Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Happy, happy birthday to garetie and ohpampered!!! :flowerforyou: :drinker: :flowerforyou: :drinker: :heart:
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,137 Member
    Happy, happy birthday to garetie and ohpampered!!! :flowerforyou: :drinker: :flowerforyou: :drinker: :heart:

    Exactly!!! Yeah...........
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Happy Birthday to our Birthday Girls. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Skinny - congrats on your 5 K!

    Chris - glad your determined not to let the prednisone get to your appetite button. It hasn't hit mine yet, thank goodness, but I'll heed your warning.

    Aug - Your carpal tunnel surgery is Monday, is that correct? Best wishes on that, and no tinkering on the truck until Dr. says so!
  • monarchris
    monarchris Posts: 262 Member
    Happy Birthday Pampered and Garetie!!!
    Great job on the 5K, Skinny!

  • andreabeatty
    @jtconst - I completely understand th body image thing because I feel exactly as you do.

    @Karen - another 5K? Congratulations!!

    I need to keep another window open if I want to respond to more people than that.

    Okay, so here's what's been up and why I missed you all. My husband had his surgery as I said, and on Wednesday of this week he was told they got it all and he is cancer free. The melanoma had spread some but with a large enough excision they got everything in 2 surgeries. Happily (for him) his tattoo was largely untouched. (He has a custom full back tattoo, all Jimmy Buffett Margaritaville parrot stuff. and tikis, lots of tikis and parrots) and we got away with only a 4 inch scar and, well, a dent. BUt while all of that was happening was when we lost his brother to cancer and since he hadn't told his family about his melanoma, because of his brother being so ill, it was a lot of mental stress.

    On my medical front, I am still seeing the fertility specialist. WHo sent me to the endocrinologist, and another bariatric surgeon. Happily I am healthy for my weight, no diabetes, although my sugar is a little high, and a minor thyroid issue. For someone healthy who never took even a vitamin I am now on 4 different medicines and daily vites!! All of this on the journey to start a family. Gonna be SO worth it, though. The new bariatric program is at my favorite hospital, yes I have a favorite, and seems way different from the last place I saw and freaked out at. I have a consult in 2 weeks, I was told to allow at least 3 hours for it, as you meet with the surgeon, nutritionist, physical trainer, and psychologist, all of whom you see regularly for a year, prior to and after surgery. While I still don't know if this is how I am going to go, I feel like this program definitely has my best interests in mind and is not a lap band mill.

    I haven't killed the new boss yet, but only because she's micromanaging from a distance. SO as long as my stuff is getting done I don't feel it's necessary to tell her how it's happening, just letting her know it's done. She's pushing on an issue right now - all my teacher friends, please feel free to weigh in on this. We have 2 9th graders who are super bright, and actually belong in high level advanced classes. But since they do not want to change their schedules, as they are in classes with their friends, myself and another teacher were told to write separate curriculum for those kids and to assess them separately. This is about to become a big problem, I know, because the other teacher was told, "Thats what you have a professional period for, use it". But in our district we choose what we do in professional periods that count as our evaluations. (Job Targets, in place of 1 formal observation) so this is about to get ugly. Like, Union ugly. ALso - one of these kid's parent's just wrote the school a HUGE check to get Science Quiz Bowl as an activity. We can't call it a team or club since it is being rivately funded. This is raisiing a whole bunch of issues, not the least of them being that we as advisors feel that the kid should not get a guaranteed spot but should have to earn it like everyone else, and Ms. Micromanaging Tyrant does not agree. Fun times.

    Sorry so LONG. Needed to vent. Will try to be here regularly again. missed you all =)
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @andrea--if there is room for the students in the advanced class, but they are choosing to stay where they are b/c they don't want a schedule change, then THEY and their parents are making that choice. They shouldn't get to have it both ways. It's ridiculous that the admin is trying to accommodate their desire to stay with their friends (not that it surprises me). I say get your union reps involved. You said they want you to write, teach, and assess these 2 students separately--if your contract states that YOU get to choose how you use your professional period, they can't force you to do it during that time. If they want you to spend time doing that IN ADDITION to your contractual duties, they need to compensate you for it. My 2 cents as a union rep...
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    I got in lots of walking today, kind of by default. We went to the open house for the Boise Temple of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints today. It was very lovely. They have completely remodeled it, and it is open to the public for a month. Since it was a walking tour, I did lots of walking. Some days I have done pretty well and wondered if I was rushing the knee surgery. Today was enough to remind me that it really is time to get this done.
    We had lunch at my daughter's favorite restaurant, Chapala's in Boise. I shared a fajita plate with my husband. I was so worried about going over that I only ate 1 fajita. I was satisfied, but it was under 200 calories. I have almost 700 left the day. I have a feeling that I will be way under today.
    Happy birthday to the birthday girls!
    Congratulations to all of you on all of your successes.
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    Happy birthday to all the birthdays so far this month! tons that i missed.

    I got in lots of walking today, kind of by default. We went to the open house for the Boise Temple of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints today. It was very lovely. They have completely remodeled it, and it is open to the public for a month. Since it was a walking tour, I did lots of walking. Some days I have done pretty well and wondered if I was rushing the knee surgery.

    they are beautiful, aren't they? did they make you wear those funny paper slippers? the only one i've been to is the albuquerque temple in like march of 2000
  • Garetie
    Garetie Posts: 92 Member
    Thank you all for the birthday wishes! it was a good one, my mom took me out for breakfast and yeah I didn't plan ahead, I went way over today but I'm mostly ok with that.
    @skinny great job on the 5k

    @Aug~ if your still having your surgery Monday, my thoughts and prayers are with you.

    @Kaye ~ when is your knee surgery? is it next week too? If so thoughts and prayer are with you too.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    @toots--yes, we wore the slippers over our shoes. They had about 900 people an hour going through today. Imagine what that would do to the new carpet!

    My surgery is Monday. Surprisingly, I feel quite ready. Thanks for the prayers. I can't get too many of those.
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    @toots--yes, we wore the slippers over our shoes. They had about 900 people an hour going through today. Imagine what that would do to the new carpet!

    My surgery is Monday. Surprisingly, I feel quite ready. Thanks for the prayers. I can't get too many of those.

    good luck! fingers crossed for you all over the internet.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @aug & kaye--hope both of your surgeries go well on Monday. :flowerforyou:

    Didn't get a lot of grading done, but I did re-read and annotate the 1st section of Montana 1948. Really needed to do so b/c I can't find my old annotated copy and need to teach it on Monday.

    Tomorrow I will hit the gym and then grade some AP papers.

    Grading goals for the week ahead:
    1. x/22 AP essays
    2. x/22 punctuation tests
    3. x/58 Thoreau essays
    4. x/22 2 paragraph responses
    5. finish section 2 of Montana 1948
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    oh somehow i missed that aug was having a surgery too! good luck to you as well.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Just a quick post tonight. Had a long day at Kinder park with our annual Fall Harvest Festival. I spent the day walking and riding around the festival grounds which allowed me to have a great time. I tried to make some healthy choices today such as eating on the meat off the sandwiches or just the hotdog. Did have a slice or two of pizza but I was hungry and needed food. Now i am tired and will be heading to bed soon. It was a very cold day today so I had to stay bundle s up.

    Hope everyone enjoys the weekend.
  • Sherrielsb
    Sherrielsb Posts: 505 Member
    Saturday- as glad as I am for the rain we are receiving here it has thwarted my chance for a run. The alarm went off at 5 and I was jsut too tired, figuring the weather man was tellign the truth and that the rain would blow over. It did kind of, except it started up again about every 60-90 min so it didn't happen. But the forcast is that is will end about 2am, so by 5 its only a 10% chance of rain. I don't usually run on Sundays but mother Natrue hasn;t left me any other choice.

    Friday Fitness- I did 2 jazzercise workouts and the endorphin high was just what I needed. I had to spend the day doing payroll and bills for my husbands office, then clean the house and tackle laundry. The endorphins were just what I needed, then it was girls night with the DVDs with the Kids. Hubby is studying for the ACLS- advanced CPR and was in isolation.

    Tomorrow after church we are going to be decorating the house for Halloween, I love this holiday season and all the extra fun stuff we get to 'dress the house up in" It seems like from Halloween to New Years is just 1 long holiday season,just changing the color scheme. I am hoping to get the kids to sleep a little earlier so I can read more of the comments.

    Hope everyone else is having a good weekend!!
  • ohpampered1
    ohpampered1 Posts: 37 Member
    RE: Pinterest ~ I have TWO pins. I can't quite seem to get into it, though I think it would be a cool thing if I could figure out what I'm doing.

    i think pintrest is for people who are very visual. people who are fixated on all forms of visual arts. the first time i logged on to pintrest i was on there for like four straight hours just overdosing on all the eye candy. i actually thought, omgosh this is a feast. when i went to bed that night i had images scrolling behind my eyes for like an hour :laugh: i know a lot of people who can't make sense of what the point is.

    Hehe, I felt the same way, and you are right I'm a very visual person. I think you cracked the code to pintrest!

    @Kah68- 1 1/2 in less in the hips!! Great job. :smile:

    @CathEsh- I have to keep telling myself all the weight I gained took many, many years to add on, and I need to be fair with myself and know it going to take a long time to take off that same weight. I hope that help you. Enjoy your journey. :smile:

    @Naceto- You have been doing so well, and in a size 16! You are an inspiration to me. :flowerforyou:

    @monachris- Predisone makes me cranky, take one day at a time and count to 10. :heart:

    @Skinny- WTG on the 5k!

    @Kaye- I will be praying for you to have a speedy recovery.

    @Goretie- Happy Birthday! :flowerforyou:

    Thank you for all the birthday wishes! The wishes worked and I had a great day with my daughter. We went to a pumpkin farm, we went to the haunted house first. We screamed together and 2/3 of the way done my daughter (she is 12) stopped and said I don't want to do this anymore and started to pull me back. Sorry and I pulled her behind me going towards the exit...... we make it out alive! :laugh: Then we went in to the corn maze, it was really big, and yes we got lost! It took us 2 hours to find our way out. Then we went pumpkin picking! I felt better today than I have in year!

    Saturday Success: Due to all my walking today after lunch I was sill in the negative! We went to Ruby Tuesday and I did great, I tried spaghetti squash for the first time tonight, I love it. I still had calories left over, I'm starting to think I CAN do this! :bigsmile:
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    Today was really fun day. Our church had its Woodcutter's ball which is like a harvest party out pass sand hallow in the Middleton Idaho area . I was part of the set up crew and help run the money table. My chili was runner up so did not win but neither did that other person. (I know that is petty of me) but hopefully now we can move on from this. But it also in a weird way made it fun.

    @OhPampered and @Gertic "Happy Birthday :drinker: !!!

    @Imackbeth--I just did the samething went from 2lb goal to 1lb goal. I think it will more practical wit6h winter and holidays coming up. Yet when I look my increase calories sort of hope this works don't want a weight gain. So guess I better increase my walking.

    @CathEsh-- Celebrate every loss. It still is a victory.

    @Christine --Sorry about the med situation. Congrats on the loss!!

    @skinnyjean--Wow congrays on the 5K!

    @Lin-- That was really rude of your friend.

    @Kaye--Sounds like a good day

    Wishing everyone a good day!

  • BohemianCoast
    BohemianCoast Posts: 349 Member
    Hello everyone
    @chefmiller -- I've been doing this since late June. I don't think it's how fast you lose that matters, it's sticking to it.
    @Katrena -- I guess your story about the woman who was rude to you is a good reminder of why we should always cut everyone else a lot of slack; we never know their stories.
    @Lin -- ooh and this is why I don't shop with friends...
    @CathEsh -- props to your daughter for quitting smoking. That's really great for her.
    @Lmackbeth -- I've had my cals set at 1lb/week and it works well for me. I've been losing a little more on average but 1lb a week feels achievable. It also means that I can manage special occasions. I think if I were trying to eat 500 calories less per day, I'd never be able to have a meal out without it being a 'cheat day'. This way, I haven't really had any cheat days; I have days when I go over and days when I go under, but it balances out.
    @Andrea -- good to see you back. It's hard to know what to do with advanced students. Schools here are required to 'stretch' and provide extension work to the kids at the top of the class, but I don't really see much evidence of that with my kids. I was advanced a year and it was ok for me overall but I struggled socially; I was much more comfortable when I returned to my year group when I started university.
    @Kaye -- I love sharing meals out with my husband! It makes it so much easier to manage the cals, and makes eating out so much more affordable. Brilliant. Good luck for your surgery.
    @Skinnyjeans -- brilliant 5k.
    @Ohpampered -- corn mazes are great exercise I think, cos you just go round and round in circles! It sounds like you had a lovely birthday meal and a lovely day.

    Sunday share: My brother's wedding was lovely, and I had a brilliant time all day. I don't think I've done too much damage; I ate low carb yesterday and had lots and lots of lovely hog roast and crackling. The pre-wedding dinner was a bit worse but I still think it's basically ok. It was a wedding where everyone pitched in, a bit like a barn raising: my other brother did the photos, and my sister-in-law the cake; they held the wedding and reception at their regular church and the congregation all helped with the food and the bar and so on; a friend drew the invitation for them, some of their friends played in the band, and I sang and played in church (that went really well), the kids made the table favours, and so on and so forth. There was a ceilidh in the evening and we did most of the dances. An NSV is that it's much easier to waltz after you lose a few pounds.

    My daughter was wearing her first proper grownup party dress, and had been planning and preparing all week. She looked very lovely! She was helping out with the younger kids in the kids' room, whereupon someone tripped over my little niece and doused my daughter and her new dress in Coke. We said 'it hardly shows' but in fact I am praying that the dry cleaners will be able to save it. And my daughter was just a little sad for the rest of the night, which was a shame.

    Hope you're all enjoying your Sunday.

    -- Alison
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,137 Member

    My surgery is Monday. Surprisingly, I feel quite ready. Thanks for the prayers. I can't get too many of those.

    Best wishes on a successful surgery and a quick recovery. :heart:


  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Happy Belated Birthday to Garetie and Ohpampered HBSmileyBlowsWhistle.gif

    I went and got my lab work done yesterday. Then we went to the Farm and got some pumpkins, apples, pears, and cider. Their pear cider is really good. The two girls that are staying with us for the weekend (their parents needed a trip to San Fran) had a good time picking apples and pumpkins. When we got home they had to make a Jack-o'-lantern. It is way too early for making Jack-o'-lanterns in the desert, but it kept them busy for a long time. They were actually at their best while doing that. They can be very difficult, I do not know how all you parents do it. They do not listen very well. One is four years old the other almost two years old.

    I wish Halloween was on the weekend instead of a Wednesday. We have made some pretty fun Jack-o'-lanterns in past years when it is on the weekend and we have the time. I made Elmo last year


    I had 8 smokes:smokin: yesterday and today is the last day of smoking for me! I will not count them today, if I have too many I will not feel like smoking first thing in the morning Monday. That and some will power will get me to work without any. I am hoping to just quit Monday.

    Have a healthy Sunday!
