hello! getting started is the hardest part....

Hi all, been logging in for about 10 days now..it's time for a change and after having my second child I let myself gain too much
weight and I've had enough! I've been doing well with counting calories and exercise on myfitnesspal and thought I would say hello on the message boards. I live in the Uk and I'm looking to lose 2 stone (about 30 pounds) to start to get where I was when I had my daughter! I'm seeing a health trainer which is provided by the health system here ( you get 6 visits) and I have my 3rd visit on two weeks and really hope this time weight has come off!! Hoping to chat with others in the same situation.. it's always good to have support!!!



  • ScottyLikesCake
    ScottyLikesCake Posts: 54 Member
    Hi Cindy,

    I am half way through loosing the 2 stone I gained after my second child was born. It's taken me ages and I joined here to try and give myself a bit of a kick start again.

    Hope we can give each other some support (I'm also in the UK) - I've sent a friend request.

  • cindy1976
    Hi Lesley,
    Iknow what you mean, it has been horrible gaining all this weight after having my daughter since when I had her I was probably the
    smallest I'd been in ages.. Pregnancy was an instant diet plan for me....but not one I am doing again! LOL I'm still figuring out
    how to use this site! I've added a friend request for you as I couldn't find the one you sent! How long have you been on site trying?

  • carolinegeorgia
    good luck Cindy, stick with it no matter what and u will get there, I'm also from the UK :-)