

  • I am also game. I go between Diet Pepsi and Coke Zero. I have not had any since the weekend. Although I drink a lot of crystal light ice tea. Wonder if I should get rid of that as well, or at least limit the amount that I drink. Any thoughts???
  • From Williamsport, PA here. Home of little league baseball
  • Oh yes! My issue is with ice cream, frozen yogurt, or any high sweat item. Took me several times of getting dumping syndrome before I finally said no more. Ugh! I found when that happened to either puke right away or go lie down and fall asleep. Awful feeling. Missed the occasional ice cream taste but can live without the…
  • I immediately thought of a clot, which I am glad that you had a scan. How is your zinc and calcium intake? Those too can cause you to have weird leg aches? My best friend had bypass surgery and she too had this and I believe it was both her zinc and calcium were low. Her vitamin b levels were also very low. Have you tried…
  • We camp as well and I have found that Tyson has grilled ready to eat chicken breast strips that can be prepared easily on a camp fire. The sandwich makers work well for this. Eggs work well to. Are you tent camping?
    in Camping Comment by Darhep March 2012
  • Bump
  • I too had gastric bypass, I am 4 years out. She can contact where she had the surgery done for specifics, but she is still in maintanence and where I had it done suggests 1200 calories there. We are still different no matter how far out. She needs to watch carbs again and increase her protein, almost like when she was…
  • My bypass was 4 years ago, getting the 1/4-1/2 cup a meal was a struggle in the beginning. I am under 1000 more than I am over and I don't eat back my exercise calories or I would be eating all day long! I am gonna do some research and get us an answer to this question. I had my surgery in Pittsburg, PA and they are…
  • Way to go!
  • Hi. I am also wife, mom of 5, I teach in an LPN program and I am returning to school in May for my doctoral degree. Good job on your success with the weight loss. Isn't it nice to be free of the weight? I lost 200 total after surgery and have kept 195 off, so not too bad for being 4 years out this Wednesday.
  • Glad to meet you both. At least we caught our weight gains before we are 50 or more over our goals. How are you both eating now since you started here? I am trying high protein low carb like after surgery again, not a bad start with 10 lbs gone since I started watching but can't get below 170. Not hitting 1000 cal per day…
  • Do you know carb counts for these? Would like to try them but on restricted carbs. Thanks
  • I have five children total and I have adapted my meal preparation to not make two meals. I reserve hamburger and use it on a salad. I also do a lot of meal preparation on Sundays so there are quick healthy meals for the week. My kids are also starting to enjoy fish, salads and veggie as much as I am and 3 of them are…
  • It is true that bypass or bands do not stop you from eating ice cream or burgers, it is only a tool, not a cure. So if you go back to your old habits you will gain your weight back. I eat normal food, a lot smaller quantities but if you are not careful you can eat every half to hour and the calories add up. High calorie…
  • Too many carbs and not enough protein. My weight loss stalled as well because of the same issue. Shoot for 120 grams of protein and less than 15 grams of carbs per serving. So watch pastas, breads, rice they are no-no's. this site will help you keep better track.
  • That is also why I am here. I NEVER want to go back to anywhere close to where I started. I am on the scale weekly to begin with, so caught it before I blinked and had put more on than I did.
  • I had it done in march of 2007, down 193 lbs, but the weight started to creep up again. I went back to the old post op type plan. High protein, lower carbs and calories. Highest since 180, currently 172 and I just started here this week. Good luck and congrats on getting back on track
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