jglovicz Member


  • Have you tried fenugreek to help with your production? You may be able to maintain your production on fewer calories. No other real advice except to maybe browse photos of yourself at your ideal weight and log your workouts and meals in the morning or night before so you already have a plan in place. Good luck!
  • I also have a job with very seasonal work - I use time to go for a run or do some body weight training. Do you have to be in the office when you don't have work? If you have to be in the office, you can create a standing desk - my husband did it for himself by raising the desk on cinder blocks (dirt cheap). Also, you can…
  • How about saying that you ONLY get to browse Facebook while doing something active? Some exercises will obviously not be conducive to this, but you can do things like riding a stationary bike, holding squats, doing biceps curls, holding plank (this would work only if you have Facebook on a tablet or phone), leg raises,…
  • Name: Julia Age: 30 Height: 5'7" Start Weight (1st June): 149 Goal Weight (1st July): 144 1st June: 149 8th June: 147.8 15th June: 148 22nd June: 146 28th June: 144.8 1st July: Weight lost this week: Weight lost this month: 4.8
  • Name: Julia Age: 30 Height: 5'7" Start Weight (1st June): 149 Goal Weight (1st July): 144 1st June: 149 8th June: 147.8 15th June: 147 22nd June: 147 29th June: 1st July: Weight lost this week: Weight lost this month: 2 pounds Successes/struggles this week: I still struggled to be active - super busy time at work and…
  • Name: Julia Age: 30 Height: 5'7" Start Weight (1st June): 149 Goal Weight (1st July): 144 1st June: 149 8th June: 147.8 15th June: 148 22nd June: 29th June: 1st July: Weight lost this week: -0.2 pounds Weight lost this month: 1 pounds Successes/struggles this week: I still struggled to drink enough water (I work outside a…
  • Name: Julia Age: 30 Height: 5'7" Start Weight (1st June): 149 Goal Weight (1st July): 144 1st June: 149 8th June: 147.8 15th June: 22nd June: 29th June: 1st July: Weight lost this week: 1.2 pounds Weight lost this month: 1.2 pounds Successes/struggles this week: I struggled to drink enough water. I did well with my…
  • Name: Julia Age: 30 Height: 5'7" Start Weight (1st June): 149 Goal Weight (1st July): 144 1st June: 149 8th June: 15th June: 22nd June: 29th June: 1st July:
  • http://youtu.be/3gvVHaNVmIA
  • I'm 5'7" and the summer before my wedding, I ran 8-10miles per day, did 30 day shred a couple of days per week, and had my goal at 1490cal (as per mfp) -I ate back most of my calories. I weighed 138 and wore a size 6...I knew I wouldn't be maintaining that type of lifestyle! I otherwise like to average around 143-145 and…
  • If you like museums and that sort of thing, use that to your advantage. Invest in a pedometer (and good walking/running shoes) so you can track your steps (aim for 10,000 to start). Park far away from the entrance and bring a healthy packed lunch- you can leave that in the car. Then, midway through your tour, walk out to…
  • I like hot tea sweetened with a little honey...helps with cravings. Also, I get moving. Walking/running definitely help. Also, since changing contraceptives, my cramps have improved- maybe that's an option?
  • I love the foot- and calf- massage (and massage chair) that go along with a pedicure! And your feet feel nice and soft afterwards (and it doesn't break the bank)! Congrats
  • There are about a zillion different diets that have rules such as low carb/high protein, or low fat/high carb, or plant-based, or not, or just about anything you can think of. I, personally, think everything in moderation (and lots of water) makes the most sense. A Calorie is a unit of energy, and excess energy is stored…
  • Just for today 1) log everything 2) 10,000 steps 3) 75oz water 4) read at least 1 chapter in my book before falling asleep
  • The relative weight between "then" and "now" (on any given scale) is more important than the actual number on the scale. Don't let a silly number define you - use a measuring tape and the way your clothes fit (and the way you feel) as a measure of how you're doing.
  • 1) drink at least 75oz of water 2) candlelight vinyasa yoga 3) I have to do yesterday's 3 mi on the elliptical (I had a little cold and thought I'd feel up to it with a little nap and Tylenol, but I felt worse...feeling pretty good now) 4) 10000 steps today
  • 1) Frozen fruit (I currently have dole mixed fruit from SAMs club) -100g 2) 8oz silk almond milk or cashew milk (I love cow's milk, but I don't think the smoothie tastes sweet enough without adding sweetener or protein powder) 3) 50g plain Greek yogurt Blend and enjoy (low cal and so tasty)
  • Happened to me - went back and re-saved the recipe and then it worked
  • That's a good idea - double the calorie burn of the sweets you eat! I'll have to try that...Now I just try to make it fit into my calorie goals...but maybe I can do something in between. I won't give up good food/sweets- life is too short not to eat the things you like (good thing I also like running).
    in Sweets !! Comment by jglovicz March 2015
  • Just for today 1) drink at least 75oz water 2) run at least 3 miles on the elliptical 3 clean my desk
  • My feeling is that if you're sick, your energy should go towards recovery, not working out. If you want to do something, do some gentle stretching or walking. Feel better!
    in Sick Comment by jglovicz February 2015
  • A bmi of 25 is definitely not to skinny..."haters gonna hate". Just tune them out and take are of yourself!
  • Perhaps you are having such a hard time because 130# is quite low for a person that is 5'10". Obviously everyone carries weight differently, but you would be down to a bmi of 18, which borders on "underweight". I'm just bringing this up because it sounds like you have had issues with under-eating. Rather than having a goal…
  • I'm glad I found this thread because I had the same question! I watched the entire season of the biggest loser while on the elliptical. Greys anatomy,,etc. I also like romantic comedies (easy to watch). I'll have to try Sons of anarchy.
  • I eat chocolate every day...pretty much. It's not a big deal, I live an active lifestyle and fit it in. To me, life is too short to not enjoy your food. And I love apples - I eat one just about every day. But I guess I'm going to have my apple and eat my chocolate too.
  • Can you analyze and change your routine? Are you exhausted at the end of your day? Do you park yourself in front of the tv for a few hours before bed? Instead, can you schedule yourself a walk around the block, a hot bath, then early to bed? Can you finish dinner, have herbal tea, then shut off the lights to the kitchen?…
  • Is taking a nap an option? I've definitely had cravings that have gone away if I've been able to take a nap. Especially a good idea if you're not feeling well! Hot herbal tea (and lots of it) will also help fill your stomach. Feel better!