

  • I went out to a restaraunt with my bf, and as we were standing at the register to pay, there was an angled mirror that was tinited and had tiny designs all over it, and I saw this girl in the corner of my eye through the reflection and thought hmm, goodness, that is a big girl. i guess you can all guess how the story goes…
  • This. The scale is often a filthy liar. [/quote] AGREED!! My scale was a part of nine scales created in the depths of mordor. The nine was distrubuted between the races of middle earth. three for the elves, three to the dwarves, and three to the humans. Over much turmoil and strife, all were lost until, a chubby girl went…
  • i hear you on this one!! one of the things that helped me a great deal was using the jeff galloway method. He uses a ratio method that helps with speed and enurance. I know that he has a few podcasts that are free on itunes in association with MotionTraxx (love this by the way) and has a million books on amazon. if you…
    in slow runners Comment by melneh June 2012
  • are you pretty close to your goal? I am about 10 lbs away from mine. (down 72 altogether) and my scale didnot budge at all! i did the same thing as you, got on the 30ds crack wagon, counted measured strained all my food. and still no budge. BUT!! 6.5 months later ( for realz big wheelz) the scale moved. 1 lbs one week, and…
  • I can definately see the difference in your arms too!! My highest weight was 232, I didn't change clothes size until about 205 and I felt like i didn't see a difference until I was at 200 (although it was 32 lbs down!) We are our own worst critics, no doubt someone has already said that, but it is a good one! you look…
  • Omg I love that!
    in Gamer Girls Comment by melneh June 2012
  • watermelon is low in calories but it is also extrememly high on the glycemic index, which for some people can really really put on the pounds. like me.. :(
  • I love both! i find though on a treadmill i can push a little harder though just because the pace is already set. I love outside because there is nothing better walking/jogging with a nice fresh breeze. When on the treadmill though, i always watch the lord of the rings trilogy, I can get though one movie in about 3.5 work…
  • been on it the whole time I have been home (other than working out and eating and the occassional nod off) it is so beautiful!! I love the scenery and the dialogue is the best. Still cannot group with my friends unless we are in divinity's reach but that is totally cool - it is beta after all!
  • lets see... mozart - Obsessed is not even a good descriptor.. Elizabeth I - Strong women are AMAZING! and i think the last spot would be.... Jean Honore Fragonard - I would get him to paint a picture of me... but not while I was eating. and i would hire someone to make us hibachi chicken and shrimp. oh yeah! that would be…
  • and yes, i am totally bumping my own post.... Thats how I roll....
  • omg you guys are awesome!! I litterally go downstairs for a drink and had 9 friend requests!! so Amazing!! thank you!! all of you!! keep them coming!! Melanie
  • Hey you!! the best piece of advice that I got was that it took awhile to get on there so it is going to take even longer to take it off. Sometimes I get super impatient with the whole process and like you, get seriously tired of eating the SAME DAMN SALAD MEAL for lunch almost every day, but then I sit back and remember…
  • Slow and steady is a great wary to do it!! And keep that skin moisturized! I have also been doing velashape treatments on my upper arms and have noticed a huge difference in circumference and tightness of skin. I know velashape is in Canada but I think it is under a different name!
  • bought it and already registered... now the waiting game begins :)
  • LOL now this is hilarious! I have never really considered myself a nerd or a geek - but all of the above (excluding the C++, ect) are exactly what I do with most of my free time! BTW as for the amateur Astronomy, I highly highly recommend it! It is probably one of my deespest passions I have developed :) hmmm that did…
    in Nerd/Geek? Comment by melneh April 2012
  • LOl I love these stories!! I met my bf on warhammeronline. He played order I played destruction - never talked for the longest time - just killed each other over and over and over again. One day he found the ventrillo I was in - and happily ever after I guess.... He is lucky is am totally into geeks!
  • I work in cosmetics so I am all for it. Its really up to the individual, I can apply a little or a lot, and if they are not comfortable (no matter how good I think they look) it jut doesn't work. I am all for people not wearing makeup! its about what makes YOU feel beautiful and comfortable - BUT- there is one thing that I…
  • ok so could any one please explain how to embed pictures?? LOL I should be working but I have been trying to figure this out for almost half an hour! :P
    in Crushes Comment by melneh April 2012
  • oh man!! I am so glad I found this group!! ok so my list of favourite animes of all time are as follow (and I might add in no real particular order!) School Rumble Higurashi - When they Cry Fruits Baskets Cowboy Bebop VanDread Best Student Council Highschool of the Dead (which i totally wanted to dislike but have watched…
  • The bad are days are just that, bad days. I have been on a constant diet for the past 11 years, 3 of which were the only years i actually lost anything. It feels like the diet which I am on defines me, and when i attempt and do my best and I do not see the results I want ( my scale was actually forged somewhere deep within…