

  • hang in there...change up ur routine....maybe vary your workout...whatever it is your doing do something different....if your walking throw some running intervels in there (im not talking super fast..just something to change it up) do some zumba or anything different...even if its just changing the order that you do ur…
  • just make sure u do 4 exercises for each body part so do 4 different exercises for ur biceps, triceps and shoulders. this is an awesome arm workout....i love the cable so it uses it alot but u could do it with free weights 21's take weight lift from bottom to mid stomach 7 times then from mid stomach to upper arms 7…
  • glad u signed up Ann!!!!! ive learned alot!!! we will have to get together soon and hang out!!!! Good luck!!!
  • thanks yall....someone gave me the idea of fat free sugar free pudding with milk and ice in a blender ....make urself a sHakE!!!! yum-o!!!
  • when i use t run an 11 something mile (i was slllooow) i would burn about 100 cals a mile.....and now when i run a 10 min mile i still burn 100 cals a mile.....ive always read doesnt matter how fast you run u will burn about 100 cals per mile lol....dont know how true that is but it seems to be the trend im seeing..
  • i use centrum energy for women...LOVE IT!!!
  • Thanks yall!!!! that makes a lot of sense.....i knew it added calories back to my base caloric intake but i couldnt understand why it was adding more calories to my GOAL....i was going along with the thinking of dont eat ur workout calories.....maybe i will just find a happy medium.
  • mine is doing the same really went up after i worked out and burned alot of i didnt know if it was that i NEEEDED to take in more calories of if it was a changed twice today.
  • is tea basically the same thing as water? i cant stand water unless i have just gotten done with running...even then its not much....but i can drink unsweet peach tea all day every day!!!