ravenlaramie Member


  • @Skinny- Oh lord I know. Almonds are my blessing and my curse! lol. I absolutely love them, but for a bag that'll last here they're like 10-12$.... but they're sooooo freaking good! (They're my all time favorite snack food along with pistachios xD). I think I finally got through to my dad though. I've been trying to get…
  • Hope everyone's doing well! I haven't caught up still, but I'm gonna work on that. Thursday truth: Still feeling a bit lethargic but I suspect my recent diet has to do with that. Been sparse on the money for the holidays so I've been reduced to crap that I really don't like much anymore... and it's really hard to meet a…
  • I want to start off with a sincere thank you for the get well soons and I want to send out my own well wishes to everyone with worries, colds, family problems, etc. You're all in mine and my family's thoughts and prayers. Thursday truth: past couple of weeks have been miserable! No kidding. I know I've done horrible on my…
  • Hey everyone- I haven't been around for a little while and I'm sorry. I ended up getting pretty sick and I'm still on antibiotics etc for it. Came down with an ear infection in both ears, an upper respiratory infection and a severe sinus infection which had me bed ridden for a bit. I'm still getting over the sinus…
  • @BohemianCoast To be honest it does kinda make me sad that it had no flavor. I'd venture it's because it is Burger King though lol... I've always thought they had the best fries... but not so much on the burgers (Wendy's for the win lol!) but I suppose in the end it kinda does me some good... somehow. I think next time I…
  • Hey everyone. Sorry I haven't been around much lately. A lot has been going on at home and hasn't afforded me much time on the computer- if it weren't for my phone I wouldn't have been able to keep up with my calories! I think things are calming down somewhat now though so I might be around a little more... hopefully. I'm…
  • @BohemianCoast I'm gonna definitely try. I'm gonna get back into dancing again starting to day. I just can't figure out why I'm so draggy. @Robin Honestly I was kind of thinking that after I posted. No lie, on my waist it's kind of hard for me to tell sometimes 'cause of the rolls. (Embarassing confession, but true…
  • Ok... methinks I need a swift kick in the *kitten* at this point. I've been kind of lacks here recently and I dunno what's wrong with me- be it discouragement or depression or whatever it may be... I need to get back in gear. Here's why... Measurements: Waist 47.0 on 10/24/12 Hips 51.0 on 10/24/12 Chest 47.0 on 10/24/12…
  • I don't particularly have any truths to get off my chest lol so this is essentially just an update. I still have my sinus infection but I have attempted both suggestions to control my stress. I scheduled a playday when I woke up. I didn't do anything particular, just kind of vegged and played sims on my phone. I did…
  • @Robin- honestly I think it's stress just dragging my immune system down at this point. I keep getting stressed between losing weight, family drama, not making enough at work etc... I think I need to find a way to unwind. Wednesday wish: That I can find a way to unwind, release stress and just have fun for a day soon. No…
  • Monday Check-in: Ok so I did HORRIBLE this weekend. No matter what I did I couldn't seem to sate my hunger! I don't know what was going on (except that I'm yet again sick [insert frustrated face here]) so my diet, for the first time in a while... totally went out the window. Apparently it hasn't affected me too much though…
  • I absolutely love animals and have rescued a lot in my life. Therefore, I will be more than happy to do as requested.
  • I love my hairy man <3 Don't know what I'd do without him.
  • Late posting as usual. Wednesday Wish: My wish goes out to everyone not feeling good, hurting, feeling bummed or discouraged. I hope you all get to feeling better soon! You're all doing really well and you should commend yourself for everything you've done so far. I look up to you guys. Thursday Truth: My dad's and…
  • #40 Because I don't want to end up with the health problems that run rampant in my family.
  • Oh wow- I actually learned a ton this summer. Things I should've known all along. I think the first and most important thing I learned was what I was doing wrong in the past. I wasn't eating enough calories throughout the day and my body had gone into starvation mode. I looked into what can happen when your body does that…
  • GrammyWhammy- I've fallen faaaar behind on the halloween challenge and it makes me sad. There's no way I can actually hit my goal as much dance time as I've missed- but I'm gonna get in as much as I can. Lizmil79- It was my pleasure :) I love cooking and sharing stuff like that. If you do try it, please let me know what…
  • Sorry for the delay- the beef and broccoli recipe I will have to dig up... it's not mine. However here is my chicken pot pie recipe. It's slightly technical due to the pie crust but otherwise pretty simple. Homemade Chicken Pot Pie Technical ability- moderate Filling: 2-3 Celery Stalks (chopped) 2-3 Red Skinned New…
  • Just... thank you. Seriously! I'd been getting bummed and honestly this post has brightened my day. I owe you one.
  • @Robin- thank you. Fortunately I ended up not having to do that. I always try to go with homeopathic remedies before resorting to meds and I got lucky lol. (Menthol cream/oil is awesome!) I still can't figure out what made it hurt in the first place though... unless it was something I did when I was cooking. Oh well- all…
  • "Those who trade a little liberty for a little security will loose both and deserve neither."-Ben Franklin
  • I debated whether or not I should join this topic- personally I see it getting locked any time. I don't believe smokers are selfish scum anymore than I think they are persecuted. They and only they have made the choice to pick up smoking. No one made that choice for them. Neither should that choice be taken from them. If…
  • Ok! Measurement update here: Waist 47.0 on 09/30/12 Hips 53.5 on 09/30/12 Chest 47.5 on 09/30/12 Arms 18.0 on 09/30/12 Tummy 57.5 on 09/30/12 Thigh 30.0 on 09/30/12 Calf 21.0 on 09/30/12 Monday Check in: The weather is changing and it shows. My throat has been sore and my nose stuffy. However! I am doing so much better…
  • Saving my spot for now- will catch up later.
  • I think it's funny [wry sarcasm here] that Americans are always the enemies because we own guns. They believe that everything is cute little kittens and rainbows, though so it doesn't surprise me in the least. It amazes me how these people believe what they say.
  • @BohemianCoast I like that idea a lot! That way I'm not tied down to one exercise if I just don't feel like doing it. I think that's gonna be my top goal from now on and I thank you for suggesting it. Thursday Truth: Ok this one is kind of weird and I don't know what's happening here. As you all know, I've been trying to…
  • Tuesday Goals: I'm doing pretty good so far this week. My headaches haven't been back since I've been taking in caffeine everyday. Granted (since I don't have honey right now) I've been drinking sodas again- HOWEVER the great thing is I'm only taking in one a day so I'm proud of myself. My goals are to get back on track…
  • No thanks necessary ^.^ and thank you for the well wishes too.
  • Welcome welcome! And I wish you the best of luck on your journey! ^.^