New to treadmill

Started to C25K 1 was yesterday and I only made it 14 min in. I was bored out of my mind...I was listening to Pandora but I don't guess that was enough. Any thoughts would be appreciated. Gonna try again today ...I guess I will have to push myself to get it done...I would rather look forward to a workout than look at it as a have to job. Thanks.


  • kss1231
    kss1231 Posts: 167 Member
    I haven't done the C25K yet but I have found that covering up the timer on the treadmill helps the time go by faster. I get bored on the TM as well but I manage to get 30 minutes at 2.5 - 3 mph right now.
  • mitch16
    mitch16 Posts: 2,113 Member
    Is it really that cold in Arkansas that you can't run outside right now? Invest in some weather-appropriate clothes and get outside--way more exciting than running on the treadmill.

    (Disclaimer: I run indoors on the treadmill from December through March because I live in New England and we have snow/ice. The max I will do on the treadmill is 10k/45 minutes. It's boring, but I get it done.)
  • mmgavitt
    mmgavitt Posts: 82 Member
    I 2nd what kss1231 said. Covering the timer is a must for me. Also, C25K is easier for me if I do it outside, but that's a personal opinion. When I am on the TM I usually either listen to an audiobook (ppl tell me I'm crazy for loving those while running/walking) or watching a show/movie that will captivate me. The problem with that is movies are long and even a good TV show has poor episodes. But it can help. I used my laptop and netflix so I didn't have to get through commercials (those are the worse!).

    And it' a tough program if you are completely out of shape. If you can't make it through the first week I would suggest that you do a week prep or walking for 1/2-1 hour 3-5 times a week. That will just prepare your leg muscles for what's to come. If you can power walk and get your heart rate up a but that whole time, EVEN BETTER!

    Good luck. You remind me how much I loved that program. I need to start it again!
  • crystrusty
    crystrusty Posts: 18 Member
    Yesterday was warm at 40. Will be warm for the next few days... I use to walk at the hs track. The outside problem that I have .. I have metal in both my feet. We will getting another cold front soon and once my feet get really cold I am done walking.

    Great advice on covering up the timer. And Netflix...will try both.
  • richjones1968
    I seldom use a treadmill but when I do I have it programmed in 2 minute intervals;
    2 mins at 3% incline, 2 mins flat
    2 mins at 6%, 2 mins flat
    then 9, 12 and 15%
    and if I`m feeling keen I`ll work it back down through 12, 9, 6, again.
    Both the flat and inclines are set at speeds appropriate for the section.
    My main problem with this is that some machines will set the hill programme to do the incline changes but not adjust the pace - which is pointless because you can`t do all inclines at the same pace unless the lower ones are so slow you`re not achieving anything.
  • Jaysus_The_Jay
    Jaysus_The_Jay Posts: 19 Member
    I watch episodes of stuff on my phone while on the treadmill
  • prettygirlstorm1
    prettygirlstorm1 Posts: 722 Member
    I am also doing C25K I am on week 6. I love running on the treadmill. I put on my favorite songs and it helps that there is a TV monitor on the treadmill to give me a focus point. I hated running outside that was boring to me. I liked to watch the timer on the treadmill because it lets me know how much time is left. If you are able to watch tv along with listening to the music maybe it will help pass the time a little faster. Try downloading your favorite songs and sing along in your head while you run and walk. Good Luck.
  • crystrusty
    crystrusty Posts: 18 Member
    Thanks for the advice everyone. Gonna take my tablet along today and see if that helps.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    Having something to watch definitely helps pass the time on the treadmill. I do the same when using my stationary bike at home. It's my time to watch old TV shows or catch up on new ones. I do my running outside year round.

    If this is your first time running on the treadmill, be sure to set the incline to about 1%. It'll help to prevent the shin splints which can occur on a treadmill and also better simulates road running so there's less of a transition period when you do get to running outside.
  • crystrusty
    crystrusty Posts: 18 Member
    Finished day 1....watching tablet helped greatly. Thanks everyone for your advice.
  • jessperry29
    jessperry29 Posts: 2 Member
    I love to watch The Biggest Loser. It helps motivate me to stay on the treadmill. I walk for 3 mins at 3.0 and then run for 2 mins at 5.0. It helps it go by quickly. Although, that 2 mins can feel like forever sometimes.
  • BLG5693
    BLG5693 Posts: 4 Member
    i saw a video on instagram, walking on the forward TM then side step switch to backwards walk side step again and back to forwards walking repeat that, i tried it for the first time yesterday you have to do it really slow at first because it takes some getting used to but i was absoloutly shattered! x
  • benzieboxx
    benzieboxx Posts: 253 Member
    You mean the dread mill? I only run on the tread mill when I have to. It's warmer here on the east coast now so I'm taking advantage of that. I just find my attention stays on my running when I'm outside with some headphones on. Big stress reliever.
  • DaveAkeman
    DaveAkeman Posts: 296 Member
    I've done C25K. Twice in the past couple years (that's another story). And I run several times a week now.

    I cannot run on a treadmill. No way. I have trouble running on a track, although I will run TO the track and do a lap or two as PART of my route. I don't even like out-and-back routes; I try to do loops. I just get bored. I love mixing up my routes so I don't do the same one over and over. (I am lucky that I have so many route options that start and end at my front door)

    I understand the metal issue, and that might keep you in - could be a good reason to stay out of the cold. (In fact, I would think that might be a good reason to stay away from running altogether, but what do I know?) However, other than that, weather shouldn't keep you down. I have run in temperatures from 28F up to 92F. And everything from hail to scorching sun. The trick is to dress for it. In the cold weather I use a balaclave and gloves. Once or twice I have used a very, very light jacket (As long as my hands and head are warm, the rest of me keeps warm by running) The only thing I really worry about is if I have to stop for some reason. That would leave me miles from home, dripping wet with sweat, and in cold weather . . . THAT is when hypothermia could set in quickly. So I always have a plan for that. In the heat, I wear less. A tank top and a sweat band.

    The only thing that will keep me in is traction issues . . . I have run with snow on the ground, but not ice. Too dangerous.
  • DaveAkeman
    DaveAkeman Posts: 296 Member
    Regarding the boredom issue: I used to run with Pandora music. I read a while back that a run I was considering joining did not allow headphones, and I wondered if I could EVER run without my music. One day I tried . . . I took the headphones off and put them in my pocket. My pace that day got about a mile a minute faster! I haven't gone back . . . I now enjoy basically sightseeing when I run, and don't like to wear headphones. Sightseeing is not something you can do on a treadmill!!!
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    I watch food porn while on the TM or Elliptical...
  • annaskiski
    annaskiski Posts: 1,212 Member
    edited June 2015
    I have a tablet reader (both an ipad and Nook) and read on the treadmill. A good book makes time fly by....

    The book readers are great, because they lie flat, and you can make the text larger to make it easy to read while you are running.

    A tv helps too LOL
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    I watch food porn while on the TM or Elliptical...
  • MommyL2015
    MommyL2015 Posts: 1,411 Member
    I watch episodes of stuff on my phone while on the treadmill

    +1 on this. Netflix and a few seasons of something will keep you occupied. I'm on Season 2 of Supernatural. :) Once Upon a Time is a good one too.
  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    I'm on the other end and have trouble listening to music or watching TV while running. I'm in the moment and concentrating on form, breathing, etc. I don't like the treadmill, although there are some times when the weather just does not cooperate. I would much prefer running on a nice scenic trail, but that doesn't always work.

    My wife on the other hand catches up with her shows on the treadmill. Helps detach her and she seldom realizes how long she has run. She ran a 10k for the first time doing this :)