Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Someone asked what you track. I track Calories, Carbs, Fat, Protein, Sugar, and Fiber. I am also interested in Sodium and Cholest so I push the

    at the bottom left under the water consumption and it shows me those also. I have diabetes type 2 and high blood pressure which lead me to those choices.

    You can check all the others by running the report for the last 90 days


    I finally got my measurements:happy:

    Neck = 17
    Waist (@navel) =49
    Torso (@narrowest) = 46
    Hips = 49.5
    Thigh R=28.5 L=28.5
    Calf R=18.75 L=18.5
    upper arm R=18 L=17.75
    Chest 49

    Body fat =30.98%

    Have a healthy day!

  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
    This article is from SHAPE magazine online:

    Q: Can I eat carbs and still lose weight?

    A: While eating fewer carbs is essential for optimal weight loss, you don’t need to completely eliminate carbs from your diet. The amount of carbs that you should be eating is based to two things: 1) How much weight you need to lose and 2) Where on your body you need to lose the weight.

    When people talk about cutting carbs or eating a low-carbohydrate diet, the Atkins Diet or a ketogenic diet approach often come to mind (which conjures up images of bacon, grease, and spoonfuls of peanut butter straight from the jar—not the epitome of good health). But there’s a lot of room in the carb-cutting spectrum between what the average person eats (the daily recommended value for adults is 300g carbohydrates) and the extremely low-carb ketogenic diet (usually less than 50g carbohydrates per day). Diets aren’t one size fits all, and different levels of carbohydrate intakes work best for different people. There’s even research to prove it.

    In one study from Tufts University, subjects followed one of two calorie-restricted diets for 18 months:
    Group 1: A traditional higher-carbohydrate, low-fat diet
    Group 2: A moderately carbohydrate-reduced diet similar to The Zone (40 percent total calories from carbohydrates with an emphasis on fruits and vegetables over grains).

    What was so interesting about this study was that after 18 months, both groups of dieters lost the same amount of weight, regardless of which plan they followed.

    The researchers then dug a little deeper into each participant's physiology, focusing specifically on insulin sensitivity (a measure of how well your body accepts and distributes carbs). They found that people with poor insulin sensitivity (i.e. their bodies were not as good at dealing with carbs) lost more weight on the Zone-type diet than on the low-fat diet, while those with good insulin sensitivity lost weight on either diet.

    What Does This Mean for You?
    If you are relatively lean, you probably have good insulin sensitivity and you should be able to lose weight by just reducing your overall calorie intake (and exercising). If you want to accelerate your weight loss, you’re going to need to restrict your carbohydrates a little more aggressively.

    How Can You Tell If You Have Poor Insulin Sensitivity?
    Body fat that is centered around your midsection is an easily identifiable red flag. If this is you, you need to shift the carbs in your diet away from grains and more towards vegetables, fruits, and some protein for best weight-loss results. This will reduce the total carbohydrates in your diet while also decreasing the amount of faster-acting carbohydrates, which mimics the carbohydrate-restricted diet used in the above study.

    As your weight loss begins to plateau, shift more of your carbs towards fruits and vegetables and away from grains and starches. You’ll see the scale start to move in the right direction again.

    The Bottom Line
    It’s not about eliminating all carbohydrates from your diet but instead restricting carbs to the level that makes you feel best and lose the most weight. If you have trouble finding your sweet spot, talk to your doctor or schedule an appointment with a nutritionist who can help you determine the best strategy for your body.

    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • dobarber
    dobarber Posts: 611 Member
    NSV ALERT!! This morning I was rushing to get out of the house and grabbed a pair of pants that my wife had bought last week for me. I just went to the bathroom and got curious about the size because these actually fit better than my previous 46-30 pants. They are 44-30's! Weird part is. 46-30s fit perfectly at the beginning of summer and I am actually 11 pounds heavier now than I was then. I guess all the running did something for me!:bigsmile:

  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    Thursday Truth:

    According to the above site, when I first started, I was heavier than %97 of American women my height and age range and a fractionally small percentage of the world was heavier than me, so they just rounded up and said I was fatter than %100 of women in my category world wide.


    Well, I have great news for me, but some scary truth for American women. I'm now under the average weight of an American woman my height and age range. Problem is, I'm still almost 40 pounds over my ideal weight and 20 pounds over the highest healthy weight for my height. I'm also still heavier than %75 percent of the rest of the world's women my height and age range.

    Still, the biggest truth out of all that is this: In less than a year, I went from being fatter than %97 percent of the population of the fattest nation in the world to being thinner than half of that nation. It can be done, and it won't even take forever!
  • mrsbonnie72
    Just wondering newbie here can anyone just join in of this thread...and also this may sound dumb, but what does BUMP mean. :)
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Just wondering newbie here can anyone just join in of this thread...and also this may sound dumb, but what does BUMP mean. :)

    Welcome, anyone can join! BUMP means "Save my spot" or literally "Bring Up My Post". :flowerforyou:
  • 2S_1R
    2S_1R Posts: 171
    Thursday Truth: hmm hmm...I'm addicted to I also didn't do an assignment that is kind of due today. Oh well.

    Zumba class tonight! I so look forward to Thursday's! So fun!!!
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    :laugh: Hi everyone sorry I didnt make it on yesterday. Ythe hubby and I got busy outside cleaning up the yards and doing dump runs. I caved and had a soda and candy bar on one of the said dump runs so then tried to figure out how to count the exercise I was getting so I could counterbalance it but never did figure it out. Oh well ended up being a moot point since we were busy enough I still didnt go over for the day and I kow for myself I got lots of exercise for the day :smile: I am sitting here drinking (chewing) my morning smoothie since without thinking I choose a lot of fruits today with skins and they just dont juice down as well in the blender. I always leave the skins on since I know they are a high source of the nutrients an vitamins but try to choose only one or two per smoothie like just grapes or just apples with berries. Oh well it still tastes good just a little added texture:laugh: So my truth for Thursday is Not weight related. My hubby and I are not quite arguing right now. Our last child left for college this year and all of a sudden he thinks I need a job. While I am not opposed to working totally I was looking forward to some downtime. We have been married for twenty years and I worked fourteen of those years while being a full time wife and mother. I think I resent the fact tht he is making me feel like I no longer contribute since the kids are grown. I know he has always worked very hard and will continue to do so but I also know that when he is home he has to do nothing and I spoil him rotten and treat him like a king. I wnat to know when I am supposed to get that same time of spoiling and doing nothing?
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,133 Member
    Thursday truth: although I am in this for the long haul I *often* feel I cannot make enough progress in real hard scale-related numbers to get where I need to go. I have another year now as I found out this week my health insurance will be available for the next calendar year (at an increased price but available). Then who knows. I feel I need a normal or close to normal BMI and to be off my HP medicine in order to shop for medical coverage for a retired under age 65 person. Those goals are like a voyage to Mars for me.

    Does anyone have any experience in talking to their doctor about stopping medication for high blood pressure? If so, what were the circumstances? If that's not too personal, I'd appreciate some advice.

    Well, that's my mountain to climb or the elephant in the room if you prefer. :-}

    Time to have a cup of water. How about you? :drinker: :drinker:

  • Bigaug
    Bigaug Posts: 395 Member
    @Robin, kah68, and MyM0wM0w - I apologize, I forgot to mention that the first surgery is scheduled for October 15. Part of this elevation in pain deal is that I stopped (surgeons orders) taking otc pain relievers and vitamins. I did the cortisone shots last year and they worked for a while but Doc doesn't wan't to dope me again if we're just gonna cut. Sorry, in all my grumperology I am a little forgetful.

    @linder - I mentioned it to my cardiologist, now that my BP and cholesterol numbers are better than his, he said no.

  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Just wondering newbie here can anyone just join in of this thread...and also this may sound dumb, but what does BUMP mean. :)

    Welcome! Love your reference to Honey Boo Boo in your profile, it cracked me up!
  • monarchris
    monarchris Posts: 262 Member
    Hello friends, praying you have a wonderful, healthy day today. I had a great walk with Belle this morning and had a question pop into my head: is it better to walk faster but shorter distance or better to go a little slower and further? Yesterday I went as fast as I could, but had problems getting enough oxygen and was extremely tired. Today I slowed down a bit and went farther and felt more energized after the walk. Will I get the same benefit health wise? I have been able to work up to 2 35 min. walks which is amazing from where I started at July 1st.

    Thursday truth: I have stalled in my loss the last week or so and have been down about it. I went back and looked at my food diaries and have noticed while I am usually under calories, my snacking has crept up lately particularly in the evenings. My plan is to have 1 snack around 8PM and then the 1 snack when I take my medicine before I go to bed and that is it. Praying that will get me to losing again.

    Kaye-not sure I could have eaten just 1 fresh baked chocolate chip cookie, you are awesome!!!
    Renee-praying for relief for you on your job and praying for your boss that she will mellow out.
    Sogj76-way to go and welcome to the group, we are an awesome group of supportive and motivated men and women who are here to support you.
    ohpampered-you deserve to be treated with respect and support, we're here for you.
    Raven-your Dad is lucky to have such a great daughter, you are a treasure. I would like the beef & broccoli recipe, my favorite Chinese food.
    nzenczak-sodium is a biggie for me as I am a human sponge and anything the least bit salty and I gain a ton of water.
    tungsten-I feel if you are really hungry (empty or growling tummy) then eat something, problem I have sometimes is distinguishing between head hunger and tummy hunger.
    kah-good luck tomorrow, hope the magic number comes up for you and I love the cat pic, it is so cute!
    Alison-great job on getting off your "tush" and exercising!
    Aug-Sorry about your pain, think the suggestions for the surgery are right on and I love the name for your truck, Bama is so cute!
    tina-you can work it out, I know you can. I worked full-time through most of my undergrad. and grad work and while it was a lot of work, it was well worth it!
    MowMow-it took you time to develop the old mindset so its going to take time for the new thinking to settle in. You are such a great inspiration for us to see it can be done with persistence.
    Lana-hang in there, at least you haven't given up and today is a new day, get refocused!
    Tom-I wish I had your computer skills, I am always impressed with what you put in your posts. Glad you finally remembered your measurements.
    Robin-thanks for the great article, it was helpful. I am usually under on my carbs but now wonder if they are set too high as I fit in the group that has most of their fat around their mid-section. You take such good care of us, thank you.

    Love you all, take care.

    KATRENAJ Posts: 318 Member
    My truth for today is that I am an inveterate procrastinator. It causes me so much distress and backs me into corners that I don't want to be in. Today I am struggling to find paperwork to complete my taxes for 2011 because I filed for an extension, plus I am suppose to pick up my great grandaughter at four and just now got the address where she is to be picked up. That after scrambling at the last minutes to get that address. It just creates so much unnecessary stress for me. I'm going out of town for a week and havent gotten my hair and nails done in ages, need to shop for clothes to wear, need to unpack my winter clothes because I have mostly shorts out now and I am fooling around with taxes.

    I did well with my calories yesterday, coming in under plan, my hubby keeps telling me how proud he is of me and my weight loss for the first week was very good. So I have many things to be proud of.

    mrsbonnie72 Welcome. good group.

    big aug - You've made a nice start. And you have powerful reasons to prevail. Hope the knee surgery goes well

    Linder - I think that is a common feeling, but you have come so far, you can make this, just keep moving. I havent had any experience with hbp, but some of my friends impacted theirs by walking and herbs, but I would take my Dr's advice

    jtconst - I think you questions are valid. Sometimes we need to remind those dear to us how this works.
    Last month, I took money out of my personal savings to loan to my hubby for his son. Yesterday we got a reimbursement check from the insurance company. I was counting on getting 1/2 of that. My husband said, I am going to give you this check to pay back what I owe you. I said, that is not fair, I was expecting half of the check for myself. What you owe me is separate. It took a while for him to understand, but he finally got it. There have been times in my life when I would not have spoken up.
    You should explain your feelings and expect them to be honored. You've worked 3/4 of your marriage. You deserve some down time.
  • monarchris
    monarchris Posts: 262 Member
    I can't believe in the time it took me to type my last post I had some more to post about! Wanted to say to Doug, that was a fantastic NSV, always love fitting into smaller clothes.
    maradiaz-your post was very motivating, thank you for sharing.
    jtconst-glad your getting some yard work done before your hubby has to leave again. Pray that the two of you will be able to work out the situation about you returning to work without too much fuss. You deserve some downtime too. I also know having kids in college is expensive. Maybe a pt.-time job would be okay with you if finances are tight.

    Bye again,

  • dc729
    dc729 Posts: 64 Member
    I'd like to participate, but I'm out of town right now. I'll catch up with you all when I get home! :0)
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Just planned a last minute trip to Vancouver, WA for this weekend to visit one of our daughters and her family. It wasn't on my list of things that needed to be done before surgery, but it will be fun to see them. She has 4 darling girls, including our first grandchild now age 17. DH made her a cupboard that he wants to deliver before I get laid up. It is a 6-7 hour trip. I'm still trying to plan how I will handle the food thing while we are gone. I'm sure it will work out.
    Have a great Thursday. Kaye
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Just planned a last minute trip to Vancouver, WA for this weekend to visit one of our daughters and her family. It wasn't on my list of things that needed to be done before surgery, but it will be fun to see them. She has 4 darling girls, including our first grandchild now age 17. DH made her a cupboard that he wants to deliver before I get laid up. It is a 6-7 hour trip. I'm still trying to plan how I will handle the food thing while we are gone. I'm sure it will work out.
    Have a great Thursday. Kaye

    Personally, I would pack food in a cooler for the trip. Stop at nice rest stops and enjoy your picnic (they'll be our last for a few months). That lets you control the macros and intake :)
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    Thursday Truth- Non weight related....I have offically bit off more than I can chew with buying a home, merging families, going to school and working full time. I always feel like there is no time for exercise let alone time for me.

    Truth weight related. ...I have jumped back on the fast food train and I hate that I want to eat it all the time now. I need to just kick myself in the butt and get food I like to eat in the house. This is how I lost 20lbs and gained 13lbs back.
    KATRENAJ Posts: 318 Member
    monachris. 2 35 min walks are great from my perspective. I can barely do one 10 minute walk
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    @Monarchris - I wasn't sure about your question so I did a little googling and found this site. IT has some great information on it and might help!