Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    me buying a pedometer was such a wise investment! I love it.......
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member

    Sharing laughs at myself and MowMow because I am a total wuss when it comes to cold weather. I admire your MN sensibility and ability to PLAY outside in the snow and really cold air. Cuz of my asthma I live in head-swaddling scarves when the wind starts to blow in the 30's and live in long-johns under my jeans and double socks.

    I am in a WOOT mood because I just bought a silly, silly hat off of ETSY that I had found and admired on PINTEREST for a long time. Its white wool and its a cap with ear flaps and ties under the chin. What makes it distinct, is, it has fox shaped ears of white wool, tipped in black. I KNOW I"M 61 and its utterly ridiculous to be wearing a hat like this but I don't care! :laugh: I intend to be warm when I wear it and put a smile on people's faces when they see me! I also am WOOTING because I found a white wool coat my size for $15 on Craigs List yesterday which will go with the hat, so I am cooking for the winter. Now I have an alternate to my daily poly filled brown bubble coat that makes me look like a huge cossack! :wink:

    You know we're going to need pictures. I love Pinterest!! I just wish I had more time to browse.
  • ravenlaramie
    ravenlaramie Posts: 165 Member
    @BohemianCoast To be honest it does kinda make me sad that it had no flavor. I'd venture it's because it is Burger King though lol... I've always thought they had the best fries... but not so much on the burgers (Wendy's for the win lol!) but I suppose in the end it kinda does me some good... somehow. I think next time I have a bit of money to spend I might go to Five Guys Burgers and Fries (best burgers I've ever had ever <3). They're a tad on the expensive side but so totally worth it XD

    Also not sure on the interview yet. :/ It's a seasonal position and I'd start around the third week of this month ... but hey, every little bit helps I suppose.

    Friday fitness: well, I kinda took it easy today... but I did do a little bit of sparring which got my heart rate up a bit. Other than that it was kind of a lazy day today.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    I'm really in a funk today! I didn't sleep well, and there seems to be so much to do around here that I can't do! I may have to take an adavan just to keep my sanity and keep from being totally ornery with the family! I guess the upside is that I don't really feel like eating either. :smile:
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    PS I finally got to update my measurements from Oct. 1. I have lost a total of 6.5 inches. :happy:
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    GrandmaKaye = WOOT on the inches lost! That's fabulous - 6.5inches - I'm soo happy for you!

    Susan - y es - head out and scout out all the GoodWill Stores - you'll be surprised by the artwork you'll find for cheep!

    I survived my dinner at Red Lobster! I only had 2 biscuits, and skipped the extra rice pilaf, loved the mahi-mahi and shrimp I had. 4 of us split one dessert, and no drinks, so I feel I did pretty good!

    Yep, I'll upload a picture of my FOX hat when I get it!
  • BohemianCoast
    BohemianCoast Posts: 349 Member
    Very quick Saturday update -- spent most of the day ferrying the kids around but still got my run in and some badminton... and had a nice Saturday Success which is that I'm way under on cals today because of the exercise and MFP said 'if you ate like this every day... in 5 weeks you would weigh 199.0' which would, truly be awesome! My target is still to get to ONEderland by the New Year.
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    GrandmaKaye = WOOT on the inches lost! That's fabulous - 6.5inches - I'm soo happy for you!

    Susan - y es - head out and scout out all the GoodWill Stores - you'll be surprised by the artwork you'll find for cheep!

    I survived my dinner at Red Lobster! I only had 2 biscuits, and skipped the extra rice pilaf, loved the mahi-mahi and shrimp I had. 4 of us split one dessert, and no drinks, so I feel I did pretty good!

    Yep, I'll upload a picture of my FOX hat when I get it!

    Robin - Great choices at Red Lobster!!! I've had the mahi-mahi & shrimp and it is really good. I'll skip the rice and double up on brocolli or ask for an ex tra big salad. Restaurants are really good about accommodating the consumer. I can't wait to see the hat AND you must be wearing it. LOL!!!
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Saturday Success: I know this is a success, but it's still hard to accept it that way. I've been in a bit of a funk. I'm not calling it a plateau because I haven't been eating all that great or exercising like I was either. I think it's just a little rut. The success is I've maintained my weight. I haven't lost in about 3 weeks, but not gaining either. I'm just hanging in there and will get right back doing what I was doing. A good plus is I got my 100 day of tracking today. Woo Hoo!!!!
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    I am back home in Maryland and it is going to be warmer here at least in the 50's. I did enjoy Portland but it was cold, damp and rainy. I spent a lot of time walking which was my main form of exercise. I did get to visit my cousin and spent an afternoon with him. It was great catching up with him. I have not seen him in years so this was an answer to my prayers. The conference was good and I walked away with a few ideas to try.

    I did manage to log in everyday.
    I walked everyday.
    I did okay on food most days even through I did not log everything.
    Today was my worst day for eating due to flights and short layovers.

    I will catch up more tomorrow. Hope everyone has a great night.
    KATRENAJ Posts: 318 Member
    BUMP HAVING PROBLEMS GETTING INTO THE THREAD HAD TO PAGE AND PAGE TO GET HERE. NO TIME FOR PERSONALS, BUT WILL DO THAT LATER TODAY. RECD BY FITBIT AND GOT IT going so maybe that will give me some motivation. Need to be consistent. I am up and down lately. Hubby is in Wisconsin this weekend on business. Could have gone but didnt think the weater would be helpful to me. We are going to Savannah Ga next week and then either Miami or St Augustine Fl. He is going to both places. I have only committed to Miami. Since I have had motivation issue, I am going to list my goals for today

    1) Get garden supplies and plant my Daphne bush and more pansies. Have planted 6 flats and still need more. Have over 100 bulbs that I need to plant this month. Actually have until Dec but dont want to wait that long

    2) Buy a muffin tin. Mine was lost during the move or I gave it away, don't know which
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    moved my mom today. it was crazy hard. kicked my butt. i'm not even going to bother trying to calculate what i burned but i know good and well i don't have to work out today. my body huuurrttss.

    @Toots -- 65 is a *warm summer's day* in London. And 45 is *rather chilly*. We don't get much extreme temperature here...

    nice. i actually love that sort of thing. bit envious lol. we're actually super cold for us today. it was 39 at 5:30 this afternoon. we actually might get some snow tomorrow which is madness. i'm not sure we've ever had snow in november.
  • vickimieth
    vickimieth Posts: 333 Member
    Bump - for when I'm not so ... ek.
    Good news tho... my doctor decided to cut back on my BP meds (seems I need to have a pressure over 100).. so that's probably why I'm feeling so awful of late. Hoping that after the change tomorrow, things will improve...
    KATRENAJ Posts: 318 Member
    Someone mentioned artwork at Goodwill. I was looking around a thrift store one day and found a huge oil painting for $10. It would not fit in my car, so I had to pay someone $20 to takeit home for me, but it looks great in my living room. When we moved in July the oil painting in my old living room didnt go with the decor of the new room. It is now in the sunroom and the living has a large snow leopard painting which goes perfectly with the decor. Whenever my great granddaughter sees the painting she roars like a lion.

    Findng the fitbit does keep me more conscious of what I eat and how I move. Tomorrow I hope to work in yard and make some meals in advance


    TOOTS - Moving is hard work. Soak in some Epsom salts to take the pain away.

    Susan - Not gaining is good. 100 days of tracking is excellent. I envy your consistency. You must post a picture of the hat. My mom always wore silly hats and folks really got cheered up from that. They always knew she would have something cute on her head.
    I get in a funky mood everytime the time changes. Just difficult to adjust

    Vickimieth - Hope you get to feeling better

    Bohemian Coast - Great sucessful day for you.
    Grandma Kaye - Congrat on the inches lost and on the progress you have made since your surgery. Hope the pain ends soon

    Kimosabe - I got my Fitbit which has a pedometer and logged over 5000 steps today. I remember I used to do 10000, so I have a long way to go
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    Sorry to have missed a couple of days still trying to catch up on all of the posts. My internet is moving really slow tonight . The week just caught up with me my lack of sleeping didn 't help last night I just hit the wall so to speak, could barely put together two thoughts kept falling asleep as I was driving home so scarey. I just went to bed . I missed not reading all of the posts I always look forward to it.

    @Robin -- Good job with Red Lobster/
    @Susan-- I understand the rut thing. I have been under goal but I have not been eating as healthy as I should be. You are doing good though by sticking with it.
    @Katrena-- I really like thrift store shopping and have found many of artworks at them. One is on my wall right now.
    @Bohemian Coast-- Good day for you
    @Kay Congrats on the inches
    @Laurie-- glad up that you had a good time in Portland and have made it safely back to Maryland
    @Toots -- Moving is hard work.

    Welcome to all of the newbies!! Sorry if I have missed anyone hopefully will be caught up by tomorrow.
    Wishing everyone a good evening!

  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    About me! I finally passed the 110 lbs lost mark (at 111). I realized that I have exactly 80lbs left to lose. Getting to 200 before Christmas probably won't happen but I'll be within a couple of pounds of it. My reason for that goal was that I wanted to hit ONEderland and stay there at maintenance for the holidays through the month of January and just relax a bit. The mild OCD in me prefers to relax at 199....not 203/204/205. I think I'll be compelled to keep going until I hit that goal before I slow down.

    I can say without a doubt that the cold weather makes me miss that extra 111lbs sometimes. I don't ever remember the cold bothering me as much as it has this year so far. I seem to be freezing *ALL* the time.
  • Dawn7664
    Dawn7664 Posts: 30 Member
    Hello. I need to loose a total of 120 pounds but I measure my success 20 pounds at a time. Love being here! Congrats to every one!
  • vickimieth
    vickimieth Posts: 333 Member
    About me! I finally passed the 110 lbs lost mark (at 111). I realized that I have exactly 80lbs left to lose. Getting to 200 before Christmas probably won't happen but I'll be within a couple of pounds of it. My reason for that goal was that I wanted to hit ONEderland and stay there at maintenance for the holidays through the month of January and just relax a bit. The mild OCD in me prefers to relax at 199....not 203/204/205. I think I'll be compelled to keep going until I hit that goal before I slow down.

    I can say without a doubt that the cold weather makes me miss that extra 111lbs sometimes. I don't ever remember the cold bothering me as much as it has this year so far. I seem to be freezing *ALL* the time.

    I second that! We got a sudden cold front in, and we're all chilled to the bone!

    Seems I was pretty close to on track with my last goal (halfway by 10/31), so now I'm working on my next (ONEderland by 12/21)... roughly 7lbs to go.

    Grats on everyones' victories!

    Too early to tell if the change in meds helped, not too tired so far today though (and not dizzy!)

    Will post more later :flowerforyou:
  • bigbonedbunny
    bigbonedbunny Posts: 6 Member
    Hello everyone! I'm a single mom I want to lose 120 pounds to be healthier and live longer for my 9 year old boy. I love him so freaking much! I'm 31 and 5' 6" and I'm at 259. I have joined Curves and have been going 5x a week for 3 weeks now! and boy am I sore. I try to stay just under 1500 cals a day and I'm hoping to lose weight guys! Thank you for all the inspiration on here! Feel free to add me for support, I need all the help I can get. LOL. Have a great Sunday all!
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    BUMP HAVING PROBLEMS GETTING INTO THE THREAD HAD TO PAGE AND PAGE TO GET HERE. NO TIME FOR PERSONALS, BUT WILL DO THAT LATER TODAY. RECD BY FITBIT AND GOT IT going so maybe that will give me some motivation. Need to be consistent. I am up and down lately. Hubby is in Wisconsin this weekend on business. Could have gone but didnt think the weater would be helpful to me. We are going to Savannah Ga next week and then either Miami or St Augustine Fl. He is going to both places. I have only committed to Miami. Since I have had motivation issue, I am going to list my goals for today

    1) Get garden supplies and plant my Daphne bush and more pansies. Have planted 6 flats and still need more. Have over 100 bulbs that I need to plant this month. Actually have until Dec but dont want to wait that long

    2) Buy a muffin tin. Mine was lost during the move or I gave it away, don't know which

    Savannah is beautiful and you'Mill definitely do a lot of walking there, but also a lot of good food too. I use to live in Atlanta so we heading east was pretty easy for us. I also use to live in Miami, but actually during Hurricane Andrew. Miami is pretty fun too. I think I would pick St. Augustine. It's definitely cooler than Miami, but it's so much better for walking, history, etc. . . Enjoy your trips!!!