New to P90X

HelloSunshine Posts: 135
edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss
Happy Thursday Everyone!

I started on this site a while back but kind of fell off the wagon for the last couple of months so now i am jumping back on strong. I just ordered P90X and I should be receiving in the mail tomorrow. I have heard some good feedback on this program from friends.

Anyone on here using the program with success?
Any tips or hints?

Thanks all for your support :flowerforyou:


  • kariadams
    kariadams Posts: 24
    DH and I are both doing the Classic and are in Phase III. He lost almost 50lbs and I have lost 23lbs. We started out using the food and nutrition guide but it started to be too much food for me, so I found this site and was able to shred off the fat. I only have about 12lbs left to go or until I fit into my skinny jeans again. Also we found the workouts can be very frustrating if you can not perform like they do, but if you keep moving you will get the hang of it pretty quickly and feel better for having done so. Not sure what else you need, but if you ever need a workout buddy you can PM me or join Good luck with your journey and congradulations for taking the first step to living a more rich, happy and healthy life.
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Don't get frustrated if you can't do everything in the program. The exercises are tough!!! But, it does get easier as you become stronger (and lighter). Soreness is going to be a definite issue at least in the beginning. Stay with it, push through it, eat right, and you will succeed!

    One more thing...this is real FITNESS program. Weight loss is a by-product.
  • smithiekat
    smithiekat Posts: 112 Member
    i have a question about p90x as well:

    i know it comes with a nutrition guide as well. what exactly does this entail? are they recipes we are supposed to follow? designated days for certain proteins? i ask because i am about to go back to school full time and money will be tight (even more tight than it has been) and i tend to NOT splurge at the grocery store (lots of chicken and beef for us. hardly ever fish, shrimp etc.). any insight will be helpful.

  • I'm walking proof that Not only is p90X a great program but ALL the Beach Body workout's WORK ! You will never try another FAD workout or Diet again !

    I went from a size 24-26 to a size 4-6.. I am now a size 8 but feel good where I'm at. I lost over 130 lbs. I want to lose about 15 more !

    Congrats !!!! You are making a life changing decision ! One you will NEVER look back from :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    you can read about my story at
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    I'm doing P90X with much success. I'm finishing off the trail end of Phase 2, going into recovery week next week. It's a completely new experience for me and it's been a great ride so far.

    As for advice, keep on moving regardless of how well you think you are doing. I was a total noob to fitness and was certain I wasn't doing nearly enough of each workout every day. But I am getting better quickly and the results have been dramatic regardless.

    Some people can lose pounds really fast but don't worry if the scale doesn't want to budge at first. If you look at my photos, you'll see that the pounds are changing very slowly but my body is transforming a lot! So eat whatever the nutrition guide tells you to regardless of what the scale says.

    The first phase of the nutrition has you eating 30% carbs, 50% protein, and 20% fat. So start playing around with the calorie counter to find out how to work that in with your current foods. Almost all of us are using protein powder to help get the protein grams up because it's a lot of food otherwise. Expect to eat at least 1800 calories, though it might be more.
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