

  • We have all been told about the "starvation mode" your body goes into when you don't eat enough calories. I always assumed that was when you were starving yourself at 500-800 calories a day... but my (personal) reality is that I am only 5'2" and 1200 is not enough for me. When I am under 1200 my weight loss FREEZES. I…
  • Yeah, the work... because you live in fear of "anal leakage" due to eating any fat... And BTW "anal leakage" is also known as "****ting your pants." No joke. Don't use it. Just cut back on fat and calories and do some exercise. It's a lot of hard work. but it's better than ****ting yourself as a grown adult!
  • I mean, you'll lose "weight", but fad diets just don't work. Anything you can't/shouldn't/wouldn't want to continue doing long term is a bad idea.
  • I am here for you!! :D Be warned... There are some people that get on MFP (especially in the message boards) that are just here to flirt with each other. I've learned to ignore (and not friend) those weirdos. I am here to be healthy and get support, not flirt with random dudes and ladies on the internet!
  • Let me start by saying I am SO SORRY your parents are being so unsupportive. Good for you for going on this journey even without the support most people have... Unfortunately, our parents are still people. People have baggage and issues beyond what we know as their children. And people suck sometimes and do/say crappy…
  • If you have long-ish hair, braids are really in right now (thank you Hungry Games). Bangs seem to still be popular. Dark is in and highlights are out. I'm also happy to see the natural look is poplar verses the styled and flat ironed looked. I LOVE FALL!
  • My hubby loves my hair long. I have super thick hair and it's a massive pain in the *kitten* to keep long, but he looks like he's going to cry every time I mention cutting it.
  • You're awesome.
  • Jason Bateman sounds FABULOUS! :)
  • My SO is actually on MFP and is on his own health journey with me! :) It helps A LOT because he knows how the "process" works and understands why I can't just eat whatever I want every meal. There's a method to the madness, and he knows that. Also, he goes to my races and always cheers me on even on my regular runs from…
  • YES. YES. YES. I literally gain 3 pounds every month when I start my cycle. Honestly, I don't weigh the week before OR the week during my period because my whole body (and mind) are out of whack. You're bloated and retaining water. You're probably not eating AS well with the hormonal shifts (PMS) and it always makes me…
  • Not to sound extreme, but we've come to the conclusion there are just some places that aren't worth our time. Why would I go to McDonalds for a small fry (still bad for you) and maybe one of there half-okay salads (also bad for you) when I could go to a healthy place OR just eat at home. Not going to Arby's may feel like a…
  • I grew up fat and unhealthy as a young kid, teenager, college, and now as an adult. I think about how badly I felt back then... and then I think about what I will look like when I reach my goal. I even have an outfit I am always in! I also think about my future kids (usually a little girl) and how badly I want HER to grow…
  • I am letting my breakfast digest and then I am off to a 3-4 mile run! :) I like running in the morning because (1) the weather is much cooler, (2) there aren't as many people around, (3) and I get it out of the way and don't have to figure out how to fit it in to the rest of my day. :) HAPPY WORKOUTS EVERYONE!
  • Mornings... Always in the morning. I am a morning person to begin with, so I do much better if I run first thing in the morning. During the school year (I work in the public schools), I will go to the gym or run after work (weather permitting), but I prefer to do it in the morning. Besides, it really sets the tone for the…
  • I also agree that there is some SERIOUS jealousy going on.
  • Okay... WOW. Like some previous posts, I am sorry if this sounds mean, but your husband IS being VERY selfish. Your husband is probably unaware of this, but he is inadvertently sabotaging your workout time. It is not your job to hold your husband's hand through his weight loss/healthy journey. He is a grown man! You have…
  • Good advice and thank you for the kind words... As a vegan myself I'm disturbed by such harsh comments.