cczar Member


  • I travel a lot. I would recommend fruit that is easy to travel with and provides you with a form of liquid as well (such as apples). I always have snack bars with me, and I pack in little bags of my nut mix that I have already weighed out. The little packets of instant oatmeal are great. I always try and find out in the…
  • How does the chest strap work? I use the cheststrap with my Forerunner, but I was thinking of getting the strap for a friend.
  • Add me: cczar.
  • Inability to make decisions or have an opinion. You may not know what you want to have for dinner every night, but by heaven, it would be great if I dont have to make the decision all the time - I do that every day with my job.
  • I am South African, but currently living in the US. I love getting compliments about my accent. For me - I love the Spanish accent. mmmmm.
  • This sounds completely ridiculous - but chocolate!!!! :tongue: I was an absolute choc-a-holic - I would easily eat a chocolate a day! When I started realising how many calories it contained compared to my dinner, that was it for me. I haven't had a chocolate in about a month - I just dont crave it any more - the calories…
  • How about rice cakes? Quick oats and cup a soups are always good (the ones that you just add hot water) - you can always just ask one of the vendors for hot water - sure they will oblige. Multi-grain crisp bread is also good. I really like dried mango, but be careful of the sodium. Also, popcorn - lightly salted has the…
  • Awesome post!!! I bought my tickets last night - I really wanted to see Seether (if you want some of their old good stuff, google "Saron Gas" - "wish you were a beer" - epic song. But they are not playing at the concert here. So settling to at least see Bush. Undecided if we will stay for Nickelback.
  • Ooohhhhh - where do I start: - People who dont wipe off the machines - really???!!! Do you think you don't sweat???? eeeuuwwww!!!! - People who dont put things back where they belong - especially when they take something like the medicine balls all the way to the weight workout area. - People who get in the swimming lanes,…