tashajo414 Member


  • When I started I was in the same boat. How many calories do I eat and do I eat back all my work out calories?? So I did some research and answered different questions from different websites about how much I should eat. And after checking my BMR and BMI and calorie intake I was able to average it out to around 1400 cals…
  • The more friends, the more inspiration and motivation, the better!!! I am a nursing student and that made it really hard to find time to work out and spend time with my family as well. So I am trying my best to get back into the swing of things and lose what was gained during the last semester. More than happy to become…
  • plain with a little salt and pepper all the way!!!
  • Thats GREAT!!! doing every day or not, just the loss of weight is a vistory!!! wish i could say the same!! I have been pretty consistent with doing the shred and on saturday i switched it up and did the banish fat boost metabolism video (that was killer) I did not work out on sunday or monday, but got right back to it…
  • I'm in as well!!! I actually started last week and today will be my day 8...provided I get enough time to squeeze it in today. If not I will be starting level 2 day 1 tomorrow!!!
  • I'm on day 6 level 1 and I love it!!! Totally kicked my butt the first 3 days, but I stuck through the soreness and kept going...had to stop for a couple of days to study for school (Nursing Student)...but after that was all said and done I got right back on track!!!
  • I have always been under the assumption to eat after working out because your metabolism is still working hard...maybe rather than eating your dinner at lunch time, have a small portioned lunch and eat the dinner after your work out...
  • I will add you as a friend!!! I could use the extra support as well....I am really great for a while, eating and working out and then I easily fall off....feel horribly guilty but do it anyways...could use the motivational messages that keep me going and remind me why I am doing this (while eating that chicken wing!!!)
  • Yea nursing school totally cut into what I had going on over the weekend and into yesterday....so today was my day 5....holy hannah what 5 days off can do!!! I wont do that again!!! Promise that I will be keeping to myself!!!
    in Day 5 Comment by tashajo414 April 2012
  • Just finished day 3, feeling great...still feeling the burn!!! I was scared this morning to roll out of bed to get this done because my legs were sore as he!! yesterday...but they werent all that bad...So that made the workout even better this morning...So since it is a 30DS I am assuming that you switch up the level every…
    in Day 3 Comment by tashajo414 April 2012
  • As the day progressed I have became more and more sore...now I am having trouble sitting...running...ya know anything...lol...tomorrow morning when I get to day 3 it is going to be torture!!!
    in Day 2 Comment by tashajo414 April 2012
  • Today I am totally feeling the soreness set in!!! Feels great!! I am feeling soreness almost everywhere and that is a GREAT sign!!!
    in Day 2 Comment by tashajo414 April 2012
  • Hi my name is Tasha and I am currently a full time Nursing Student, at the age of 30. I have 2 boys aged 2 & 5 and another child that is 31 (my husband!!) lol. I feel your pain...I have always been a little bigger, not ever obese, but bigger than the other skinny girls...About a year before my first child I finally…
  • I googled the calories burned for the workout....and actually another mfp group popped with the information, but i went on further and found the same information linked to jillian website...
  • Started Day 1 this AM. The hardest part was getting out of bed!!! LOL No, I thought the whole workout was GREAT!!! I watched clips on youtube the other day and I have to say I thought that it was going to be easier than it actually was. It wasn't super hard (which is not what I am looking for anyways, so that's a good…
    in Day 1 Comment by tashajo414 April 2012
  • I am currently a nursing student and have 3 tests this week, so starting tonight I may or may not be able to do. I have decided to do the 30DS because it is only 20-30mins a day and I will be able to get up in the morning before school and do the program. I have been trying to run and train for a 5k that I am doing the 2nd…
  • I just received my DVD in the mail yesterday and I am planning on getting it started tomorrow!!! I would love to be added to the group!!! I have been on here a couple weeks now and I dont have many "friends" on here so I dont have alot of motivation/motivators either...so friends request me as well if you would like!! :)
  • Steamed veggies and shrimp with white rice...then add some low sodium soy sauce!!! A fav!!!!