What are some of YOUR low cal favs?

Ok peeps...i see myself getting in a rut....gettin sick of the same stuff and looking for some new LOW CAL foods and snacks.....i dont get many cals a day 1200 on days i dont workout so i need stuff with really low cals!!! what are some of your favs???


  • MuseumMonkey
    I love a heap of baby spinach leaves for the main part of my lunch, with a few bacon bits and cheese (feta if I have it) for some protein and flavor, and a light lemon-poppyseed dressing. It's usually around 200 calories depending on how much stuff I add--hard to push it up to 300--and it's surprisingly filling and energizing.
  • Teresa652
    Teresa652 Posts: 217 Member
    Jello caramel vanilla sundeas. They are 60 cals. I also like the Strawberry cheesecake, its 120 cals.
  • That_Girl
    That_Girl Posts: 1,324 Member
    Lately, I've been taking about 3 celery stalks with 2 tbsp of peanut butter to put on them (cut up) and then 25 raisins to put them on the celery and peanut butter...That's basically my whole lunch...plus an apple, 1oz of cheese, and a hard boiled egg.
  • halphord
    halphord Posts: 379 Member
    I like the 100 calorie snack packs, the jello mousse temptations (60 calories) or hungry girl cupcakes! I make a big batch, freeze them and then pop one in the microwave when I need something cakey. I also top with a little fat free cool whip.
    smart pop popcorn mini bags- 100 cals a bag.
    california cuties are my fave fruit snack.
  • PepsiGal
    PepsiGal Posts: 85 Member
    Vita Top Vita Muffins in Chocolate (100 cals), Jell-O sugar free chocolate pudding cups (60 cals), apples and peanut butter, babybel cheese and whole grain crackers, Weight Watchers Cookies and Cream ice cream bars, Popsicles Fudge Pops (40 calories), grapes and string cheese.
  • hotmooglelove
    CVS brand "Baked Cheese Snack Crackers" 140 cals for 24 crackers. I throw them into little zip-lock bags and take em to work.
  • sbanders
    I like the 100 calorie snack packs, the jello mousse temptations (60 calories) or hungry girl cupcakes! I make a big batch, freeze them and then pop one in the microwave when I need something cakey. I also top with a little fat free cool whip.
    smart pop popcorn mini bags- 100 cals a bag.
    california cuties are my fave fruit snack.

    What's a hungry girl cupcake?
  • Hotlips69
    To the lady that eats raisins on her peanut butter! I just discovered a dried berry from the bulk store they are called Inca berries. Mixed with nuts(almonds and walnuts are my fav) dried Goji berries it would be an amazing trail mix!!
  • Crystals422
    Crystals422 Posts: 382 Member
    I love the Emerald cocoa roast almonds 100 calorie packs
  • simplywriting
    I completely understand where you are coming from. I was getting REALLY sick of the same old foods, so I started looking EVERYWHERE for 100 calorie or less snacks. I have a nice list, but my very favorites right now are:


    They were DELICIOUS and they held for awhile. I only made myself one, and was surprised at how good and filling for a snack it was. They are 60 calories each and so technically you could get away with 2 as a snack. Plus, now that I have discovered wonton wrappers, I can think of all sorts of things to stuff inside. YUM!
  • cathyalmand
    thanks guys!!!!
  • rvice2
    rvice2 Posts: 132 Member
    I saw this recipe on a post and wrote it down, but haven't tried it yet! Sounds delicious!