Better to live 1 minute like a lion than a life time like a worm, worst that will happen is you get shot down. Believe me, that happens to hundreds of people in hundreds of bars every weekend!
No pain, no gain. You are not going to lose after each and every workout, but if you string a couple of weeks of these workouts together you will see the results!!! Chin up.
6ft 1" and I like to put my hood up when I am on a bus or train so noone comes to sit next to me! Guess I can pull off intimidating
Sexist Dr Dustin!!!! 7 I got your back mumbles, 8!!
age was quite simple....
@Mumbles 29, something in music, taken
Oih oih 8
Hey man, whats cracking! Hope you reach your goals and kick some *kitten* on the way. As you lose, you will gain confidence, fitness and a new sense of well being. All aboard the gain train my brudda!
Haha yes!! This would defo work.
Remember to eat atleast 0.3g of fat per lbs of lean body weight, as fats are important for cellular functions, other than that gl!
Ice cold water, then you get the added bonus of saving the calories ;)
I'm afraid I am not overly sure, its been about 2 months since reconstruction and he is intense physio like (3-4 times a week). No contact sports for another 6 months odd and hes been advised to avoid all exercises where pressure goes through the knee. This was my thinking exactly, I was considering starting him back on…
I did think of this but the pressure on the knee's is still to much. Even been warned off bent over rows because of the body position.
Do you have any personal trainers etc in your gym you could ask to check your teccers? Its real important to deadlift correctly.
Someone beat me too it, I didnt mean to steal your thunder! But totally agree, he's a giant!
Dude, you're not 172 inches tall lmao
Try eating 1g of protein per lb of body weight whilst keeping your calorie deficit at about 300-500. This way you should be getting calories from protein rather than carbs/fats (although you still need some for a healthy diet). I've provided a great article on it below, and remember protein isnt just for those of us that…
Exercise :), but 22% is pretty standard for women
I don't think it matters which ones you use, as long as you use the same ones continuously rather than taking weights from different scales.
Net thermogenic effects differ for everyone and the only paper you references that used statistical analysis was done with a group of similar people. Needs to be more fluid. They don't take into account shift work etc. Homoeostasis is a dynamic process, your body is a dynamic, complex phenomenon. Thermogenesis is just 1…
I do understand your point, but like I said, your references refute the significance of the net thermogenesis rather than the fact it actually happens. Having 6 meals can also contribute to increased leptin levels to decrease your hunger pangs and help diet. As for 1 sitting I wouldn't advise that for a number of reasons.…
The very basic point you are refuting here is that eating increases metabolism..... Even your references agree that eating increases your metabolism they just debate the significance of the increase in TEF from MF. I think the crux of it is you have to find a groove that suits you and go with it. Lets face it a healthy…
Thermogenesis increases after eating and is a direct extension of your Basal Metabolic Rate. Hence eating little and often boosts your metabolism.
Haha yea good one. Meal frequency offers many benefits, from eating regularly to intermittently fasting. Learn your stuff before you post.
I should add I weight train which is why I do this but im pretty sure some dieters go for the smaller meals to boost metabolism and burn fat, am I right?
I have found that substituting one of your big 3 a day (Breakfast, dinner, tea) just isn't worth it, you will feel hungry and grouchy. If however you are disciplined enough and organised enough to be eating 6 small meals a day you could substitute up too 2 of these meals with a protein shake. If you do this combined with a…
This is like my worst nightmare, I hate hangovers! Try the hydration packs like berroca or something?