Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • ravenlaramie
    ravenlaramie Posts: 165 Member
    Hey everyone- I haven't been around for a little while and I'm sorry. I ended up getting pretty sick and I'm still on antibiotics etc for it. Came down with an ear infection in both ears, an upper respiratory infection and a severe sinus infection which had me bed ridden for a bit. I'm still getting over the sinus infection but for the most part everything has moved out of my chest, which is good. I'm still not up to exercising any though and I'm having trouble with eating as much as I should (I still have a bit of a cough which is making my stomach upset and my sinuses are still draining.)

    My doctor put me on some probiotic yogurt though and I'm trying to make sure I eat well. I haven't tracked in a while though so my food diary is kind of... messed up at the moment.

    Hopefully I can start working in a tad bit of exercise within the next few days but I'm not gonna push myself too hard yet.
  • BohemianCoast
    BohemianCoast Posts: 349 Member
    @Katie -- I don't personally think that 13 pounds by Christmas would be realistic; I think 2 pounds a week is plenty. Especially given all the parties and temptations at this time of year. Someone in another thread today said 'it's not a race', and they're right. 275 by April, though -- totally doable I'd think.
    @Angelika -- Love the 'iddy bits at a time'; this is the hare and the tortoise, isn't it? We all like being hares, but if we just keep plodding on we'll get there in the end.
    @Lin -- Congrats on the SV!
    @Kelley -- so you're looking for that 12 minute mile as well then? I'm really excited by the thought.
    @Kaye -- I've not generally had a goal except 'keep going' -- but 199 by December 31st feels so *tangible* somehow that I changed my habit. And I'm not going to beat myself up if it ends up being January 20 instead. I do think 'don't give up' is the best possible goal.
    @Tom -- sorry about the gain but if you're eating right and exercising you'll be back on track in no time. I really like the photo! I was going to ask what trophy it was but I see that everyone else knew it was the Stanley Cup. I adjust my ticker in weeks when I gain; too depressing otherwise.
    @Lauren -- well done for starting 30DS! I think a lot of people struggle to finish the program at first, particularly those of us with a lot to lose. Tomorrow will be better, just keep going. After a while, week 1 will seem easy. I started off with very easy things like walking and Wii Fit. If you have a Wii then there are loads of brilliant games. Dance Dance Revolution is my 'go to' game when it's cold and wet and I can't get out; I do the hardest settings I possibly can without failing, sweat buckets and it's a great workout. I also have Step to the Beat (Walk it Out) which is a walking game, Just Dance Abba for when I'm in a singing into the hairbrush mood, Wii Zumba Core (pretty intense), and My Cardio Coach (Gold's Gym) which is a cardio boxing game for days when my legs are *SO TIRED* after running that I want upper body cardio. I think most of these are available for other consoles too. When I'm starving I let myself go over a *bit* -- I reckon as long as I'm under 500 calories over I'm still in deficit overall. I don't ever go to bed hungry. Sometimes if I'm in deficit I just step while watching TV in the evening for a little extra burn.
    @Robin -- I love, love, love, 25 Holiday Walks -- though I'm going to count my runs as walks. Some of my walks are very boring -- it's a London thing... like last night I walked back from the leisure centre to the tube station *yawn*. But I'll try to get some countryside in.
    @Jana -- Well done for getting to the gym! I definitely have higher calorie days, but I do still try to log everything so I know how bad the damage was.
    @Liz -- congrats on the SV!
    @Karen -- I think it's hard to eat low carb at this time of year. I got my electrolyte gel from Amazon. My HRM is really irritating in that it's a Garmin GPS and the heart rate indicator, which is normally the only one I care about *when running*, is in tiny tiny print that I can't read with my glasses on!
    @LMackbethi -- Kayaking! How lovely! I love all the different exercise everyone does. My family had a big Canadian style canoe when we lived in Texas, and Dad brought it home with him. Of course it never gets used now, and none of us kids has anything like room for a canoe -- so I helped him sell it on eBay. It sold well! But not without a little *sniff* of regret because there's nothing like mucking about in boats.
    @Kris -- Hope you're feeling better soon!
    @Susan -- congrats on that Santa Run!
    @Raven -- good to see you back! I hope you're feeling better soon.

    Tuesday goals -- *still* hoping for ONEderland by New Year! It's five pounds down so still a bit of a stretch given which month it is.

    Also, for people who have lost 20-30 and are going 'but why doesn't anyone *notice*...' -- Now I'm at 35, people are really starting to say things. Now of course I'm embarrassed because I've got so much further to go.

    Have a super day, everyone!

    -- Alison
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    so my knee gets better i want to do more in the way of exercise but not allowed to yet......grrrr......may try a little walk to the coffee shop a few blocks away in the morning. My knee is good during the day but aches so much at night i can only sleep about 1 1/2 hours at a time. Then i get up and move around and it feels better. So annoying... can you tell that patience is not my long suit?? but i can now get it to bend 95 degrees just 2 weeks post op so i am happy about that :happy:
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Way to go, Karen. Sleep is still an issue for me. Why does it have hurt more at night?! :grumble:
  • ktaqt3399
    ktaqt3399 Posts: 141 Member
    @lcunningham....Dont get frustrated with the shred....I got frustrated half way thru and quit and its by biggest regret. I am restarting when i get in to my house in Janruary and I will succeed just because it says 30 days doesnt mean u have to finish it by then. Pace yourself and do as much as you will get better with time...good luck

    Goals tuesday. Soooo I came up with some hardcore goals to get me thru to my birthday. I have decided on the number of 275 to be my goal by my birthday of april 18th. Thats a 23 lb loss. If i surpass it Fantastic. I have also set up a fitness goal. I will commit to four days at the gym for a hour workout a week. Will strive for 5 but ATLEAST four. This weekend and all the compliments I recieved has given me new focus on what I want to achieve. Hope you all have amazing days. Hang in there and if anyone needs any support im just a message away =)
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Happy Tuesday!!!

    Goal today is to drink all my water I have been slacking the last few days and I don't feel the same. Most of my problem is at work I am so booked with meeting I don't have time to run and fill my water jug up. I then drink like a fish at home on the water.
  • Bigaug
    Bigaug Posts: 395 Member
    In case you were wondering, when you sneeze into your c-pap machine it's really gross and it needs to be cleaned.

    Tuesday goals - get over this sinus issue. Start/Finish Christmas shopping. Water, water, water.

    Karen - I hope you're knee recovery is quick.

  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Aug~Thanks for the tip! :laugh:

    Tuesday Goals~Had to change my goals a bit this week, had errands to run and by the time I got done it was too late for the gym last night.

    Monday~Active recovery day DONE!
    Tuesday~Cross Trainer
    Thursday~Training Session
    Friday~Not sure yet
    Saturday~Long run
    Sunday~Training Session
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Karen and Grandma Kaye - when your knee bothers you in the middle of the night - go through some stretches for your knee right then - it will help you get back to I recall I had the same problem and it will get better.

    Glad everyone is on board for 25 walks for the Holidays - if you can't do a walk, just count whatever exercise you are doing as your "walk" and count that!

    Great posts so many people - I feel that all the personals were taken care of - I second what everyone said!

    As for me, I fell down so hard yesterday I scraped my knees! I went to the grocery store, bought a 10 pack of fresh cookies, and ate the whole thing over the course of the day at 160 cal. a cookie! I feel gross and fat today. I did count all the calories, and will bear the shame today with an attempt at getting extra exercise in. I swear they were made with magic!
  • spookytune
    spookytune Posts: 38 Member
    Hello. Just a quick check in. Had an allergy attack yesterday and still feeling the effects today. It's been awhile since I've had one and they just take a heavy toll on my me. Hope everyone is having a good day. Ill check back in later when I'm doing better.
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Robin I did change my ticker to be honest:grumble: Today I was down 1.2 lbs.:happy: Hope you are ok after the fall!

    Aug I know what you mean about the sneezing with the CPAP. I have had to wash the mask with vinegar after a few. I try to have an extra mask that is brand new (my insurance only gets me so many a year) for the real bad ones:laugh:

    I am going to start getting more exercise my Fitbit says
    for the last 7 days:
    • 37,683 steps
    • 5,383 avg.
    • 3,254 pts
    • 24 mins very active
    • 3 avg.

    for the last 30 days:
    • 141,474 steps
    • 4,716 avg.
    • 52.74 miles
    • 1.76 avg.
    • 13,698 pts
    • 71 mins very active
    • 2 avg.

    That is a pretty good increase for me. I had my first 10,000 step day in there and then I got another so two days with over 10,000 so far. I go for three quick walks a day now at work, morning break, lunch, and afternoon break. I am going to start some strength training also.

    Hope everyone gets healthier!:drinker:

  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    hi everyone. i'm in provo utah today for the funeral and i did horrible yesterday on the drive which was about 13 hours straight. but i'm doing fine today. i drove over to the local grocery store and got the stuff to make my special breakfast shakes. anyway, hope everyone is doing well.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    I've only had my Fitbit for a couple of weeks, but for grins ran my report for the last week:

    Steps: 73,217 (Avg 10,460)
    Floors: 71
    Distance: 33.64 Miles (Avg 4.81)
    Active Score: 6,576
    Very Active: 363 Minutes (Avg 52)

    My gym has a group on Fitbit that I belong to - my ranking so far for December is 6th/43 for steps, 8th/43 for distance, 2nd/43 for active score, and 4th/43 for very active minutes. All-in-all, not bad.

    My job is really sedentary, so using this Fitbit does make me move more and use the stairs more.
  • lcunningham12
    Thank you all for the words of encouragement! I am going to start my Zumba Dance today and taking daily walks. I am pretty excited about getting rid of this weight I just have to pace myself and not over do it!
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Hey all those posting your fitbit results :bigsmile: Way To Go!!

    @Karen- Hope your knee gets better soon

    @Robin- Sorry to hear about your fall. I hope you are okay and that the pain from the scrapes is not to much bad.

    @Icunningham- Have fun with Zumba. I have no coordination what so ever but I loved taking my zumba class at work.
  • AngelikaLumiere
    AngelikaLumiere Posts: 862 Member
    It feels like my family is under attack, a death, a heart attack and diagnosis of alzheimers. I think my only goal is to survive 2012.
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    In case you were wondering, when you sneeze into your c-pap machine it's really gross and it needs to be cleaned.

    Tuesday goals - get over this sinus issue. Start/Finish Christmas shopping. Water, water, water.

    Karen - I hope you're knee recovery is quick.


    Hysterical!! I have a c-pap too, but haven't used it in awhile. Never sneezed, but GREAT to know!! Good giggle for the day. I'm battling a sinus issue too, which has been awful!!
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Hey everyone- I haven't been around for a little while and I'm sorry. I ended up getting pretty sick and I'm still on antibiotics etc for it. Came down with an ear infection in both ears, an upper respiratory infection and a severe sinus infection which had me bed ridden for a bit. I'm still getting over the sinus infection but for the most part everything has moved out of my chest, which is good. I'm still not up to exercising any though and I'm having trouble with eating as much as I should (I still have a bit of a cough which is making my stomach upset and my sinuses are still draining.)

    My doctor put me on some probiotic yogurt though and I'm trying to make sure I eat well. I haven't tracked in a while though so my food diary is kind of... messed up at the moment.

    Hopefully I can start working in a tad bit of exercise within the next few days but I'm not gonna push myself too hard yet.

    Yuck!!! Sorry you've been so under the weather. I've only been battling mine about a week. I never get ear infections (thank goodness), but can relate to the sinus stuff. I have pretty bad eyes so I get really bad migraines and mix that with the sinus stuff - not good!! I miss my exercise so much, but I get in a coughing fit and my chest gets all tight. I'm slowly on the mend, but like you said don't push too hard. The last thing you need is it to come back something fierce. Keep getting better!!!
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    As for me, I fell down so hard yesterday I scraped my knees! I went to the grocery store, bought a 10 pack of fresh cookies, and ate the whole thing over the course of the day at 160 cal. a cookie! I feel gross and fat today. I did count all the calories, and will bear the shame today with an attempt at getting extra exercise in. I swear they were made with magic!

    I'm sorry you fell, but why oh why do we do stuff like that? Ease the pain? Reward? It's such a battle. For me, it's the late night snacking. I put my son to bed and finally have ME time. For whatever reason, I always think that has to involve food. Plus, the food has to be fattening versus healthy. As much as I really, really wanted those cookies, I opted for brocolli and hummus instead last night. It's an ongoing battle. You're not alone, but don't do it again any time soon. You're the best!!!!
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    hi everyone. i'm in provo utah today for the funeral and i did horrible yesterday on the drive which was about 13 hours straight. but i'm doing fine today. i drove over to the local grocery store and got the stuff to make my special breakfast shakes. anyway, hope everyone is doing well.

    Glad you arrived safely, but I know what a toll those long road trips can be and not for a vacation either. Thoughts and prayers to the family and friends of the deceased. Stock up on some good healthy nuts, snacks, etc. . .for the trip home. Be safe!!