ravenlaramie Member


  • Current Measurements Arms: 19 Chest: 50 Waist: 48 Tummy: 57 Hips: 54 Thighs: 33 Calves: 21 Sunday Share: Currently I have been taking everyone's advice on how to cut down on soda and have successfully cut down quite a bit (again :S). Some random info about me: My name is Samantha but everyone either calls me Sam or Mantha.…
  • @Robin- that sounds fun! Count me in- I'll get some base measurements tonight since September's almost over. @Skinny- I hadn't thought of pomegranate in green tea! I've never had it but I've heard tons of great things about it. I think I might try to transition over to plain green tea too. I think I will try to keep some…
  • @skinny and kah- honestly i don't really mind caffeine itself to be truthful. My biggest problem is my sugar/sodium intake. Well...that and caffeine headaches lol. I haven't really thought about coffee (never have been a big coffee drinker) but i love tea so i think I'll see about green tea with maybe honey and lemon and…
  • @Robin- I'm in! I love the notion and I think it'll be a fun challenge! :) @Linder and Kah- I have tried cutting down slowly but I'm suspecting it must not have been slow enough. :S I appreciate the advice. Also is there a better way to get the caffeine without the sugar (aspartame gives me headaches too so I just stick…
  • Saturday Success: Ok I wouldn't call this a success by any means- I have recently been getting caffeine headaches and migraines A LOT. My fiance challenged me yesterday to another little halloween challenge due to the fact that I'm retaining water! So I've been limited to water, cutting down my sodium and my sugar intake.…
  • I was young... maybe 13 when I shot my dad's .9mm ... I didn't think at all. I wore a spaghetti strap top and had pretty much the same thing happen... Except it went down the back of my shirt. It SUCKED. Somehow I haven't managed to get pinched by the slide though.
  • "Beauty is only skin deep" or "It's what's on the inside that counts"... -_- Thanks... I think
  • Thank you greatly. I am feeling a lot better but still slightly under the weather. It's getting better though. Friday fitness: started working in weights to my routine a bit to help tone some muscles a bit more. I don't know how that's working yet though.
  • *fist bump* lol And agreed- thank you for the invite! It's greatly appreciated.
  • My name is Samantha, and I'm 24. I was raised around all types of guns including rifles, shot guns and pistols. I was allowed to handle them since i was around 4 or 5 after i was able to recite the gun safety rules word for word. Never once did I have an accident or destroy any property. My personal favorite is the Glock…
  • I can't edit my post now but i see two mistakes that i made typing it out... "...on target and have DECIDED to fire" and the laser rule "treat the muzzle of the weapon as if it is a laser that anything it goes across it cuts through" Sorry =s
  • It's not so much that they hate freedom- it's that they are ignorant to simple facts. For example, I live in Knoxville, Tn. Most people in the west are of the opinion that crimes don't happen here. It's all in East Knoxville. I don't know how many people I've heard say that guns aren't needed in the west because there are…
  • Thank you for sharing that.
  • LMAO! I got #9 This really has given me a laugh to start the day Edit: Still gave me a laugh but >.> <.< Spoiler- they all equal 9. I feel kinda dumb and still greatly amused.
  • I have, as yet, been unable to get a carry permit (I don't have the money to take the course and get the license) but I intend to as soon as I can. I have a G26 but I intend to get and carry a G27 OR a G23 (the 27 is more concealable so that will likely be the one I carry because I don't want anyone to know I have it until…
  • I have tried with articles of my own many times. Even wrote an essay for college about guns but unfortunately, no matter how many true facts you include, statistics, references and quotes you'll never get through to them. They actually believe what they're saying no matter how ignorant it is or how unfounded it is. They…
  • I keep a mini flashlight near my bed where I can grab it if necessary but I'm one of the dumb ones- I smoke so I also have a lighter handy at all times- so I don't keep a flashlight in every room. My dad's surefire is in the kitchen and his mag light is always in the living room though.
  • My dad is a cop and has been since 1992. He joined the sherriff's office as they transitioned from the revolvers to the Glocks. Of course this fascinated me and I wanted to see the gun that everyone talked so highly of. He had me read and memorize the entire transition handbook front to back and recite the rules before I…
  • If I had to wager a guess it would follow along the lines of this: Gun ownership/gun control is quite a controversial topic and since there are hardly never any people in between on the topic, there is usually a clash that ends up with one side insulting the other for one reason or another- thus causing controversy which…
  • Um ... Can I offer a modification to number 3? My dad always taught me "Keep your finger out of the trigger guard and off of the trigger until you're on target and ready to fire" because even if you're on target, you're not necessarily prepared to fire. It could be in an attempt to deter a threat instead of immediately…
  • My mom at one time ran across a woman named Ivory Soap (I kid you not) and she used to be friends with a woman named Christmas Caroll Noels (She was born on Christmas day). My old manager's cousin's name was Lemon (pronounced Le-moan)
  • Agreed and I shall leave this thread entirely with this thought. "It is better to have it and not need it... than need it and not have it."
  • One in the chamber at all times... all I gotta say on that lol.
  • You point out the witch trials as if Europe didn't start that in the first place. 2 bible quotes spurned the entire thing and it didn't start here in America. Just saying... This^^^ well said
  • I would recommend a Glock 26. It's small, concealable, not a lot of kick, easy to handle and it's a semi-auto .9mm. That's what I have. Also, they're not difficult to strip and clean and they're the best I've run across. I.E. I went to the range and had someone in the lane next to me laughing at the fact I had a Glock.…
  • Thursday truth: no lie- been sick as a dog yesterday and today. I haven't done crap- haven't even hardly eaten. I blame the weather. I haven't kept up with the thread like I mean to and I've been frustrated. I do have an NSV though! Recently fit into a pair of pants I hadn't been able to wear... AND needed a belt! Go me!…
  • @Shrinkrapt Oh I'm definitely going to do better tomorrow. I think in all actuality I'm too hard on myself as far as what I eat. I'm not obsessed over how many calories I take in, for the most part, just when I eat something I know is bad for me. Honestly I still came in under my calorie goal, I think I'm just frustrated…
  • early Monday check in: ok so I'm angry with myself at the moment. Today was horrible as a tracking day. I broke down and had too many cupcakes even though i don't really like chocolate cupcakes. That really messed me up, then i really screwed myself when it came to dinner. I couldn't finish my meal though but i just…
  • Well I'm posting from my phone so I'm gonna have to keep it brief. Saturday success: I am proud of myself at the moment. I made chocolate cupcakes for everyone and ended up just splitting one with my mom. I didn't want a full one. Also I'm gonna have to amend my challenge goals here. Here lately i haven't had much of a…