Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,167 Member
    Saturday Success: Ok I wouldn't call this a success by any means- I have recently been getting caffeine headaches and migraines A LOT. My fiance challenged me yesterday to another little halloween challenge due to the fact that I'm retaining water! So I've been limited to water, cutting down my sodium and my sugar intake. That's great and all but my mom made me have soda today due to the caffeine headache that was sneaking up on me throughout the day. Granted today I've averaged probably around 10 glasses of water (which in itself is a success) BUT I kinda wondered how I can stop the headaches. They make me feel like doing nothing but sleeping- no exercise, not even wanting to get out of bed and make me physically sick when they go into a full blown headache. What should I do? :'(

    I'm not a medical professional but I went through a horrible bout of caffeine withdrawal headaches. They went on and on and on. Later I contacted my doctor's office and they told me I should have cut down SLOWLY on caffeine intake rather than stopping cold turkey.

    Hope you feel better soon.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Saturday Success~It was a good week, the scale was much kinder to me this week showing I lost 3.4#. I'm just 7 pounds away from my next goal and then I'll treat myself to a massage.

    I just thoroughly enjoyed some bacon with breakfast, my trainer said to start my day without carbs (just move said carbs to later in the day) and add more protein (bacon/sausage really???) - who am I to argue! :laugh: Enjoying coffee right now and then will get some things done around here before heading to the gym for a swim. My body is tired, a lot of hard cardio this week, so decided to swim today and give my body a little rest. Then the usual Saturday of running around - first day of Autumn, but its going to be a hot one here. :glasses: I'll be glad when I can turn off the a/c and open up the house!
    Saturday Success: Ok I wouldn't call this a success by any means- I have recently been getting caffeine headaches and migraines A LOT. My fiance challenged me yesterday to another little halloween challenge due to the fact that I'm retaining water! So I've been limited to water, cutting down my sodium and my sugar intake. That's great and all but my mom made me have soda today due to the caffeine headache that was sneaking up on me throughout the day. Granted today I've averaged probably around 10 glasses of water (which in itself is a success) BUT I kinda wondered how I can stop the headaches. They make me feel like doing nothing but sleeping- no exercise, not even wanting to get out of bed and make me physically sick when they go into a full blown headache. What should I do? :'(

    Have you given up caffeine recently? If so, caffeine headaches go away after 3-4 days - one of the reasons you should ease off of caffeine instead of giving it up cold turkey. Caffeine is my drug of choice, no way I could survive without it! :bigsmile:
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,167 Member
    Kah68 - seems we both gave the same advice on caffeine! It is my drug of choice for certain. I'm drinking some coffee as I read the posts this morning as well. No breakfast though. Still waiting out the clock on that.......thyroid med and then wait an hour before eating anything. I see Greek yogurt in my future. Well, I see that every morning.

    Saturday success - I made my 35 walking miles again this week.

    Wishing everyone well.

    Be safe, be healthy!

  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    I want to address the issue of our October Challenge. I've been thinking of making it : Count Your Carbs Month.

    How does that sound to everyone. I've been noticing an awful lot of people bringing up the subject of maintenance weight, of gaining and losing the same 5 pounds, and I think it would help us if we concentrated on our carbs for a month. As most of us know Our Weight is not One Number, it is a number that flucuates a good 5 pounds on either side of that number, so our "NORMAL" weight is really in a range of 10 pounds. I think that is why it has been so frustrating for so many to see the same numbers on the scale all summer. While we thought we were dieting, we actually were on a maintenance diet.

    So I propose for October, a serious push to control our carb count and an effort to jump start our diets and move off of maintenance into losing again.

    If we focus the month on educating ourselves on the proper intake of carbs to lose weight we will learn a lot and lose a lot.

    Any takers?

    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Kah68 - seems we both gave the same advice on caffeine! It is my drug of choice for certain. I'm drinking some coffee as I read the posts this morning as well. No breakfast though. Still waiting out the clock on that.......thyroid med and then wait an hour before eating anything. I see Greek yogurt in my future. Well, I see that every morning.

    Saturday success - I made my 35 walking miles again this week.

    Wishing everyone well.

    Be safe, be healthy!


    I saw that, LIn! :wink: I gave up coffee/caffeine cold turkey for Lent once, I was impossible to live with/work with. One day about a week into it I came into work and there was a cup of Starbucks coffee sitting on my desk with a note that said, "for the sanity of those around you please drink me!" :laugh:
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    I want to address the issue of our October Challenge. I've been thinking of making it : Count Your Carbs Month.

    How does that sound to everyone. I've been noticing an awful lot of people bringing up the subject of maintenance weight, of gaining and losing the same 5 pounds, and I think it would help us if we concentrated on our carbs for a month. As most of us know Our Weight is not One Number, it is a number that flucuates a good 5 pounds on either side of that number, so our "NORMAL" weight is really in a range of 10 pounds. I think that is why it has been so frustrating for so many to see the same numbers on the scale all summer. While we thought we were dieting, we actually were on a maintenance diet.

    So I propose for October, a serious push to control our carb count and an effort to jump start our diets and move off of maintenance into losing again.

    If we focus the month on educating ourselves on the proper intake of carbs to lose weight we will learn a lot and lose a lot.

    Any takers?

    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    I think this is a fabulous idea - this is some of the stuff I'm working on. Trying to eat the right kind of carbs at the right times throughout the day.
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    I love that October challenge idea! I notice my carbs have been slowly creeping up a bit and I'm wondering how it will effect my A1C next week.

    Saturday success - Lost enough weight to hit my 100 lb mark this week! Very excited about that. Last night as I was leaving the pool my Dr intercepted me at the door. I didn't realize it but he arrived there just as I did and was in the lap lane next to me (wow, am I oblivious). He told that I "out swam" him and that he hadn't been able to go my full hour without stopping. I will also note that my Dr looks very good in tight swim shorts. :wink:
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    I love that October challenge idea! I notice my carbs have been slowly creeping up a bit and I'm wondering how it will effect my A1C next week.

    Saturday success - Lost enough weight to hit my 100 lb mark this week! Very excited about that. Last night as I was leaving the pool my Dr intercepted me at the door. I didn't realize it but he arrived there just as I did and was in the lap lane next to me (wow, am I oblivious). He told that I "out swam" him and that he hadn't been able to go my full hour without stopping. I will also note that my Dr looks very good in tight swim shorts. :wink:

    WOW! Congratualtions on 100# gone. That is really wonderful.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Saturday success: I feel really good about the way I am able to refocus when I am feeling hungry. I've been able to find other things to do, and not go for the snacks. :happy:
  • ravenlaramie
    ravenlaramie Posts: 165 Member
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    I want to address the issue of our October Challenge. I've been thinking of making it : Count Your Carbs Month.

    How does that sound to everyone. I've been noticing an awful lot of people bringing up the subject of maintenance weight, of gaining and losing the same 5 pounds, and I think it would help us if we concentrated on our carbs for a month. As most of us know Our Weight is not One Number, it is a number that flucuates a good 5 pounds on either side of that number, so our "NORMAL" weight is really in a range of 10 pounds. I think that is why it has been so frustrating for so many to see the same numbers on the scale all summer. While we thought we were dieting, we actually were on a maintenance diet.

    So I propose for October, a serious push to control our carb count and an effort to jump start our diets and move off of maintenance into losing again.

    If we focus the month on educating ourselves on the proper intake of carbs to lose weight we will learn a lot and lose a lot.

    Any takers?

    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    @Robin- I'm in! I love the notion and I think it'll be a fun challenge! :)

    @Linder and Kah- I have tried cutting down slowly but I'm suspecting it must not have been slow enough. :S I appreciate the advice. Also is there a better way to get the caffeine without the sugar (aspartame gives me headaches too so I just stick with regular sugar or Truvia when I can get it).
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    :heart: :heart: :heart:
    I also want to propose as part of the October Challenge that we gauge our success by our measurements - you know, by inches lost.
    Another idea up for discussion.
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @kaye--congrats on finding distractions from snacking! :drinker: I need to take a cue from you as I've been giving in to the snack attacks too often lately. :blushing:

    @mymowmow--congrats on 100 lbs lost!!! :drinker: :flowerforyou: :drinker: :flowerforyou:

    @robin--I love the october challenge idea!! I really need to do something to get the snacking under control. I know sugar gives me the munchies, so hopefully limiting the carbs will help.

    @lin & kelley--I'm with you guys--I will not give up caffeine! I rarely drink regular coffee, but I love my mocha frap lights and plain green tea.

    @raven--are you specifically trying to avoid caffeine, or do you just want to cut out unhealthy sources of caffeine, like soda? B/c if you are just looking for healthier drinks, you could drink green or black tea, or black coffee--then you would avoid the sodium/sugar/chemicals of soda, but still get your caffeine. I'm not sure if caffeine is your target due to health/sleep issues, but if not, caffeine can actually boost your metabolism and help you get more intense workouts--I've recently read some articles that recommend caffeine right before or after exercise to maximize the fat burn.

    @susan--sorry your outdoor swims might be coming to an end. Do you have access to an indoor pool so you can continue your exercise? Here in Chicago, the temps have dropped dramatically over the past week (we even had to turn on our heat! :noway: ). However, my exercise of choice is running outside, so the cooler temps are a welcome change from the summer heatwave.

    @christine--enjoy your zoo visit!

    @liz--have fun at your fitness event!! that's so great that you are participating instead of standing on the sidelines--you go, girl!!

    @toots--hope you get some good news in the form of answers about the a-fib.

    @bella--We miss you too!! (((hugs)))

    @tina--I could have written your last post b/c I'm feeling the same exact way. It's so weird too, b/c as the school year started I was feeling really great about my ability to stay on track w/ exercise, but now I'm really feeling defeated. I'm pretty sure some of it is stress from all the grading, and I know from experience that it will pass, but it still sucks! :ohwell:

    Friday fitness:
    I missed posting yesterday b/c I went out with colleagues after work, and then went to see another friend's band at a local bar. We danced for over 3 hours which included lots of jumping. My calves are killing me today, so I'm gonna skip the gym and just walk the dog.

    Mon--walk dog + gym (weight machines and stair master) DONE!!!
    Tues--walk dog + core work DONE w/ walk but forgot to do core work
    Wed--long run w/dog DONE and will do yesterday's core work
    Thurs--walk dog + core work DONE walking dog, but still haven't done Tuesday's core work much less tonight's grumble
    Fri--walk dog--didn't walk dog, danced for 3 hours which burned a ton of calories!
    Sat--walk dog
    Sun--walk dog + gym (stair master and stationary bike)

    Saturday success:
    I will post this later when I have a success of completing some more grading.

    Grading goals:
    1. 24/49 AP essays
    2. x/22 I/D clause practice
    3. 22/22 ACT practice tests DONE!!!
    5. x/11 AP analysis activities
    6. 58/58 V for Vendetta archetype charts DONE!!!
    7. x/49 AP unit tests
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Well, I have been completely lazy. I've managed a couple of loads of laundry and a grocery list but nothing else. I need to get to the store and then the gym - maybe I'll be more energetic after a swim. I tried to take a nap but it didn't take. :yawn:

    @Raven~Just as Karen asked, are you trying to really cut down on caffeine or on the sweetener? I'm not big on sweeteners. If I want any I usually add natural sweetener like honey - I sometimes add a teaspoon to green tea. I'm not a soda drinker, so can't make any recommendations there. But, yes, if you are a migraine sufferer (I was when I was in my 20s, they a few and far between now) - there are several foods that need to be avoided including artificial sweeteners of any kind and foods that contain nitrites (including cured meats and wine). Also, like Karen stated, caffeine before a workout increases your metabolism and gives you the energy you need to get through your workout. I have a cup of green tea every afternoon before heading to the gym (green tea has its own metabolism properties as well). Lastly, I drink coffee black - but if you are a coffee drinker and need to sweeten it up you can add honey (that is how my grandparents drank it). Agave is also a natural sweetener - I've never used it though.
  • ravenlaramie
    ravenlaramie Posts: 165 Member
    @skinny and kah- honestly i don't really mind caffeine itself to be truthful. My biggest problem is my sugar/sodium intake. Well...that and caffeine headaches lol. I haven't really thought about coffee (never have been a big coffee drinker) but i love tea so i think I'll see about green tea with maybe honey and lemon and maybe try coffee.
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    Saturday success - Lost enough weight to hit my 100 lb mark this week! Very excited about that. Last night as I was leaving the pool my Dr intercepted me at the door. I didn't realize it but he arrived there just as I did and was in the lap lane next to me (wow, am I oblivious). He told that I "out swam" him and that he hadn't been able to go my full hour without stopping. I will also note that my Dr looks very good in tight swim shorts. :wink:

    woah! that's awesome! congrats on hitting the 100 pounds mark!
    :heart: :heart: :heart:
    I also want to propose as part of the October Challenge that we gauge our success by our measurements - you know, by inches lost.
    Another idea up for discussion.
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    ohh, good idea. i haven't done measurements in forever.
    I ate out and came in under 1200 again.:happy: DH likes Golden Corral so we ate there. I hadn't eaten much all day and was very careful there. My favorite thing is that I found out that their coconut cream pie tarts are only 100 calories. I love them, but I was afraid it would blow my whole day. So happy that it didn't!

    wow, good for you. every time i got to golden corral i go OVER like 1200 calories haha
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    :laugh: @ravenlaramie- gratz on the pants great NSV, hope you are feeling better.

    @CelticHippo- gratz on being under, keep up the good fight.

    @Edluvuh- Wow 204 lbs. lost, that is great, I am aiming for 201.

    @Garetie- Good luck on the 29th, 26 miles is awesome.

    @monarchris- Glad you are feeling better, hope the trip to the zoo is fun. “Morgori, don't drink too much of the expensive stuff!” I only had one, it was very good, but then had a Tullamore Dew and a Kilbeggan. The three were amazingly different.

    @lizmil79- hope your walk went well today.

    @Bigaug- “I was on the evilliptical device, looked at the timer, all I could think then was nobody would know if I just quit, ten more minutes of this seems like an eternity. I didn't quit.”
    Evilliptical device very-funny.gif Gratz on not quiting!

    @MyM0wM0w- NSV glad you enjoyed the bath. “@ Mr.M - Enjoy your pub trip and have a bite of bangers and mash for me!!” I did and it was wonderful! “I love that October challenge idea! I notice my carbs have been slowly creeping up a bit and I'm wondering how it will effect my A1C next week.” Good luck with your A1C! Mine was 9.1% last October and 5.8% this June. Now that I am doing DASH I am hoping for 5.8% or less. Gratz on losing 100lbs! That is great that you out swam your Dr.

    @susan2396- “Thursday Truth: Really nothing to get off my chest. Everything is going really well. For once, my lifestyle change is FINALLY taking place for good. It's only taken YEARS to get to this point, but I'm here. Life is so good.” That is a wonderful attitude. “I'm trying to look at my loss in 10 lb increments. I want to lose 10 lbs 15 times. I've lost 2 so far and only 3 lbs from 3 - 10 lb losses. I have 12 more to go. Woo Hoo!!! We can and will do this!!!!!” That is a good way to look at it. When I started I wanted to lose 10lbs 20 times, I have lost 10lbs 12 times, 8 more to go.

    @sunshine_frec- “I have successfully went to all of the class this week. I'm proud. :)” Great job!

    @linder4866- “Friday fitness: KEEP WALKING!! Trying for 35 miles again this week.” Great job you are more than doubling my fitbit miles!

    @kris1085- “Friday fitness ! Went to Zumba class last night and had a wonderful time !
    Today i am going to take a walk !” Great work.

    @trhjrh06- “I will get through this. Just have to refocus. I just feel like it'll never happen. I just have to work hard for it again. Period.” You got this!

    @ ushkii- “Luckily, and with lots of work, I have a great relationship with my first wife (she hates it when I call her that.) very-funny.gif We have a date night, cheap theater that play not the newest movies but has great popcorn.” I need to add more date nights in for MrsMorgori.

    @Robyn_T- Your new picture looks great! I still miss the STOP STOP I’m gonna PEE picture though. Best of luck with your pregnancy plans.

    @tootsanderson - “ i count it as dancing i use this site to calculate the calories burned. scroll down to the S's lol” LOL, that site is interesting.

    @BohemianCoast-@Tom -- I hope you *really* enjoy the pub!” I did it was wonderful! “Broken cookies don't count, right?” lets-roll.gif “Friday fitness: the good thing that happened yesterday was that I'm continuing to get better at counter pressups. In another couple of weeks I'm going to start doing pressups on the stairs.” Good for you, I am going to try my pushups on the workbench again this week if my back stays on board with it.

    @bellawares- We miss you and hope you get back into this game!

    @Lauriek70- “Very tired tonight it was an emotionally draining day. Luckily, I did climb tonight so that was helpful and relaxing plus rewarding.” Good work climbing keep it up!

    @kah68 - “I just thoroughly enjoyed some bacon with breakfast, my trainer said to start my day without carbs (just move said carbs to later in the day) and add more protein (bacon/sausage really???) - who am I to argue! ” I lost a bunch of weight eating low carb and since I am a meat eater it let me eat some good stuff. I did find it hard to do when not eating at home though. I did change to DASH eating Plan which I follow pretty well and I’m still losing some and my blood pressure and blood sugar are still staying down. I eat whole grain carbs and most of my sugar is from fruit.

    @skinnyjeanzbo- “I went out with colleagues after work, and then went to see another friend's band at a local bar. We danced for over 3 hours which included lots of jumping. My calves are killing me today, so I'm gonna skip the gym and just walk the dog.” I need a way to have fun to get exercise, that sounds like fun.

    @RobinsEgg- “I also want to propose as part of the October Challenge that we gauge our success by our measurements - you know, by inches lost.” I need to measure today, I never seem to keep up with that.

    All that have been humoring me through the epic saga of going to the pub, I went last night! It was very fun. The good whiskey was very good but out of my usual price range. I did eat some wonderful bangers and mash, little bits ‘o fish (appetizer which is basically their fish and chips in small pieces as an appetizer), and I tried two spoons of Shepard’s pie that MrsMorgori had. The place looked a little dodgy on the outside but the inside was really cool. It was way bigger than I thought it would be. Anyway it goes on my list of special places to go to eat. I also had a Newcastle ale and a Tullamore Dew, and a Kilbeggan. I did not get too bad on the day in take wise. I thought the calories and sodium would have been way more over.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @raven--I like my green tea plain, but I know alot of people don't love the taste, so I love the honey/lemon idea. Another idea is add a tiny splash of a natural fruit juice, like cranberry or pomegranate--I do this sometimes if I'm bored of plain tea and want to add some flavor. I must have missed in your original post that you get migraines (but noticed it in Kelley's response). If that's the case, I would highly recommend keeping some form of caffeine or cutting it out VERY slowly. Caffeine is actually good for preventing/treating migraines--it's one of the active ingredients in Excedrin Migraine.

    @robin--I also like the measurement idea. Maybe Murphy's Law will kcik in and if I focus on getting the inches down, the scale will finally move! :laugh:

    Saturday Success:
    Walked the dog and decided almost immediately that I really want to run today (even with my sore dancing legs). The weather is just too perfect! So I just took a quick walk w/ Gunner and will run with him when I get home from starbucks. I'm here now and just did a recount of the AP essays--I miscounted before and found I completed 23 not 24, so 26 remaining. My goal for this afternoon is 15.

    Edited to add I've gotten through 3 papers (2 of which were awful!) and now these 2 women came in and sat near me and are chatting. Normally, I'm really good at blocking out the exterior noise, but they are so loud and one has a very squeaky voice/laugh which is grating on me. :grumble:
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Spent a fun time shopping with 2 of my daughters. We got in quite a bit of walking. I had a nice low-cal lunch at Wingers. The main purpose of the trip was to find fabric so I can make a robe for my hospital stay when I have my knee done. DH was very patient with my shopping last night. I went to several places but found nothing I liked. I love red, but hesitate to wear it a lot because of my size. My robe is bright red brocade satin with sprigs of gold cherry blossoms on it. Who cares how bright a robe is anyway? It will be so pretty. I'm glad that I decided to make something I would really like instead of settling for something.
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    @ Mr. M! My first A1C I was @ 9.6 and they put me on glucophage. My LAST one was 5.1. I talked to the Dr about coming off the glucophage if the next one is good but he suggested I stay on it since it has an appetite suppressant quality and will help me with my weight loss. He wants me on it until I'm out of 'obese' and into 'overweight' on the BMI chart.
  • naceto
    naceto Posts: 517 Member
    @Alison - Good advice. He got me a sandwich today, and luckily he got busy at work, so I didn't have to tell him I won't eat it! :laugh: He is so incredibly sweet and thoughtful.. he told me he hoped it was healthy enough, because he was sure to get "that wheat bread stuff" :laugh: He is very supportive, but I think I will just keep reminding myself that most things are okay in moderation. AND "rumpy pumpy"? LOL I bout peed myself laughing... 48 seconds! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    @Toots - glad to hear that they cleared you on the test... hopefully the rest come back clean. ("a-flutter" lol)

    @Kelley - I LOVE sweet potato fries.. we have a place near my office that has "mick jagger fries"... they are sweet potato fries covered in brown sugar... sooo bad for me, but ooooooh soooooooo tasty. - At least the sweet potatoes are better than the white ones, right? Vitamin fries? :wink:

    @grandamakaye - GREAT JOB! Those buffet places are hard to navigate and keep it healthy.... my hat is off to you!

    @Raven- I agree with Lin... gradually cut back on the caffeine. From experience, this is the best thing you can do. Feel better!

    @Lin- AWESOME!!! I can't wait until I can say I walked 35 miles in a week! That is a terrific accomplishment!

    @Robinsegg - I love the idea of counting carbs for October- I have been taking one item at a time... first it was healthy fats vs unhealthy, then it was upping my protein... so watching my carbs will be perfect!

    @MyM0wM0w - YAY!!:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: Congratulations! You are truly an inspiration to me!

    @Morgori - LOL "Evilliptical device" :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I agree. That one is not for me :noway:

    I have a feeling that the last couple of weeks of sporadic posts is going to continue... I start school on Monday, so will be wrapped up in my classes, work, kid, and now "the guy", who spoils me rotten with the flowers, poetry, and sweet things that he says. He is so supportive and sweet. I feel totally :smooched: by him... It hasn't been long at all that we started seeing each other in a romantic way, but it seems like a lifetime.... ANYWAY! Enough of that... sorry. It has been a super long time since I actually let anyone in... so I am kinda silly about it in some ways. :blushing:

    Friday fitness- I only walked a couple of miles so far this week- I have been anxious about school starting, and not great with my food (not eating enough) and my walks. I finally got the money for my school books (ugh) and the math book is not in stock anymore... so I have to order from Amazon and hope it comes quickly so I don't come out too bad in my class. I did email the instructor - and am hoping that not having it the first couple of classes won't kill my grades. Saturday success - well I am down a bit more on the scale, but I also hardly ate, so I don't feel very "successful" about losing this week. Hopefully things will smooth out quickly.

    I wish you all a super fantabulously amazing weekend!!!!