ScottyLikesCake Member


  • Thanks :0) After my first week I've found no TE's, so fingers crossed it stays that way. I've only lost half a pound this week but when I've started diets before I seem to take a week or so before I really start to see any loss so I'm quite happy with that as a start. I know exactly what you mean about logging what you…
  • Hi, I started taking Alli a little over a week ago and so far have had none of the listed treatment effects. I must confess I spent my first few days worrying if what I had eaten in the couple of days before starting the plan was going to cause problems - I know the info in the Alli box says to change your diet before…
  • Thanks guys, my son will happily drink milk but my daughter won't touch the stuff. I'm really trying to push water but we are in temporary accomodation at the moment (thankfully our house will be ready in a couple of weeks) and the tap water is pretty foul. I've just been out and bought some small bottles of mineral water…
  • Nuts and seeds are good sources of protein, Soy (tofu, soya yoghurt, soy beans edemame beans) are a great protein source. Some vegetables including broccoli, cabbage, brussels sprouts, mustard greens - basically brasiccas and dark green vegetables. Lots of grains including rice, buckwheat, rye, wild rice, quinoa.
  • I need some help with this too - I guess it's a common problem.
  • I should cut down my coffee but as I've reduced so many other "treats" I still allow myself this one.
  • I've never really been a big fan of soda but I do have the occassional diet coke - maybe once or twice a fortnight. I drink fizzy water, never used to like it but seem to have developed a taste, cofee with skimmed milk and tea without sugar. I have cut out fruit juice - I have the odd glass now and again as a treat but…
  • Weight Watchers have a range of wines - I've never tried any of them so couldn't comment on the flavour - I also don't know how low calorie they actually are. A good general rule for wine (probably applies to beer and cider as well) is that the lower the alcohol content the lower the calorie content. Since wine bottles in…
  • You could always try a white wine spritzer (personally I think they're a waste of good wine but some people like them :wink: ).
  • I was told that there is an enzyme in bananas that can inhibit weight loss if your body metabolizes that particular enzyme, so some people find eating bananas slows down their weight loss. So it depends ont he individual. I haven't found this to be true for me as I love bananas and it's the wine and cake that effects my…
  • Have you tried San Pellegrino, I tend to add a slice of lemon if I am drinking it at home. I'm not a fan of the minerally taste of some fizzy waters but I quite like this one.
  • I haven't tried fasting as I know that my will power would give out and I would end up binging. I did try a kick start day of just eating fruit (no bananas though) and found it made little noticable difference to my weight loss during that week but just left me really empty feeling. I guess one day isn't really very…
  • Walking with crutches involves moving your arms far more than just slow walking and all that extra movemoent burns extra calories. It's the same with Nordic Walking, using poles gives a full body workout and burns much more energy than just brisk walking.
  • For steady maintainable weight loss you should aim for 1 - 2lbs a week which most people can achieve eating between 1200 and 1500 calories a day depending on fitness levels. If you are breastfeeding you will need to take in an extra 300 calories a day to make sure your body is able to produce enough quality food for your…
  • It is possible that if youhave had a dramatic change in your eating habits our body has gone into panic mode and is holding on to the weight as it thinks it's not going to get enough nutrients. This is quite common when starting a weight loss programme. Make sure you drink plenty of fluids, eat enough calories for your…
  • I also live yoghurt (fat free) and fruit - I use a little vanilla or cinnamon to sweeten the yoghurt as I find lain yoghurt can be a bit sour. I also love eggs - can't bring myself to go without the yolk, I think the flavour is so worth the extra calories. Poached is my favourite but will take them anyway they come :smile:
  • If you are working out loads and not taking in enough water you will not lose weight. Make sure you drink plenty as well as eating well.
  • Lean meat in moderate amounts is absolutely fine however, there is some evidence that corn fed cattle produce beef that is higher in saturated fats than grass fed cattle so it might be wise to not eat it every day unless you can be sure of it's provenance.
  • That's not cricket is it?
  • Thanks, I'm quite nervous - my mum lives nearby and she helps out loads with the kids, so it's going to be quite a wrench. I've been advised to take classes, join a gym etc so that I meet other adults and don't centre my whole life around the kids which I think is good advice. Right now I'm a bit shell shocked by the whole…
  • Thanks, that's what I suspected. :smile:
  • I tend to eat really well for a couple of days (banking the calories/points) then try and make healthier choices. I love going to our local Indian but you're right the sauces are loaded with butter/cream/coconut and calories. Healthier options include tandoori cooked meats without sauce and plain rice instead of pilau.
  • Ooo, sounds like a grown up cream soda - yum.
  • I'm a wine drinker and have decided I'll just feel deprived if I cut it out so am not going to give up wine whilst I diet - I just have to be careful with my carb calories when I have a drink (and not drink so much I lose control and eat everything in sight:wink: )
  • Hi Cindy, I am half way through loosing the 2 stone I gained after my second child was born. It's taken me ages and I joined here to try and give myself a bit of a kick start again. Hope we can give each other some support (I'm also in the UK) - I've sent a friend request. Lesley
  • It is possible water retention may effect bloating around your stomach area which can effect your waist measurement. Mine can go up 2 inches just before my period which is disheartening when trying to lose weight, but it goes back down again. Measure regularly (but not too frequently) over a period of time and see if there…
  • If it's not homemade you can have it anytime you want - so tell yourself you can have some another day and not ruin your plans for today. If it's homemade then go with the sneezing option.
  • The 100g pack weight is the dry weight of the noodles. Once cooked they will weigh more because they will absorb water, which is what the 1/2 pack calories relates too. It does sound confusing.
  • I have been carrying round the extra weight since my last child was born too. I got a nasty shock 12 months ago when my usual size wasn't only too tight but the next size up was a bit on the neat side too. I've thrown away the stretchy pants - you can't tell how much bigger your getting until it's too late and am slowly…
  • Consistently eating well below your calorie goal and exercising will slow your weight lose. You've made a fabulous start but big loses are not maintainable and a slow steady weight lose is better for your body and will be eaier to maintain in the long run. Initially you will probably find you have a few weeks of big loses…