mmgavitt Member


  • Check out pheasant branch conservatory in Middleton come spring. I flipping love that place.
  • I 2nd what kss1231 said. Covering the timer is a must for me. Also, C25K is easier for me if I do it outside, but that's a personal opinion. When I am on the TM I usually either listen to an audiobook (ppl tell me I'm crazy for loving those while running/walking) or watching a show/movie that will captivate me. The problem…
  • You don't actually need to wear it all day if you don't want it. It's just more accurate that way. I love my fitbit. If you do intense activity and just want to track that you could get a polar device with a chest strap.
  • I love to cook so I try new stuff all the time. I did buy a subscription to emeals paleo plan (SO and I are both in school and work full time so it makes our lives easier) and it helped a lot. However, it is not needed. Cook in bulk. Even with the meal plan (fyi, they do not do strict paleo so I modify to make it to what I…
  • Watch your salt and stay hydrated. Salt has such a huge impact on BP.
  • A loss is a loss is a loss. The small things add up. I am like you too and hate missing goals and used to get down about a small loss and then would eat way to much and gain triple the amount back. So stupid of me. Just keep at it. Don't do what I did!
  • BAHAHAHAHA. I think she meant to say hydroxide, which would kill you if consumed (pending you could find it in a stable state), but it's also a base and not an acid :smiley:
  • I weigh myself daily or every other day. Like cinderquest wrote... If I stop weighing that often it doesn't go well for me. I track my weight daily/every other day in a different app though and I do an 'official' weekly weigh in for MPF once a week.
  • I drink a TON of water.
  • I'm an analytical chemist but I'm going back to school for nursing
  • I think by starting with walking you have set yourself up for a great start. Don't be afraid to repeat a week if you just can't do the next step-up, but don't stop challenging yourself either. And yes... GOOD running shoes are a MUST. I never made it past week 2 before I bought new shoes. I was doing great on week 5 last…
  • I don't tend to go to places that don't post nutritional info on their website. If I do, then I look up what I ate at other restaurants and pick the highest value I find.
  • Weird. The Walmart by me had a big fancy display. Sorry you can't find it. Good luck!
  • And drink lots of water after a workout to flush out the lactic acid. My A&P teacher (a nurse and a doctor of veterinary) said that it should help your muscles recover faster. Hydration is always a good thing so at the least it wouldn't hurt.
  • I believe those value are based off the 'typical' male who is 180 lbs. So you are probably burning more. What does mfp say you burned when you plug in the workout?
  • Check Target and Walmart.
  • That is a huge hassle. I still haven't figured anything out.
  • Glad you like it! My biggest complaints now are the awkwardness to sleep with it (as others have also mentioned) and there is no plain old stop watch feature and no second counter or hand on any of the watch faces.
  • Not really sure why you are not wanting the fitbit... It sounds like exactly what you want. It tracks your activity and gives you a burn. If you want the HRM you can the the fitbit with it built in.
    in hrm? Comment by mmgavitt December 2014
  • Nothing is 100% accurate
    in hrm? Comment by mmgavitt December 2014
  • I don't mind the size except that if you want to wear it for sleep tracking it awkward.
  • It could be that your fitbit is syncing but that fitbit isn't saying you are burning more than MFP. It wont show up in MFP until you are burning more than MFP estimates. If you are fairly sedentary in the morning it would be easy to not see a different until later in the day.
  • I'm totally the same. I need to celebrate when I hit it. Every time I have tried this it helped for a couple weeks and then I got annoyed seeing it because I couldn't have it and ate my feelings. Doesn't work for me.
  • Day 3 is always my worst day!
  • They still don't recommend the surge for long time submersion in water. It might be rated for that but I'd be careful. I kayak in the summer and will probably wear it for that but not for swimming but that's just me!
  • I never said that the heart rate was better for all day (but re-reading what I wrote I can see how it can be read that way). I just meant that polar has no device that I would want to wear all day while fitbit does and it's nice that I have 1 device for both all day tracking (steps) and workouts. I used to have the body…
  • Do you have steps in your house or something a couple inches high you could SAFELY use as a step-up platform. Doing step ups can be aerobic and muscle building without being to difficult, all depends on how fast you go which depends on you! You can also do push-up against the wall until your arms are strong enough to do…