Critique my Goal > (Maitenace) > Bulk plan please

Today, after a few months of yo-yo for the last bit, I hit my goal.

Scales say 11.6% body fat, not the 10% I was hoping for, but scales also not known for their accuracy in measuring it, especially as mine were very cheap. Happy, regardless

So now I need a plan to get myself to a 'bulk phase', looking to work it out so that I'm only eating 250 calories over, not getting too far in to putting fat back on.

First off, I will be ultra-consistent with logging food. I use a motoactv for logging calories burnt and keep it on me daily, so it's about as accurate as I'm going to get - wear a HRM which it connects to for exercise.

Today I upped my calories so that I'm now at a 750 calorie deficit rather than 930 or I was at (was -1000, but lost a bit of weight since last updated)

My thought is to stick at this for a few days, then up by 100 calories presuming my weight is still falling, few days again, up by 100 calories - keep an eye on weight until it seems to stabilise over time and have that as my TDEE base.
May have to do more than a few days as weight starts to stablise between 100 calorie increments.

When I've got a good figure as my 'maintenance base', will bump up calories by 250 for a 'bulk' phase.

I plan to be doing a 5x5 routine throughout this time, as well as 3 sessions of indoor rock climbing a week.

Always making sure I'm getting 1g of protein per lb of body weight.



  • Remember to eat atleast 0.3g of fat per lbs of lean body weight, as fats are important for cellular functions, other than that gl!
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    That's one thing I don't have a problem with!
    I do choose low fat meats etc, but I eat enough stuff with enough fat in that it's not a problem - and the more flexibility with calories I have, the more I'm likely to naturally eat.

    If you were looking at my diary (is all open, by the way), then the ratios were set to give a fairly high protein ratio - but as it's a percentage and I want an absolute number, doesn't really mean much.