going out to dinner!

How do u all cope with this? Normally i can make good choices, but im going to an after work dinner and we are off to an indian restaurant! eek! i know food is loaded with calories! although i make fairly healthier versions of this at home! So do u save all your points for the evening or is one night ok to go overboard? help!


  • ScottyLikesCake
    ScottyLikesCake Posts: 54 Member
    I tend to eat really well for a couple of days (banking the calories/points) then try and make healthier choices.

    I love going to our local Indian but you're right the sauces are loaded with butter/cream/coconut and calories.

    Healthier options include tandoori cooked meats without sauce and plain rice instead of pilau.
  • urquetto
    I agree - have tandoori cooked meats and ask for salad instead of rice. You can nibble on poppadoms too!!
  • Barelmy
    Barelmy Posts: 590 Member
    Try to look at the menu online, if possible, and get an idea of what you're going to order. Add that to your diary early, and plan the day around it. You can also aim to keep your average calories for the week below your limit, rather than today's, and get some light exercise in throughout the day to earn a few more.
  • ProTFitness
    ProTFitness Posts: 1,379 Member
    Eat healthy through the day starting with a large breakfest 300-400 calories. Then eating small snacks and a good lunch with a large salad with dark greens and veggie.ALso try a good snack before you go and hour or so. LIke a mozz stick with raw almonds. All this will help keep you satisfied and help prevent you from overeating. Portion control will be what you want to be mindfull of it there are not many healthy choices.

    NEVER GO INTO THE DINNER HUNGRY! THen have a good hard workout tomorrow.

    you will be good to go :o}
  • Barelmy
    Barelmy Posts: 590 Member
    Oh, a few more tips.

    Firstly, eat slowly. Take a sip of water between each bite, if it helps. Stop eating when you're full.

    I always get an urge to clear my plate, just because it's there, and it's paid for, and I can't really take it home. That's a bad instinct; restaurants always seriously overload their plates.
  • CARNAT22
    CARNAT22 Posts: 764 Member
    Avoid anything deep fried
    Gor for tomata based dishes (or better still tandori which is not in any kind of sauce)
    Go for plain rice
    Avioid the dips and poppudoms
    Drink water with meal
    Maybe have a little snack half an hour before you go so you are not starving and tempted to over-eat.

  • chuckanderson
    To be honest.... if you have the willpower, just forget about it as a one day lax. I do this maybe once every 2-3 weeks and as long as you don't let it ruin your normal system it's not going to hurt you at all.

    Think about it..... if you are REALLY 'binging' you might eat 1500-2000 calories there? That's 2 days of your normal program not even considering what you would normally eat for the night. Treat yourself to a night off :)
  • Mark_99
    I find that Chicken Shashlick (possibly spelt different at different restaurants) is very good. It is grilled/skewered chicken and vegetables namely red/green peppers onion and mushroom. It doesnt hava calorofic sauce with it and plain rice is a sensible option or salad. I would stay away from poppadoms though as from what i have researched they are very high in caloroes if they are cooked in fat (some of them are grilled dry no oil at all these are better for you but very dry lol). it is certainly my dish of choice if i am having an indian..................

    ENJOY :-)
  • chuckanderson
    I also really like the above tray - but be careful it's sometimes DOUSED in herbs. (some kind of minty taste?)
  • dawnslaughter
    steer clear of korma it is loaded with double the calories of a jalfreizi. go for the veg or chicken options, have boiled rice and under no circumstances have a Nam bread.

    but if i was you. i would just eat the meal enjoy it, and then start again from scratch the next tday. once in a blue moon wont hurt you , you are not doing it every week or every day
  • amuhlou
    amuhlou Posts: 693 Member
    If you are normally pretty good about keeping in your calorie range, one dinner will certainly not hurt. We normally go out to eat once a week, usually on the weekend, so I just try to get in an extra long workout to make up for it a little.
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    thanks everyone. i will prob just enjoy myself and start again the nexy day :)