malpal0111 Member


  • Hello everyone! I'm Mallory. I had some health problems pop up around Christmas and subsequently gained back weight I lost about this time last year. I am ready to change my lifestyle and get control of my health. I want to feel light and vibrant, and like I have power over food rather than the other way around. I would…
  • Hi everyone. I've struggled with binge eating since I was a teenager, and while I was winning over it for a while, it has come back with a vengeance lately, triggered by some other life stressors. I'm tired of doing this to myself and need some support from others who understand the struggle. I'm happy to have found this…
  • If I get mine before December 1st, I would love to start with you!:bigsmile: I would imagine I'll get it before then, but international mail is pretty bogged down with Christmas cards and gifts this time of year, so one can't be sure. I'll let you know!
  • My goals for the week are.......(drumroll please!...) Walk at least 30 minutes x 6 days Do Jillian Michael's Shape Up DVDs 4 days (Still waiting on the 30DS and getting impatient! Hoping it hasn't gotten lost the mail!) Drink at least 9 cups of water/day and at least 12 on Sunday (hubby and I will be celebrating…
  • 130.0 for me today. Food poisoning wiped me out last week and I didn't have the energy to exercise at all. Today it's back into the workout routine for me, and I'm looking forward to getting good and sweaty this afternoon! Happy Monday and a healthy week to all!
  • Congratulations to everyone on all of your successes this week! My weigh-in for the week is on Sundays and yesterday the scale read 132.0! :drinker: (TMI Alert!!!!!) Then I got food poisoning yesterday and have been puking my guts out ever since. Nothing has gone into my mouth but little sips of water for the past 18…
  • Welcome, Serenity! I love the weekly goal idea! I need you ladies to keep me accountable this week. My motivation level is nil, and I'm desperately in need of a good kick in the @ss to get me back on track. My goals for the week: - Walk 6 days, do Jillian Michael's Shape Up DVDs 4 days -Log EVERYTHING. Even if it's naughty…
  • i managed to eek out a half-pound loss over the last two weeks: 133.5. Vacation did me in. I am out of steam and in need of a good kick in the bum!
  • Brunettewife--sorry to hear about your loss, I'll keep you and your loved ones in my thoughts! Stay strong. I had an extremely stressful week at work, worked 12 hour days most of the week, and had to face one massive failure. And what does the old Mallory do in the face of stress? Buries it in junk food! And that's what I…
  • Good morning....:yawn: 134 today.....I weighed 133 earlier in the week, I´ve had a pretty high sodium intake the last few days, so I´m hoping it´s water and I´ll have a big loss next week. I need to start watching that sodium. I love salt way too much for my own good.
  • I totally share your love. Try out this's become my ultimate comfort food!
  • I understand, BUT self-righteousness isn't going to win you any followers. Here's someone asking for suggestions on ways to reduce her meat consumption. Shooting her down for not choosing the correct word to describe her diet isn't exactly the best way to encourage someone to make changes that make our world a better place.
  • If we want to get technical about it, you are, indeed, a pescatarian. But who really cares what you call it?!? ANY step, no matter how big or small, that we can make towards healthier lifestyles and reducing our impact on our planet, is AWESOME! So good for you for making the change! I was particularly interested in…
  • I have joint problems and am perpetually broke, so I WALK.....FAST! I started out walking 60 minutes 4 days a week and 35 minutes + Jillian Michaels "Shape Up" DVD 2 days. . I slowly worked up to 2 days a week of 60 minute walks and 4 days of 35 min walk + JM vid, but last week my knees and ankles started to hurt a lot, so…
  • Happy Monday, Pin-ups! I'm weighing in at 135 today. The scale read a bit lower than that this morning, but I think it's a liar, so I'm erring on the side of caution (It's an old-school spring scale). 1 more down, 12 to go!!! I also put on a belt I haven't worn in a while, and I'm down TWO notches from the last time I wore…
  • bumping for later! Great list!
  • Welcome Charmagne! I've had a bunch of good days recently, and then today turned into a not-so-good one. I was in denial for a long time, but I've finally come to accept that refined carbs are my archnemeses! I'm coming to terms with the fact that I need to cut sugar and other refined carbs out of my diet COMPLETELY. I…
  • I'm totally OBSESSED with this new breakfast/snack that I've discovered (like want to make it for breakfast, lunch, snack, snack and dinner lately) , so I figured I'd share it with all of you lovely ladies. Chocobanana Frappuccino 1 banana, peeled and frozen 3/4 c. prepared coffee 1/2 c. skim milk 1/2 Tbsp. unsweetened…
  • I am the same way! I got mad at my hubby today and the first thing that came into my mind (after fantasizing about punching him in the nose :) was all of the food I wanted to stuff my face with. I had a long and really busy day, so I still had over 1,000 calories left to eat, so I decided to go get the things I was…
  • I'm down 1.5 this week to 136 lbs! Given TOM is here for a visit, I was expecting to maintain or gain, so I was pleasantly surprised when I stepped on the scale this morn. Nearly halfway from MFP starting weight to my goal! woot woot! Congrats to everyone for being so dedicated! I'm learning that dedication is all it…
  • Congratulations to everyone on your successes! I had a great day yesterday, then a little slip up today. Nothing monumental, I was able to stop myself before the feeling of total disgust, but I ate mindlessly after work, about double of what the meal should have been. TOM is here and it always gets me!
  • Congratulations for stopping! I struggle so much with that. I know I should stop, but it's like hand-to-mouth is on autopilot. Sometimes I stop and put the icecream in the freezer only to go back for it a few minutes later, even though I'm stuffed sick. I guess next time I should put it in the garbage can, OUTSIDE, rather…
  • [/quote] *Teensy bit jealous here* My boobs definitely disappear with my excess weight! And I kinda like them as they are!! (luckily my boyfriend's a bum man...) xx [/quote] You're not the only one! Every ounce of weight I gain goes straight to my butt and thighs and every ounce of weight I lose seems to disappear from my…
  • I'm so happy to have found a group of people here talking about this issue and supporting one another!! I was diagnosed with non-purging bulimia (bingeing and then restrictive dieting/excessive exercise/laxative use to "make up for it") about six years ago. Although I have improved some, I still have a long way to go. Due…
  • I'm 137.5 today, down 1.5 lbs from last week. Here we go on week 6 already! Time flies!
  • My mouth is watering! Thanks for posting!
  • This is SO true! I even got up at 5:00 am today to do a Jillian Micheal's vid before work---I think I'm hooked! And ECSTATIC to say that! :) THANKS to all three of you for your support and encouragement! I've only been able to make it this far thanks to all the amazing people like you on MFP! :flowerforyou: