OK - back in 2010 I was in the best shape of my life at 162lbs, having droped almost 40lbs. with diet and exercise. Then I got pregnant. No problem there as I did fairly witht eh diet and exercise still but I did end up gaining about 45lbs. Sounds like a lot, but to look at me you would never know. I came home from the hospital swollen and 10lbs. heavier than when I went in! Luckily, most of it came off within 2 weeks. Once I got back to work I was able to get to the gym again and in August of 2011 I was back down to 179lbs. Slowly getting there, but on my way. Well, then things changed again. My husbands crazy schedule, the newborn that was starting to "move" and work got crazy. So, here I am, 7 months later and back up to 198 pounds. My husband is now deployed and I am sole care giver to our now 15 months daughter. So, I work full time, have her to look after each night and have a crap load of exercise equipment/videos/Wii at my house but I can't get the motivation to use it! HELP!! I need friends and motivataion :)


  • tashajo414
    tashajo414 Posts: 21 Member
    Hi my name is Tasha and I am currently a full time Nursing Student, at the age of 30. I have 2 boys aged 2 & 5 and another child that is 31 (my husband!!) lol. I feel your pain...I have always been a little bigger, not ever obese, but bigger than the other skinny girls...About a year before my first child I finally committed and got to a weight that I was so happy with and I was in that skinny group of girls :) Then I had my son and it has all gone down hill from there. Its hard to take care of a family and juggle life period let alone figure out a way to work in a work out schedule and be able to plan your meals and meals that everyone else will eat as well. I just started the jillian michaels 30 day shred today was my first day, but I have heard amazing things about it so I figured it couldnt hurt!!! And as for the meals they eat what I make...I try to make kid friendly healthy meals...there are some things that I get the "are you kidding me?" look, but hey I want them to be healthy too and I want to teach them to be healthy....So motivation is here!!! We can motivate each other :) Friend request me if you would like :)