Treadmill or Outside



    OLFATUG Posts: 393 Member
    I prefer to run outside as much as possible. I use the treadmill on my strength training days, since I do HIITS on the same day and I find them much easier with a treadmill as opposed to measuring my distance or constantly looking at my watch.
  • winonajosephine
    winonajosephine Posts: 122 Member
    I've noticed its MUCH harder to do anything in "real life" such as doing free weights vs the machines or running or biking outside vs on a machine... This makes me think that its probably better for our health to be outside. I have been trying but its soo much harder
  • Bombdiggidy1
    Now, this is so true! I absolutely love going outside, BUT by the time I get half way to my running destination I feel the need to turn back around!
  • mcg6242
    mcg6242 Posts: 84
    I have to say Outside, I feel I push myself more when I am outside. When I run outside I have to get back home, and can't just stop plus the fresh air is always nice too.
  • CtineMc
    CtineMc Posts: 12 Member
    I think it's a matter of preference. I can go longer and a further distance on the treadmill based on my stubbornness but I prefer going outside. My reasoning is that on the treadmill I can hit stop and be done with it after a set amount of time. When I'm outside I like the change of scenery, plus when I'm 3 miles from home I still need to get home and whether it's by walking, jogging or crawling, stopping isn't an option.
  • heatgal976
    heatgal976 Posts: 53 Member
    I prefer outside, but I use the treadmill most of the time. The problem with running outside is asphalt(roadways) is way better on the body's joints than concrete sidewalks. In my town, people seriously do not know how to drive so I am scared to run in the designated road "run" paths. I wish there was a local park that had a track made of asphalt, because I would switch to outside in a heartbeat.
  • MehiraDeOro
    MehiraDeOro Posts: 117 Member
    I think outside is better, since you're running with your own speed and not a machines speed.

    I would like to run outside, however I can not pace myself to save the life of me, so I stick with the treadmill. :/
  • KBGirts
    KBGirts Posts: 882 Member
    I prefer outside, but it's not always feasible. I do both. Here are my treadmill Pro/Cons:

    1.) Easier on your body
    2.) Can be used during any weather
    3.) Safer - in terms of not getting hit by cars, chased by dogs, abducted, etc.
    4.) You can monitor your speed a little easier - enables you to focus on speedwork in a way

    1.) Does not provide the resistance of the road/trail - Increase incline to simulate road running
    2.) BORING!!! Scenery doesn't change; you could watch TV, but I still have a hard time distracting myself from constantly monitoring my distance/time
    3.) Doesn't enable you to strengthen your lower legs as much as a trail run would (uneven ground)
    4.) Expensive - Going outside is free, but to use a treadmill you either have to buy one or have a gym membership
    5.) The controlled environment doesn't prepare you for race or charity run conditions
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    what do you mean by "better"?

    which one burns more calories, which one actually feels better, which one is better for weightloss?

  • melneh
    melneh Posts: 25
    I love both! i find though on a treadmill i can push a little harder though just because the pace is already set.

    I love outside because there is nothing better walking/jogging with a nice fresh breeze.

    When on the treadmill though, i always watch the lord of the rings trilogy, I can get though one movie in about 3.5 work outs. Plus I love Viggo Mortensen.

    Something about Aragorn, his long hair, scruffy beard, weidling a sword and speaking elvish. Nothing.. NOTHING gets my heart beating faster :P

    not even a treadmill
  • janeosu
    janeosu Posts: 140 Member
    Outside! Being a part of the great outdoors is a huge part of why I love running :)
  • trhjrh06
    trhjrh06 Posts: 2,272 Member
    Although I'd rather be outside, I'm really self conscious about exercising outside. And right now I am doing the C25K program, and started outside in the alley behind my house but it's SO un-even and gravel, so I started using my treadmill and well I like it better because I feel I can push myself harder on it than I can outside. But someday I'll feel good enough to be able to do it outside no problem.
  • EpiGaiaRepens
    EpiGaiaRepens Posts: 824 Member
    i firmly believe in no way can a treadmill be on par with outdoor running.

    I say this because I would run "two miles" on a treadmill on the regular when i was in college. When I decided on a sunny day to do the two miles was in no way comparable. Def. harder. Def. more work. Def. more calories burned when you are actually using your leg strength to force your body mass to move through actual space and actually accellerate your body mass.
  • taeson3055
    taeson3055 Posts: 5 Member
    Outside. I go into a coma due to boredom on a treadmill :-)
  • omma_to_3
    omma_to_3 Posts: 3,265 Member
    Both have their place. I started on my treadmill. I was told how much harder it would be running outside. When I finally did try it, it was slightly harder, but not much (as long as you watch your pace, that is). I find running outside more enjoyable over all, and the first couple of times i was actually sore, which never happens on the treadmill, but the treadmill is awesome to have too. I still use it, because I can't get out every time I want to run or walk. I have three kids that need supervision and running with them is downright torturous. Or, I workout after they're in bed (and therefore can't leave the house because hubby isn't usually home).

    I finally have my iFit module on my treadmill working properly too. I can now watch Google Street view shots of my runs that I set up on the website. I went walking through downtown Seoul the other night, reliving our trip last year. It was a bit glitchy, but in general, pretty awesome!
  • omma_to_3
    omma_to_3 Posts: 3,265 Member
    i firmly believe in no way can a treadmill be on par with outdoor running.

    I say this because I would run "two miles" on a treadmill on the regular when i was in college. When I decided on a sunny day to do the two miles was in no way comparable. Def. harder. Def. more work. Def. more calories burned when you are actually using your leg strength to force your body mass to move through actual space and actually accellerate your body mass.

    I didn't find this to be true at all. It's ever so slightly harder for me outside, but not enough that I couldn't do the same distance/time that I could indoors. However, I'm SLOW and actually quite good at pacing myself. And, I run in relatively flat areas. Plus, on the treadmill, I do use the incline feature so am not just running on a flat surface.

    I only say this to encourage others to run outside without fear that it will be super hard! I had really psyched myself up SO MUCH expecting it to be really difficult and it just wasn't. Well, running in itself is difficult for me LOL...but it wasn't being outside that made it so.
  • verbalriot
    verbalriot Posts: 90
    It's interesting to read these responses because I find it way easier to physically run outside than on the treadmill. I get SO bored on the treadmill, even though I try to distract myself with TV/music.

    Seeing other runners in the park outside also motivates me to keep going...If they can do it, so can I! I do have a GPS-enabled heart rate monitor that tracks my calories, distance and most importantly to me, pace. This helps me be more consistent in my speed throughout the whole workout.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    I'd be surprised if I ran on my dreadmill more than 5 times last year, after making the transition to running outside I just don't enjoy running on the treadmill. The running form is completely different and I enjoy being outdoors all year 'round (even when it's -35C) the only thing guaranteed to keep my indoors is freezing rain.
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    Outside, never been on a treadmill and I can't think of a reason to get on one. If the weather is too bad to run outside I rechedule my run.
  • ritmeyer
    ritmeyer Posts: 136 Member
    Outside. I run on the treadmill about 3 times a year, every one of them reluctantly.

    This is me. I HATE running on the treadmill. I love running outside. I will run in rainy, cold weather rather than run on the treadmill.

    I feel like I've been running forEVER...look down and it's only been 5 minutes. 5 MINUTES?!?! Running outside I'll get to such and such road and it's like...geez, I'm already 5 miles down!! Seriously, it's kind of hilarious. I run alot of miles, but get me on a treadmill and I just HATE it. Takes the joy right out of running for me.