Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • ushkii
    ushkii Posts: 472 Member
    Its great to be welcomed back so warmly.

    We are having an unusually cool day. Stepped out on the patio - just lovely. (Big sigh)

    Let in a house reaction times are so slow, I have hit everything in the house but the fly, have taken to shots of hairspray to try and slow it down! :laugh: so far just have sticky furniture:noway:

    (Shakes fist at sky.....) it

    If you light a match and then the hairspray you will need less reaction.

    J/K do not do this! it is fun, but do not do this!
  • uscpwifey
    Hello!!! I'm new to this site, and all of this really! I just started going to the gym last week when my kids went back to school. So.....

    My Monday Check in....

    I'm doing alright. I did 70 minutes on the bike today going a little more than 13 miles. My legs were a little sore during my workout, but I think it's because I switched to an upright bike from a recumbent.

    A little more about myself, I'm a SAHM with two daughters. I volunteer in a kindergarten classroom and I will be meeting those kids tomorrow! :)
  • ushkii
    ushkii Posts: 472 Member
    Naceto – Great Saturday message, thanks. I also had a hard time drinking water and still slip back into not drinking easily. You are a great inspiration thanks for sharing.
    Andreabeatty – Wow, just wow. That is a lot going on. Glad to see you here.
    Janak2004 – Great job on the 5K!
    Lizmil79 – GREAT job at Golden Coral, I have been known to slip into those places and not do as well as you.

    Monday check in:
    Well I tried to get back in gear and it seems each time I do that I just fall on my face. Again I re-commented to logging and getting back on the bike. Well ate really back this last week and only got on the bike once. So I am not going to say I am starting again.
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    @Robin - Track the c alories burned from fly hunting!!

    Monday check in - I finally lost a few lbs and hopefully am back on a downward trend. If anyone is interested, here is a before (insert) and current picture.... Forum/?action=view&current=Beforeandafter.jpg
  • janak2004
    janak2004 Posts: 128 Member
    @Robin - Track the c alories burned from fly hunting!!

    Monday check in - I finally lost a few lbs and hopefully am back on a downward trend. If anyone is interested, here is a before (insert) and current picture.... Forum/?action=view&current=Beforeandafter.jpg

    Holy cow Mowmow! That is an AMAZING transformation! You look 10yrs younger! :)
  • naceto
    naceto Posts: 517 Member
    @Robin - Track the c alories burned from fly hunting!!

    Monday check in - I finally lost a few lbs and hopefully am back on a downward trend. If anyone is interested, here is a before (insert) and current picture.... Forum/?action=view&current=Beforeandafter.jpg

    Fabulously done!!!! You are a rock star :)
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    :) thanks for the encouragement guys.
  • Garetie
    Garetie Posts: 92 Member
    Welcome to the new people!!!!

    Thanks to all of you, it's so nice getting to know you all :heart: :drinker: :bigsmile:

    Monday check in- I have finally put my ticker back up, I have gained seven pounds, not over night but over that last several months and I need to face them. My afternoon bike ride almost didn't happen, my inner brat screamed and tantrumed all the way to the forest preserve, and continue for at least the first 10 minutes. "stop, I don't want to. please lets go home" If that wasn't in my head it would have gotten a back handed slap. As I'm not a big fan of being hit, I just ignored the brat. The bike ride seemed to be just a diffcult as the last times I have rode the trail, but it might not be getting easier, but I got faster and shaved off 5 mintues:happy:

    Monday: AM walk/ PM bike - done/and done! :bigsmile:
    Tuesday: AM walk/jog
    Wednesday: AM walk/ PM bike
    Thurdays: AM walk/jog
    Friday: AM walk/ PM bike
    Saturday: Long bike ride (goal of 14 miles)
    Sunday: rest
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,118 Member
    Just a hello and a thank you for everyone who's posting here! All the successes are encouraging----all the folks who talk about not being perfect or having other issues---thanks for that too because then I know I'm not the only one who's struggling.

    Thanks, thanks, and thanks.

  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Robin - Track the c alories burned from fly hunting!!

    Monday check in - I finally lost a few lbs and hopefully am back on a downward trend. If anyone is interested, here is a before (insert) and current picture.... Forum/?action=view&current=Beforeandafter.jpg

  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    A quick drop in.
    @Ushkii Thank you! Also don't give up keep hanging in there each day is a new start The fact you did get on that bike once is a start.
    @MyMow -- Awesome love the new profile picture.
    @Garetie - its awsome that you pushed yourself and did that bike ride. (it challenges me for I realise I have not push myself it the only thing I do is walk my dog. and I try to get as much exercise throughout my day. Parking the car further. But I haven't tried anything new like biking. It is great that you push yourself. My hat's off to you.:smile:
    @Lin-- I agree it helps me too by reading people's posts both sides the postive and the struggles. :flowerforyou:
    @Robin-- lol on tracking the fly. I use windex. :laugh:
  • GrammyWhammy
    GrammyWhammy Posts: 484 Member
    Is anyone interested in a Halloween challenge? Tomorrow it will be 50 days until Halloween. I need some motivation to boost either my steps or my miles, especially since the weather is cooling off and making walking/riding more do-able. Since I usually get in 10,000 steps on gym days, but not other days, I thought I'd challenge myself to about 400,000 steps in 7 weeks or a little less than 60,000 steps a week. Each participant could choose their own goal depending on their level of fitness, and then post a weekly total on Tuesdays. Anyone game??? I wear a fitbit, so going with steps is easy for me, but for those with a pedometer, a premeasured route, or who use equipment like a treadmill, bike or elliptical can record mileage shown on the equipment.

    Ideas, suggestions? It's more fun when we can push each other along. :smile:

  • ravenlaramie
    ravenlaramie Posts: 165 Member
    Is anyone interested in a Halloween challenge? Tomorrow it will be 50 days until Halloween. I need some motivation to boost either my steps or my miles, especially since the weather is cooling off and making walking/riding more do-able. Since I usually get in 10,000 steps on gym days, but not other days, I thought I'd challenge myself to about 400,000 steps in 7 weeks or a little less than 60,000 steps a week. Each participant could choose their own goal depending on their level of fitness, and then post a weekly total on Tuesdays. Anyone game??? I wear a fitbit, so going with steps is easy for me, but for those with a pedometer, a premeasured route, or who use equipment like a treadmill, bike or elliptical can record mileage shown on the equipment.

    Ideas, suggestions? It's more fun when we can push each other along. :smile:


    @Grammywhammy Ok, not going to lie- I DEFINITELY want to do this! It sounds like a blast and I love love love halloween. I think my challenge will be dancing every day no matter what. I want to try to get in... 2350 minutes of belly dancing in. That averages out to about 47 minutes a day. Looking now it probably shouldn't be too hard but if I push myself as much as I'd like, it should give me some visible results around halloween.

    I'd also love to get out and walk a lot more. I have a pedometer on my phone so I can make good use of that at the park with my dogs.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Monday- What a day???? Today started off not so hot as a major traffic light on my way to work decided to stay red for 10 minutes. I called 911- since I did not know who else to call and it was becoming a traffic hazard. As I was talking to the operator cars started running the red light and low and behold the light finally changed to green. The operator canceled the call but I hope they sent someone to check the light out. This is not the first time it has happened to me. Needless to say I was late for work. Today has been one of those days when I get nothing done during planning periods. To many interruptions and impromptu meetings with other teachers. I could go on and on but I will spare you the details. Needless to say--I want this week to get better but I have meetings all day tomorrow in addition to teaching my classes.:explode:

    The tap dancing class has been postponed until the winter. We might be able to find some additional teachers to participate. I am okay with this since I really don't want to stay at school that late doing paper work.

    Robin- Welcome back. Hope you feel better soon.

    Congrats to everyone that has success this week. To those who are struggling keep plugging away. All the little things add up to make a difference.
  • naceto
    naceto Posts: 517 Member
    Is anyone interested in a Halloween challenge? Tomorrow it will be 50 days until Halloween. I need some motivation to boost either my steps or my miles, especially since the weather is cooling off and making walking/riding more do-able. Since I usually get in 10,000 steps on gym days, but not other days, I thought I'd challenge myself to about 400,000 steps in 7 weeks or a little less than 60,000 steps a week. Each participant could choose their own goal depending on their level of fitness, and then post a weekly total on Tuesdays. Anyone game??? I wear a fitbit, so going with steps is easy for me, but for those with a pedometer, a premeasured route, or who use equipment like a treadmill, bike or elliptical can record mileage shown on the equipment.

    Ideas, suggestions? It's more fun when we can push each other along. :smile:


    I'm in!!! I love a good challenge! 49 miles in 7 weeks.. that averages 7 miles a week for me. I start school on the 24th, or I would give a longer distance goal.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,118 Member
    :) thanks for the encouragement guys.

    Holy Toledo!!!! You look fabulous!!!!!!

  • janak2004
    janak2004 Posts: 128 Member
    Is anyone interested in a Halloween challenge? Tomorrow it will be 50 days until Halloween. I need some motivation to boost either my steps or my miles, especially since the weather is cooling off and making walking/riding more do-able. Since I usually get in 10,000 steps on gym days, but not other days, I thought I'd challenge myself to about 400,000 steps in 7 weeks or a little less than 60,000 steps a week. Each participant could choose their own goal depending on their level of fitness, and then post a weekly total on Tuesdays. Anyone game??? I wear a fitbit, so going with steps is easy for me, but for those with a pedometer, a premeasured route, or who use equipment like a treadmill, bike or elliptical can record mileage shown on the equipment.

    Ideas, suggestions? It's more fun when we can push each other along. :smile:


    Um, I am absolutely into doing this! Since I've finished my 5K and I'm training for 10K, I'd like to walk a 5k at minimum 3 days a week plus do my normal running. I guess I'm going to average right at maybe 12 miles a week. Times 7. That means I will end up doing 84 miles in 7 weeks. I think I can handle it. Who else is game?
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @marsha--I love the challenge idea, but I'm already in a Halloween challenge (it's called "scare yourself skinny" :laugh: ). I know from experience that I can't participate in more than this thread and ONE other group. But I will have fun cheering you all on! :drinker:

    @margaret--great job going for that bike ride! Even though I love working out now, I often have days (especially WORK days!) when my inner "brat" whines about going. I just remind myself that I've often regretted NOT working out, but I've NEVER come home from the gym or a run thinking "gosh, I wish I didn't do that!" :laugh:

    @mymowmow--Wowzer!! what a difference! :flowerforyou:

    @ushkii--I agree with liz--at least you got on that bike once! keep going--I know you have it in you! maybe join the Halloween challenge and set a goal of a certain number of miles or minutes on that bike for the next 50 days...

    @raven--I laughed when you said your lab was angry b/c you took the GP for extra walks--that's why Gunner is an only child. :laugh: He was in a fight with me last night b/c I came home smelling of my sister's dog...

    @karenleona--glad that post-surgery weight is coming off :happy:

    @jana--sometimes parents can be insensitive--I think it's b/c they love us so unconditionally, that they don't always think about turning on the filter. My dad was the same way when I was younger--he's gotten better b/c I've called him out on it over the years.

    @cath--sorry to hear about your daughter--hope she gets well soon! :flowerforyou:

    @maddalen--I had (have :frown: ) that same hang up about not wasting food. My mom instilled the concept in me and when I started here on MFP I found myself wanting to eat food just so it "wouldn't go bad" but it wouldn't fit my calorie allowance. My husband cooks like we have 8 kids (we have ZERO) and doesn't love leftovers. Instead of trying to gorge myself, I've learned to pack it up and freeze it, or just throw it away. I mean really, what good is it in my body if I'm not hungry and don't need the fuel? It's still a waste, but instead of just going into a landfill it goes to my waistline.

    @auntievava--I was 247 at my heaviest, and though I never reached the point of not being able to move, stairs were a challenge and even a leisurely walk in cool weather had me sweating up a storm. I started c25k when I was at about 235 and struggled, but really started feeling better when I got down to about 220. I agree with nicole though--I don't think it's about getting to a certain weight. I believe every pound you take off will make a small difference--it will take 4 lbs of pressure off your knees, so your 9 lbs lost relieves 36 lbs from your knees. I also think weight loss alone won't make as much of a difference as moving more to build up your cardiovascular fitness and (as nicole said) eating healthier foods to fuel your body.

    I can't remember who else I wanted to respond to, but I'll catch you next time! Welcome to the newlings!! :flowerforyou:

    Oh, just remembered..
    @andrea--can't detect poison...PRICELESS!! :laugh:

    Monday Check-in:
    I think I've conquered my last "food fear." Since I started MFP I have avoided buying frosted mini-wheats. I used to eat them all the time w/ light soy milk. They're not terrible for you, but when you eat a whole box in 3 days, it's a problem. :grumble: Anyway, I've had all of my other "binge" foods in the house since then: ice cream (REAL ice cream), doritos, chocolate. Sure I've gone overboard here or there, and I certainly don't keep them as staples in the house, but I'm not afraid to buy them once in a while. Saturday, the frosted mini-wheats were on sale on an end display at the grocery. I decided to buy them and had a bowl (1.5 serving w/ 1 cup of light Silk) that night for my evening snack. I realized tonight that I had completely forgotten about them since then. I know it's only been 2 days, but that is a huge victory for me. What's more, even though I remembered them tonight, I don't have any desire to eat them right now. :bigsmile:

    Mon--walk dog (donating blood) DONE!!
    Tues--walk dog + core work (union board mtg)
    Wed--long run w/ dog (faculty mtg)
    Thurs--core work (haircut/pedi)
    Fri--walk dog
    Sat--walk dog + gym
    Sun--walk dog + gym

    Grading goals:
    1. x/22 vocab quizzes
    2. 5/58 motif analyses

    Really want to get those motif essays done by Friday--going to get 5 more done tonight before bed!
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    Toots: That fellow with the curls and big baby blues is my g-son Max wearing HIS baptism suit. BTW, your cutie is precious.

    thanks. she is very little and they couldn't find a suit small enough to fit her :laugh: i think medium was the smallest and she was just swimming in it. we had to roll the bottom up like four times.

    I'd like to know if I can join this message board. I am one of those women who needs to lose 100 LBS. I want to do it without surgery (lapband). So, here I am...please accept and help me.


  • vickimieth
    vickimieth Posts: 333 Member
    @Andrea - I was drinking lemonade when I read your comment about the new boss' chemistry skills (or lack there of) - lemonade in the nose is just strange :noway:

    I just realized today that I've lost the equivalent to a large bag of dogfood (and a little more) - and that amazes me. I still don't really see the difference (I do see different sizes of clothes, but just don't feel that I look any smaller).