Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Hi again. I know I just wont go away :tongue: I got a slow start to the day with a headache but once i kicked it I got busy. Had to run to the store and pick up some groceries and went ahead and got the stuff for the stockings. I have been teasing my daughter that this is the last year for stockings and she keeps telling me that as far as christmas goes she is never growing up. So now I am sitting on the computer stalling on putting away the groceries and cleaning the kitchen. I guess that can be my Thursday truth: I have a real problem with procratination. I know the kitchen is just going to get dirty again so it seems like a hopeless endeavor, lol:laugh: I am Going to try my hand at canning for the first time tomorrow. I am hoping to can pickled green beans and homemade salsa for my brothers for christmas. Cross your fingers for me. Oh well better go put the groceries away as the dogs are trying to help with the lunchmeat:laugh: Dont forget drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Thursday Truth:
    Still really struggling with food (and exercise a bit, but at least I ran this week). All of the sweets and snacks at work are killing me, and it doesn't help that I haven't been to the grocery store to re-stock on healthy snacks. Right now I'm at starbucks grading and then I have to stop at the grocery to pick up dinner. I plan to get something healthy for school tomorrow while there.

    Will do personals later. :flowerforyou:

    Exercise goals:
    Mon--core work (I have a late meeting so there's no way I will be home to walk gunner before dark)--DONE!!!
    Tues--run outside w/ gunner--DONE!!!
    Wed--walk gunner DONE + core work (skipped this even after logging it, so I will do it tonight)
    Thurs--walk gunner + gym OR run outside ALL I DID WAS WALK GUNNER
    Fri--rest day
    Sat--walk gunner + gym OR run outside
    Sun--walk gunner + gym OR run outside

    Adding grading goals:
    1. 49/49 AP tests DONE
    2. 10/22 Create an ad assignments
    3. x/11 AP analysis activities
    4. 6/48 AP journal reflections
    5. 22/22 vocab quizzes DONE
    6. 15/30 Scarlet Letter essay plans

    Need to finish #6 to hand back tomorrow.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Yay, Me! I just walked the "short loop" (1.5 miles) in 35 min. That used to be one of my favorite walks and I haven't been able walk it for few years. My goal is to be able to walk the long loop. Its about 2.5 miles. I'm sure I will be able to do that before spring.
    Thursday truth: For obvious reasons, there aren't very many people I can share this with. When my husband had his knee replacement surgery, his reaction to hospitalization and the stress made it pretty apparent to the dr. that he was in the early stages of Alzheimers. He hasn't progressed very rapidly and still does quite well. The 2 strokes that he had within 7 months took their toll as they affected his speech. He has a hard time coming up with the right words, and often says things in a strange way. Anyway, today he was trying to fix a leak under the kitchen sink. Mind you he is a real handyman. He built one house for us and has remodeled this one several times. I had to gently guide him through the process of finding the leak, making suggestions along the way. It was really hard at times because I don't have the plumber's vocabulary to describe things, and he doesn't have the ability any more to explain things to me. I'm really glad the these kinds of situations don't come up very often. It breaks my heart. Oh, he also left the car running for well over an hour. He went to get parts and didn't turn it off when he got home. I found it when I went out to run an errand.
    I guess we all have our challenges. It helps to have a place to vent. Wed. wish is gone but I would wish for all of us the courage to face the challenges with dignity and do what we can to help others.

    That's a great walk Kaye. You must feel refreshed after that one! About your husband, it breaks my heart for you. I hope these moments are still few and far between. You sound like a courageous and loving couple who are facing the future in the same direction with hands clasped. I admire that and I'll keep you in my prayers always.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Hi again. I know I just wont go away :tongue: I got a slow start to the day with a headache but once i kicked it I got busy. Had to run to the store and pick up some groceries and went ahead and got the stuff for the stockings. I have been teasing my daughter that this is the last year for stockings and she keeps telling me that as far as christmas goes she is never growing up. So now I am sitting on the computer stalling on putting away the groceries and cleaning the kitchen. I guess that can be my Thursday truth: I have a real problem with procratination. I know the kitchen is just going to get dirty again so it seems like a hopeless endeavor, lol:laugh: I am Going to try my hand at canning for the first time tomorrow. I am hoping to can pickled green beans and homemade salsa for my brothers for christmas. Cross your fingers for me. Oh well better go put the groceries away as the dogs are trying to help with the lunchmeat:laugh: Dont forget drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    I KNOW, I KNOW what you mean about the kitchen! I just got mine cleaned up, mopped the floor, and then I repotted a plant and jammed up the garbage disposal. Arrgghh!!!! And muddied the floor.:noway: :angry:
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    @Kaye I am happy that you walk the loop. :smile: I am.also sorry to hear about your husband. You both sound like a very loving couple who are facing a hard situation very bravely. I also hope those moments are few and far between.

    My week is going ok still struggling with a sweet tooth. Trying to finish each meal with fruit. Like grapes but even than I struggle with wanting chocolate or turtles the other day I was looking at cookbooks for recipes for divinity. I never make or want divinity.

    I hope this will pass. Today I have been feeling like I am coming down with a bug. My throat is so sore that hard to swallow. Freezing aching, feverish, sore. Going to bed early tonight hopefully will help. I just cant afford yo take off my job has no coverage available.also so much to get done.

    Wishing everyone a wonderful evening.
  • lmackbethl
    @tina - sorry about your niece... I work with little ones with similar issues, and it is heartbreaking and confusing... sounds like she has lots of support from your family, though, which should help a lot!
    @jt &robin - kitchens!! ugh!!
    @kelley - how wonderful that you're the shining example of success!!!
    @lauren - yep, slow and steady!
    @alison - what a great run!!! and such a bizarre encounter! seriously? mind your business, random stranger!
    @skinnyjeanz and susan - ah, holidays with the in-laws. yikes!
    @kaye - so sorry your husband is struggling -- robin said it best, so I won't even try to match that, but a virtual hug to you. and great job walking the loop on your new knee!!!! you are inspiring, in so many ways!

    Well, I am adjusting quite well to not working grave shift anymore!!! Just a few weeks into sleeping nights, I am feeling so much more human!!! I can't even describe it! Life is not without its challenges lately (my cousin committed suicide, my mom is having health problems, I'm broke, job hunting is sometimes demoralizing), but I am so much better equipped to deal with it all. Leaving the overnights (and associated isolation/invisibility/lack-of-support/inevitable-late-night-client-crises) behind has been a super move! I hope that I will like the new job and be up to the challenge of providing support, structure and stability to this little boy who so badly needs some help! I've been told he punches like a grown man (and bites too), so in addition to the running (he's a bolter), I should burn some calories ducking and dodging. :laugh:
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Tina- Your niece has a long road ahead of her. It is great that she recognizes she needs help at her age and is willing to get it. There is plenty of help in the community and the school to help students like her. Praise your older niece for realizing her cry for help and being brave enough to tell to a counselor. I have middle schoolers who also deal with thoughts of suicide and a few that have been in the hospital for Emotional distress. Support and love both your nieces and let them know that you are always there for them.

    Karen your truth could be mine as well. I need to stop eating junk food.

    Yesterday was frustrating and good at the same time. Went to dinner with co-workers nice evening out and had a slice and a half of pizza. Then had to copy stuff at Office Depot for my mom- well that job was overwhelming, tedious and took 1.5 hours. Yes, it was a lot of stuff- mostly my aunt stuff so we can send it all to MI. I was so frustrated after that copying job that I almost skipped the gym but I realized that I had to work off my frustration. I did go to the gym and ran into an old friend. We spent the next 30 minutes working out and catching up. The best part it was 8:15 pm at night and the gym closes at 9 pm. So in the end the day ended on a good note.

    Wish- I need the will power to stop the carb cravings and to eat healthy once again.

    Tonight I went shopping and was looking at pants. Well, it was a very frustrating experience. My favorite brand name Alfred Dunner has changed the way they are cutting the clothes so now my go to size does not fit correctly. I tried on multiple pairs of pants in 2 different sizes and it worse with the 14's, the 16's were better but not perfect. I have some 16's same brand that are now to big so that size is my go to size but not anymore. Needless to say, I was totally frustrated tonight with shopping and that did not help my resolve to lose more weight. I refused to purchase an 18 in pants since they will be to big. I did find a couple of cute sweaters so it was not totally in vane.

    Enough of my rant about clothing. It will get better.
  • lcunningham12
    I wish I could say today was a good. I fell off the wagon, pretty hard. I dont know why but I did good up until we had to run some where then it was like lets just get Popeyes for dinner. Then I got some candy and now im pigging out. UGH. And I didnt work out today. Wish I would have read these earlier.
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Yay, Me! I just walked the "short loop" (1.5 miles) in 35 min. That used to be one of my favorite walks and I haven't been able walk it for few years. My goal is to be able to walk the long loop. Its about 2.5 miles. I'm sure I will be able to do that before spring.
    Thursday truth: For obvious reasons, there aren't very many people I can share this with. When my husband had his knee replacement surgery, his reaction to hospitalization and the stress made it pretty apparent to the dr. that he was in the early stages of Alzheimers. He hasn't progressed very rapidly and still does quite well. The 2 strokes that he had within 7 months took their toll as they affected his speech. He has a hard time coming up with the right words, and often says things in a strange way. Anyway, today he was trying to fix a leak under the kitchen sink. Mind you he is a real handyman. He built one house for us and has remodeled this one several times. I had to gently guide him through the process of finding the leak, making suggestions along the way. It was really hard at times because I don't have the plumber's vocabulary to describe things, and he doesn't have the ability any more to explain things to me. I'm really glad the these kinds of situations don't come up very often. It breaks my heart. Oh, he also left the car running for well over an hour. He went to get parts and didn't turn it off when he got home. I found it when I went out to run an errand.
    I guess we all have our challenges. It helps to have a place to vent. Wed. wish is gone but I would wish for all of us the courage to face the challenges with dignity and do what we can to help others.

    Your walking goal seems very obtainable and good luck with that goal.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Thanks for all of your kind and encouraging words. The plumbing is put back together after working on it all day. Now there is no water at the sink. He has no idea why. I think that I will have to call a plumber tomorrow. Oh, well.
    We'll just all hang in there.
    Lauren, when you feel yourself losing control, come here. Just look at the huge numbers on the tickers of these courageous and persistent people. It gives me determination. Kaye
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @laurie--I can totally relate to your frustration with sizes. I haven't gone shopping for pants at a store, but I'm having the same problem in my own closet. Have a few size 16 dress slacks that are loose and sloppy looking. Then, there are 2 pair of 14's that actually fit perfectly, but a bunch of 14's that fit but would be much more flattering is they were just a smidge looser. With my jeans the Levi 14's are starting to get loose, but Mossimo 14's are way too tight--like I can't even zip them. Worried with the slowed weight loss, I will wear out what fits before I can get into the smaller stuff. :ohwell:

    @lmack--glad you are off the graveyard shift and adjusting to the new schedule. I hope you enjoy your new job--it sounds very challenging.

    @liz--get some rest! :flowerforyou:

    @robin & jt--I feel the same way about making the bed. I just don't see the point if no one will see my bedroom. I'm just gonna sleep in it again tonight, right? :laugh:

    @kaye--glad you enjoyed your walk. I'm also sorry to hear about your husband. My good friend's mother suffers from very advanced Alzheimer's and it breaks my heart to hear about her visits to the assisted living center. I'm glad your husband's case isn't progressing too rapidly.

    @alison--Be careful about talking to strangers on your runs! It was a little odd that he stopped you, but at least it wasn't for a more sinister reason. As far as the panting, my husband used to ask "Are you okay?!?" in a very alarmed tone when I would return from my runs. Not sure if my breathing has improved or he's just realized how annoyed his question made me, but he doesn't ask anymore. :tongue:

    @christel--welcome! :flowerforyou:

    @kaye--great job!! I'm also trying to get back on track--we can do it!! :drinker:

    @kelley--thanks for your response--I know he's pretty typical, but his mother has some warped image of his life. You're right about his need to talk to her, but he's not great at maintaining patience with her. Congrats on the awesome recognition from the trainers at your gym--what a colossal compliment!!

    @holly--I hope you know we won't judge you or think of you as a B. I know what you mean though--I sometimes feel like I complain so much about grading that you all must think "what a big whiner! why did she even become a teacher?"

    @robin--thanks for helping me try to see things from my MIL's perspective. Sadly, her other son didn't "slip under the radar." We've all known for years that he's needed help; however, her co-dependent relationship with his is one of the reasons he didn't need to deal with his issues sooner. As far as deflecting her concern, I've tried that in the past (she's tried to label him an alcoholic for years) and in her mind that just means I'm "in denial." After 20+ years of mediating between them, I'm just running out of patience. I think it's my husband's turn to deal with her--she is HIS mother, after all. :wink:

    @taratruex--it's nice to see you back in the thread!! :flowerforyou:

    Exercise goals:
    Mon--core work (I have a late meeting so there's no way I will be home to walk gunner before dark)--DONE!!!
    Tues--run outside w/ gunner--DONE!!!
    Wed--walk gunner DONE + core work (skipped this even after logging it, so I will do it tonight)
    Thurs--walk gunner + gym OR run outside ALL I DID WAS WALK GUNNER
    Fri--rest day
    Sat--walk gunner + gym OR run outside
    Sun--walk gunner + gym OR run outside

    Adding grading goals:
    1. 49/49 AP tests DONE
    2. 10/22 Create an ad assignments
    3. x/11 AP analysis activities
    4. 6/48 AP journal reflections
    5. 22/22 vocab quizzes DONE
    6. 30/30 Scarlet Letter essay plans DONE
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    just dropping in to say hello. still mid-trip but hope everything is going well for you guys.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Forgot to do Friday Fitness (what does that tell you about my motivation level?):
    I haven't been super-motivated, but have been walking or running outside and did core work once this week. Was going to do it tonight, but I'm too tired and have an early meeting.

    On a good note, my students have been really good all week. Juniors just finished Scarlet Letter and did an awesome job with class discussion of archetypes and diction/syntax analysis. Now they are working on some essays--a bit more challenging for them, but they are working hard. My seniors just started Oscar Wilde's The Importance of Being Earnest--one of my all-time favorites. It's just so hilarious and a joy to read with my AP students b/c they actually "get" most of the jokes. It's nice when everything is running so smoothly--especially so close to Winter Break.
  • ravenlaramie
    ravenlaramie Posts: 165 Member
    I want to start off with a sincere thank you for the get well soons and I want to send out my own well wishes to everyone with worries, colds, family problems, etc. You're all in mine and my family's thoughts and prayers.

    Thursday truth: past couple of weeks have been miserable! No kidding. I know I've done horrible on my diet while I wasn't tracking and I had days where I went over (no doubt in response to the days I know I didn't eat near enough). I'm now out of the habit of tracking EVERYTHING and have to get back in that habit again... and I'm kicking myself mercilessly for it. I guess I have an excuse... but in truth, in my eyes that's exactly what it is- an excuse. On top of that, I am supposed to go to a wedding on 12-31 and I know I can't lose enough weight by then to look somewhat presentable in my eyes. That really bums me out but I'm gonna keep truckin along anyways.
  • BohemianCoast
    BohemianCoast Posts: 349 Member
    @Kaye -- I'm so sorry to hear about your husband. There are new treatments for this I think; is he getting the support he needs? You will definitely be able to walk the long loop before spring if you keep walking I think.
    @Liz -- ah, the struggles with the sweet tooth... I mostly have a savoury tooth, but it's just as bad! When I want to have something sweet, I try to keep in tiny pieces of very good chocolate and just have one or two. It doesn't always work!
    @LMackbethi -- I'm sure you'll be a great influence on this little boy, and no more nightshift! Isn't that great?
    @Laurie -- clothes shopping is such a pain, isn't it? I swear a lot of the sizes don't make any sense at all.
    @Lauren -- when I start making poor choices I remember that the basic calculations have that 500 calorie deficit built in, so the first 500 calories of over-eating doesn't really make things any worse. Mostly I manage to stop before 500, or I do a bit more exercise to get it down under 500... But not always. So if you go 700 or 800 over in a day, you'll still make that back in one more day. Over a month it's really nothing. I do think it helps not to think about 'good' or 'bad' foods, because if you do you'll always want the bad ones and start depriving yourself. And I quite often resort to takeout -- indeed I did yesterday. Looking at your diary, it doesn't look like what you had for dinner was really the problem, it was more the snacks. I think you might try to cut your carbs a bit. The problem I find with carbs (particularly sugar and white flour/rice/pasta) is that they seem to trigger cravings for me. So after a carb-heavy day, even if I'm in balance, I just want to Eat More Junk. I think MFP's default macros are a bit high on carbs -- I cut the carb target and increased the protein and I've been feeling a lot better.
    @Karen -- oh, I never even thought about the talking to strangers thing! oops... I just sort of assume that dog walkers are good people I guess... the great thing about the riverside paths is that they're always pretty busy. Not as isolated as some of the marsh paths.

    Oh yes, and my kitchen is a mess too. It just never seems to be sorted.

    Friday Fitness -- so here was this week's plan:

    Saturday -- a difficult, busy day; will have some walking. Walking DONE
    Sunday -- badminton with kids DONE
    Monday -- Run - 4m run if I don't do it today. Otherwise fartleks. And Morris practice. No, not at all -- Badminton DONE and walking DONE
    Tuesday -- Zumba -- Nope, Speedwork Run DONE and it was hard too! And some walking DONE
    Wednesday -- Badminton, run maybe? Badminton DONE.
    Thursday -- Badminton? dance mat? -- 5m Run DONE
    Friday -- long run -- this *might* be the 5m run. Which feels a bit scary to be honest. Will need walk breaks. -- No, I'd already done the 5m run on Thursday so today is a total rest day!
    And strength -- at least three times! -- did it twice. So have more to do there next week, but I don't want to do strength today because I'm doing a 5k tomorrow.

    Next week:

    Saturday -- 5k Run, plus 2 hours badminton; might be overdoing it a bit here.
    Sunday -- badminton
    Monday -- Speedwork
    Tuesday -- Zumba?
    Wednesday -- Badminton
    Thursday -- Long run -- 5 1/2 miles total with 4 1/2 miles of running
    Friday -- badminton

    Have a great Friday everyone!
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    @Karen~I’m sorry for the continued drama with your MIL, it really sounds like your hubs needs to have a talk with her. Not sure how he can do that without her taking it wrong though; he just needs to explain to her that he understands her concerns because of his brother’s dx but that doesn’t mean that he has the same tendencies. He actually sounds like a lot of men, they are just into their own circle of friends and socialize occasionally. Geez, I’m like that – I socialize occasionally with friends but pretty much like being in my house doing my thing. You ask me – it’s perfectly normal! :bigsmile:

    @Lauren~The biggest favor you can yourself is be honest – write down every bite, lick, and taste. Like Kaye said, losing weight at a slower pace (1-2# per week) results in more permanent weight loss. We didn’t gain the weight overnight & while we’d like to lose it overnight we can’t – just be patient and be consistent, you’re on the right track. Just keep on keeping on.

    @JConst~Red Robin is one of those restaurants I have learned I have to avoid – just have never found anything remotely on plan there.

    @Tina~I am so sorry for the struggles your young niece is experiencing. I’m so glad that you are there for your sister and that your niece is getting and receiving the help she needs, the fact that she has reached out is a great first step. I will continue to keep all of you in my thoughts and prayers. Such a hard thing to imagine at such a young age.

    Thursday Truth~One of the trainers at the gym came up to me last night and told me I looked great and was doing amazing – apparently my trainer shared me as a “success story” in one of their team meetings this week. I’m not very good at taking compliments, but that sure felt good to hear – and somehow helped me have a harder workout than I had planned. :blushing: Truth is, other than my fatigue from the endocrine issues and insomnia, I feel great – it just feels amazing to be running again!

    Workouts this week:

    Monday~Active rest day DONE!
    Tuesday~Run DONE!
    Wednesday~Cross Trainer DONE!
    Thursday~Training session
    Friday~Yoga (I think)
    Saturday~Long run outside
    Sunday~Training session

    Have a great Pre-Friday!

    :heart: Kelley :heart:

    What awesome news about the trainers. Keep up the great work.
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Hi! I just joined MFP yesterday and was going through the community board. I saw this post and started to read some of the posts here. I was wondering if it would be ok to join your group? I really could use the support and friendships! ..Thank you

    Welcome to the group it is very supportive. I suggest like Robin it is learning curve that is one day at a time. I am learning to set small goals that will help me get my big goal. That is easier said than done sometimes.
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    @Kaye I am happy that you walk the loop. :smile: I am.also sorry to hear about your husband. You both sound like a very loving couple who are facing a hard situation very bravely. I also hope those moments are few and far between.

    My week is going ok still struggling with a sweet tooth. Trying to finish each meal with fruit. Like grapes but even than I struggle with wanting chocolate or turtles the other day I was looking at cookbooks for recipes for divinity. I never make or want divinity.

    I hope this will pass. Today I have been feeling like I am coming down with a bug. My throat is so sore that hard to swallow. Freezing aching, feverish, sore. Going to bed early tonight hopefully will help. I just cant afford yo take off my job has no coverage available.also so much to get done.

    Wishing everyone a wonderful evening.

    Hope you feel better real soon. Being sick is not fun at all.
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    @laurie--I can totally relate to your frustration with sizes. I haven't gone shopping for pants at a store, but I'm having the same problem in my own closet. Have a few size 16 dress slacks that are loose and sloppy looking. Then, there are 2 pair of 14's that actually fit perfectly, but a bunch of 14's that fit but would be much more flattering is they were just a smidge looser. With my jeans the Levi 14's are starting to get loose, but Mossimo 14's are way too tight--like I can't even zip them. Worried with the slowed weight loss, I will wear out what fits before I can get into the smaller stuff. :ohwell:

    @lmack--glad you are off the graveyard shift and adjusting to the new schedule. I hope you enjoy your new job--it sounds very challenging.

    @liz--get some rest! :flowerforyou:

    @robin & jt--I feel the same way about making the bed. I just don't see the point if no one will see my bedroom. I'm just gonna sleep in it again tonight, right? :laugh:

    @kaye--glad you enjoyed your walk. I'm also sorry to hear about your husband. My good friend's mother suffers from very advanced Alzheimer's and it breaks my heart to hear about her visits to the assisted living center. I'm glad your husband's case isn't progressing too rapidly.

    @alison--Be careful about talking to strangers on your runs! It was a little odd that he stopped you, but at least it wasn't for a more sinister reason. As far as the panting, my husband used to ask "Are you okay?!?" in a very alarmed tone when I would return from my runs. Not sure if my breathing has improved or he's just realized how annoyed his question made me, but he doesn't ask anymore. :tongue:

    @christel--welcome! :flowerforyou:

    @kaye--great job!! I'm also trying to get back on track--we can do it!! :drinker:

    @kelley--thanks for your response--I know he's pretty typical, but his mother has some warped image of his life. You're right about his need to talk to her, but he's not great at maintaining patience with her. Congrats on the awesome recognition from the trainers at your gym--what a colossal compliment!!

    @holly--I hope you know we won't judge you or think of you as a B. I know what you mean though--I sometimes feel like I complain so much about grading that you all must think "what a big whiner! why did she even become a teacher?"

    @robin--thanks for helping me try to see things from my MIL's perspective. Sadly, her other son didn't "slip under the radar." We've all known for years that he's needed help; however, her co-dependent relationship with his is one of the reasons he didn't need to deal with his issues sooner. As far as deflecting her concern, I've tried that in the past (she's tried to label him an alcoholic for years) and in her mind that just means I'm "in denial." After 20+ years of mediating between them, I'm just running out of patience. I think it's my husband's turn to deal with her--she is HIS mother, after all. :wink:

    @taratruex--it's nice to see you back in the thread!! :flowerforyou:

    Exercise goals:
    Mon--core work (I have a late meeting so there's no way I will be home to walk gunner before dark)--DONE!!!
    Tues--run outside w/ gunner--DONE!!!
    Wed--walk gunner DONE + core work (skipped this even after logging it, so I will do it tonight)
    Thurs--walk gunner + gym OR run outside ALL I DID WAS WALK GUNNER
    Fri--rest day
    Sat--walk gunner + gym OR run outside
    Sun--walk gunner + gym OR run outside

    Adding grading goals:
    1. 49/49 AP tests DONE
    2. 10/22 Create an ad assignments
    3. x/11 AP analysis activities
    4. 6/48 AP journal reflections
    5. 22/22 vocab quizzes DONE
    6. 30/30 Scarlet Letter essay plans DONE

    Thanks for the encouraging words. I actually admire teachers for many reasons. When I think of all the home work I have and kids at my house have I can only assume how much work a teacher has.
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Happy Friday:flowerforyou:

    Well I am doing my yearly all day holiday cookie baking tomorrow starting 9am:love::bigsmile: . I am super excited it is me, my friend, her SIL and mom we bake all day and then split up the cookies. Last year we baked from 9am to 11pm of course we had many bottles of wine with the baking also.

    To prepare for the weekend I actually haven't thought about it because I have been watching the snow report. I hate snow which I know is weird because I live in MN. I live here because the economy is very good and cost of living is not to high for the average person. I would perfer to live somewhere way warmer tho.