bar??? And other misc questions...
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    You know I'm here! Not doing a full rotation but of course Ab Ripper X 3 days a week, and the weight training!! :bigsmile:
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    I am intrigued by this program... I haven't even finished my new Wii MyFitnessCoach before I bought 30 Day Shred and now an interested in p90x. Where did you get yours, how much did it cost and where do you get the pull up bar??? And other misc questions...

    It is awesome! You can order from any Team Beachbody coach (my info in profile if interested). It is $120 and comes with 12 DVD's that will whip you into shape all while working out at home. :bigsmile: I have the P90X chinup bar as well, but I know some people have bought ones at sporting goods stores. Send me a msg if you have more questions! :wink:
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Round 1 week 3 starts tomorrow.

    Doing the classic program + By plus I mean I am running 3.5 - 5 miles on all of my resistance days (days 1, 3, 5) and either on Kenpo day or rest day.

    Having trouble consuming enough calories. How much is too little?

    You really need to make sure you're eating enough if your'e running also! Are you training for something or just running because you like it?
  • kariadams
    kariadams Posts: 24
    My husband and I are doing P90X together and we are just starting week number 3 for us.:tongue:
  • amunet07
    amunet07 Posts: 1,245 Member
    What kind of results is everybody seeing? or not. And how quickly if you do seem them, what what kind of results?? Is it as dramatic as the commercials?
  • BR1986FB
    BR1986FB Posts: 1,515 Member
    What kind of results is everybody seeing? or not. And how quickly if you do seem them, what what kind of results?? Is it as dramatic as the commercials?

    I have one week left and I'm projecting 42-45 lbs lost with a 20% (from 34% to 14%) bodyfat reduction. I've also dropped from a size 48 jean to a 36.
  • annhjk
    annhjk Posts: 794 Member
    Jess - I was hoping I wasn't stepping on your toes. I just figured I see where everyone is at.
  • annhjk
    annhjk Posts: 794 Member
    What kind of results is everybody seeing? or not. And how quickly if you do seem them, what what kind of results?? Is it as dramatic as the commercials?

    I finished week 5 and with following the nutrition plan, I've lost about 5 lb and 2% body fat in just over a month. My clothes fit different and my husband is starting to notice the changes too.
  • 2nd round, ending phase 2 w/a recovery week next.
  • sandy429
    sandy429 Posts: 2,779 Member
    Three rounds done. I'm currently doing P90X+, Week 1, Day 7.

    Female, 37, 5'9", 120 lbs, 14% bodyfat.

    LOVE IT!!
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Jess - I was hoping I wasn't stepping on your toes. I just figured I see where everyone is at.

    No way, girl! I'm thrilled to see how everyone is doing!! :flowerforyou:
  • ericpaci
    ericpaci Posts: 8
    Well... I am 5'7 and weigh 149. My weight is in the "healthy" range according to BMI charts online. I just gotta get rid of this bit-o-chub around my gut! ;) According to the P90X nutrition guide, my energy level is 2400 (this doesn't include the extra running I' am doing. If so I need to add another 300-500 calories). This is the lowest level 2 possible. I think I must be misunderstanding something because it is just not possible for me to consume 2400 calories in a day without eating some really fattening bad stuff.

    I added up the portion calories for a level 1 and get around 1600 calories. A level 2, if I'm not mistaken, adds up to 2180 calories. This site says I needed 2300 today (I just did yoga on my rest day, at a studio not yoga X) and 2700 yesterday (did kenpo and ran 3.5 mi.). Even if I go and eat a half pint of Ben and Jerry's I will still be at 1353 calories for today, a deficit of 900.

    I've been eating whole grains instead of the whites I used to and have tried to cut back on the pasta dishes, being Italian that is very difficult. I have been drinking GNC's wheybolic extreme 60every morning and thirty min before my workouts and 30 min after. that is juicing up the protein by 180g. I've also been eating a ton of chicken, sick of it already! I am finding conflicting reports online about how much protein is enough/too much.

    Thanks for any help/advice you can offer!
  • ericpaci
    ericpaci Posts: 8
    I quit smoking a couple months ago and started running whenever I had the urge. I started P90X after seeing the results my sister had. She was quite fit to start with, a marathon runner and tri-athlete.

    I'm not training for anything specifically...yet. I am considering running the Chicago marathon with my G/F tin October if I can swing it.

    So to answer your question....I guess I'm running cuz I like it. I figure it will help me burn the chub off that much faster. I don't have a lot, I'm 5'7 and weigh 149. Any advice with regards to protein intake, etc would be appreciated.

  • tracy24
    tracy24 Posts: 188
    round 1 phase 2 week 6!!!!
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