

  • Congratulations.. you look amazing!
  • Well, sounds like you should be trainning me!!! All of the info shared by me has been given to me by certified trainers...guess I just shouldn't trust or pay trainers anymore :sad:
  • Thanks for replying, I'm on a natural whole foods, no-unnatural sugar diet. I eat lots of fish, veggies, fruits, the occasional chicken breast and the once in a blue moon steak/red meat. I only eat breads/grains/pasta/rice that are made with wheat flour, corn flour, 100% whole wheat (not enriched) which has limited my…
  • The number key is diet, what are you eating? Then, as I've been told by trainers, you should have non-cardio day's where all your'e doing is strength training, and on cardio day's you should do 45mins to 1hr of cardio. Adding cycling classes or zumba style classes can be on your cardio day's just to change it up, also,…
  • Hello and welcome, I've been on MFP for 2.5 months and I'd love to be an encouragement to you!! I'll send you a friend request!
  • I love natural/no-salt almonds (good brain food/give you energy), I'll pack baby carrots in a snack bag and take 1 tablespoon of natural peanut butter in a container as a snack combo, hummus and celery is great, the "original" no sugar rice cakes are great to spread peanut butter or hummus on, I also love chedder cheese…
  • LOL....I can relate!!
  • You look amazing!!! Your so lucky to be 5'10"...I'm 5'2" and you see every ounce gained :wink: . Awesome job and thanks for sharing!!
  • Hello Daanis, I just started 2 months ago and I'd love to share the journey with you! Please add me since I don't know how to add people to my page!!! Remeber it's one day at a time, we didn't gain the weight overnight and we're not going to loose it overnight but, with perseverance and determination we can reach our…
  • Wow, you look amazing...I need tips so please add me as a friend so I can learn some of the things you've done to get to where you are today!! Aida
  • My name is Aida and I need support as well, please add me as I don't know how to add people!
  • Hi Maggie, I'd love to be your Pal but I don't know how to add people :sad: ..can someone help me?
    in Needs Pals! Comment by avega12 May 2012
  • Congratulations!!! I've been struggling with just a 9lb lost in 2 and 1/2 months however, I decided to step up my game and change some eating habits, I hope to fit my Christmas Jeans by my birthday this september!!