
Ok thinking about trying the fasting for 24 hours I have herd a lot of people have tried it what do you think about it and has anyone here tried it if so what was your progress


  • lolo406
    lolo406 Posts: 71
    Im also curious about this
  • ScottyLikesCake
    ScottyLikesCake Posts: 54 Member
    I haven't tried fasting as I know that my will power would give out and I would end up binging.

    I did try a kick start day of just eating fruit (no bananas though) and found it made little noticable difference to my weight loss during that week but just left me really empty feeling.

    I guess one day isn't really very representative but I don't fancy doing it again.
  • russfrench
    On Jan 3rd I was 265 puonds. Today I'm 214! I have heard the best thing to do is to fast for twenty four hours 1 day a month. Im sure more than that would not be healthy. If you don't get at least 1200 calories per day your body will go into starvation mode and it won't burn calories it will hold on to them. Good luck:wink:
  • ski3r4life
    ski3r4life Posts: 206
    once in awhile why not???
  • ohohraptor
    ohohraptor Posts: 205 Member
    I've done it twice so far this week but only made it to 23 hours the first day and 20 the second. Unfortunately I did end up binging both times, I was STARVING. I've also had a hard time eating back the calories that I burned while fasting throughout the other days of the week. I weigh in Friday, so we'll see if I lost anything.

    Oh and the approach I am using is Brad Pilon's "Eat Stop Eat" I've been thinking about doing leangains instead though, as another member on this forum suggested. Leangains is 16 hours fast, 8 hour feed.
  • yoghurtand
    yoghurtand Posts: 119
    I don't think fasting for weight loss purposes is a good idea at all. I fast one or two days a week and it makes me ravenous - you'll probably binge when you're done (maybe not the next day, but trust me, your body will try and make up the deficit). I don't really see what the point is - fasting will barely make a difference to your long-term goal, in my opinion.
  • isabelk
    isabelk Posts: 153 Member
    Fasting has a long history as a spiritual practice. I say look at your own history/limits and use them to inform yourself about what works for you. I do believe you should try to keep to a certain weekly caloric total.

    Can you use past binging as way to inform your first two meals after fasting? Maybe a fiber drink a planned amount of time before your first meal will help you not feel empty. I'm just guessing here, I could never fast myself. I know myself and it's not something I could handle.
  • sleight119
    sleight119 Posts: 125
    think I might try the slim fast shakes all day and possible fast in a few weeks if I can make it on the shakes
  • yoghurtand
    yoghurtand Posts: 119
    But... why? And believe me, there's a lot of difference between any number of slim fast shakes over one and eating nothing at all.
    Can you use past binging as way to inform your first two meals after fasting? Maybe a fiber drink a planned amount of time before your first meal will help you not feel empty. I'm just guessing here, I could never fast myself. I know myself and it's not something I could handle.

    I find it really strange - I have all sorts of methods for coming off fasts (veg, juice, build up solids, etc), but when I calculate it - I will always eat the calories I missed back eventually. Sometimes it even takes two weeks.
  • ohohraptor
    ohohraptor Posts: 205 Member
    I don't think fasting for weight loss purposes is a good idea at all. I fast one or two days a week and it makes me ravenous - you'll probably binge when you're done (maybe not the next day, but trust me, your body will try and make up the deficit). I don't really see what the point is - fasting will barely make a difference to your long-term goal, in my opinion.

    If not for weight loss,what do you fast for? Just out of curiosity. :)
  • pnptrapp
    pnptrapp Posts: 1
    i've fasted for religious purposes, to help us as a congregation stay focused on a goal. I've never done it for weight loss, as everytime I've fasted, those last few hours/minutes, or even the next morning I've always eaten more. I find that the best way to loose weight is to maintain calorie intake and maximize calorie usage. I think fasting to cleanse your system could be beneficial, I just have never seen nor read anywhere that it was a great way to loose weight.

    My sister just reminded me that when medical personnel are trying to rehabilitate people who are severly underweight due to sickness or starvation they will feed them for a day or two and then have them fast for a half or whole day. they do this to HELP PUT ON THE WEIGHT, not take it off.
  • sleight119
    sleight119 Posts: 125
    My sister just reminded me that when medical personnel are trying to rehabilitate people who are severly underweight due to sickness or starvation they will feed them for a day or two and then have them fast for a half or whole day. they do this to HELP PUT ON THE WEIGHT, not take it off.

    omg I dont want to gain I dont think I will fast if I am going to end up gaining
  • yoghurtand
    yoghurtand Posts: 119
    I don't think fasting for weight loss purposes is a good idea at all. I fast one or two days a week and it makes me ravenous - you'll probably binge when you're done (maybe not the next day, but trust me, your body will try and make up the deficit). I don't really see what the point is - fasting will barely make a difference to your long-term goal, in my opinion.

    If not for weight loss,what do you fast for? Just out of curiosity. :)

    Nothing pleasant, unfortunately - it just makes me feel better about what I've eaten the rest of the week if I take a day or so off :/
  • Gr8_body4life
    Natural fasting season is flu season!! I got sick and therefore didnt feel like eating. Thats the only time i do a fast (not by choice) lol. Issues with blood sugar levels and such could be dangerous for some people.
    What I do is fast on certain foods. Like giving up any kind of gluten for 24 hrs (thats my weakness). I remind myself that food is just for survival for me, that it cant help heal a bad day, or a broken heart, or anything like that. Find the cause of why I over eat!
    Good Luck!!!!
  • aks1985
    aks1985 Posts: 27
    it'll just make you binge and more hungry.

    plus how long does the weight loss last? wouldn't you just gain it back and that too gain double back?