Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    Friday Fitness
    Tomorrow at church our kids are having a hoe down ! And i will be busy helping with that i will do whatever i can to help out and will be walking alot ! I will probably exercise to the Just Dance tomorrow also !
  • naceto
    naceto Posts: 517 Member
    Hi y'all! Sorry it's been awhile... school has kept me super busy, but I love it! I have been checking in and reading all of your victories and also those not so victorious moments, just haven't had the chance to respond. Sorry.

    I am finally starting to balance it all, and have kicked the fast food AGAIN, but I am going to dinner with the bf and meeting his daughter tonight, so may have to tread carefully. Omigosh, I called him my "bf"? Who am I? :laugh: I have started filling my cooler with healthy snacks on school days, as per my amazingalicious pals on MFP recommended. It seems to work. The scale has started going back down... slowly, but I will take all I can get.

    Christine- yay on the loss!!! Keep moving girl- you are doing terrific. :drinker:

    kris1085 - a hoedown??? How totally fun!

    Toots - there was a website that someone (maybe Kelley?) recommended with the anti-inflammatory foods vs inflammatory. I found it interesting that tomatoes would cause inflammation... :huh:

    I will try and hop on tomorrow to fully catch up.

    As far as Friday fitness... my stinkin hip gave out on me earlier this week. I got excited because I was walking faster than I had so far.... and just as I was patting myself on the back- KAPOW - it was on fire. I am okay as long as I don't go too fast... so maybe I just have to pace myself and give up the c25k idea.... for now....
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi everyone!

    @holly & alison--thanks for the roofing suggestions, but there's no way we can ust do a patch job. Our roof is very old, and we need a complete tear-off. Though we didn't get any other formal estimates, over the summer a guy from another company looked at our roof and suggested a higher price. I've also talked to several friends and neighbors, with similar homes, who've gotten roofs recently tell me it's actually a really good price. We want to go with this company b/c we have several personal references that they do quality work.

    @kjeffries--sounds like my day today is mimicking your evening yesterday. So far I've had an entire apple cider donut, a macadamia,/white chocolate chunk cookie, and half of an apple 'n spice donut. :noway: It's my own fault for starting the day with a mocha light frap.

    @toots--about the dog--because of my insomnia, I need the TV to fall asleep, so I spend most nights on the living room couch-- so I've been locking the dog in the bedroom with my DH. If the dog wakes up, he makes a bunch of noise (snorting and scratching at his collar) which my husband ignores, and the dog goes back to sleep. It may sound mean that I'm making DH deal with it, but he is actually on vacation this week, so doesn't mind.

    I will check back later w/ more personals and friday fitness.
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    @toots--about the dog--because of my insomnia, I need the TV to fall asleep, so I spend most nights on the living room couch-- so I've been locking the dog in the bedroom with my DH. If the dog wakes up, he makes a bunch of noise (snorting and scratching at his collar) which my husband ignores, and the dog goes back to sleep. It may sound mean that I'm making DH deal with it, but he is actually on vacation this week, so doesn't mind.

    Eh, i say make him deal with it, either way. ;) what else are husbands for? my husband is really good at ignoring stuff too. the slightest movement or noise and i'm up.
    Toots - Just a note, I went on the Perricone diet (Dr Perricone) which is an anti-inflammatory diet and Ilost 40 lbs rather quickly, but most importantly, after a while I started feeling so good. It really improved my health, but I have high inflammatory markers, which increase risk of cancer and heart attack. It allowed lots of good food, but it did require lots of advance planning. At the time, I used to cook all my meals for the week on Sunday evenings. I havent been able to get back on the plan but it was very helpful

    i have a very good friend whose been doing an anti-inflammatory diet for about a year because of health issues she has and she's always telling me how much better she feels. i kind of thought maybe that was something she was telling herself to make all the work worth it :laugh: it's karma now because i always poke fun at her for her absurd diet. but hearing another person say it's made them feel better makes me a little more interested.
    Toots - there was a website that someone (maybe Kelley?) recommended with the anti-inflammatory foods vs inflammatory. I found it interesting that tomatoes would cause inflammation... :huh:

    tomatoes? Noooooooooo! picture me with my hand in the air like charlton heston at the end of Soilent Green.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    It was me that listed the site that listed the top 10 anti-inflammatory foods - the website itself contains quite a bit of information actually. Here is the link: You can also find quite a bit of information on this subject on

    @Toots~I kind of eat anti-inflammatory, I'm not following any specific diet for it but just trying to avoid foods that cause inflammation. Its one of the reasons I've cut out dairy, foods that contain flour, and started buying organic free-range chicken and poultry. I can say that I feel A LOT better since I started watching these foods.
  • ohpampered1
    ohpampered1 Posts: 37 Member
    Happy Friday everyone! It was a beautiful day here on Long Island. I had a field trip with my class today and we had some extra time so we all took a walk down to the beach! It was so much fun. I feel like I have more energy and I'm loving it.

    Friday Fitness: Trying to get some walking in everyday. Taking the long way to get to where I have to go, taking the stairs more and walking on the beach.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @ohpampered--walking is my go-to exercise as well. Even if I can't get to the gym or fit in a run, there's almost always time for a quick walk with the dog. :smile:

    @toots--ahaha! I would agree except my DH and I are the opposite--he's the light sleeper and I can sleep through any amount of noise (once I'm actually asleep). What I CAN'T sleep through is my dog sticking his whiskers up my nose or climbing on top of me to get my attention. :grumble:

    @nicole--haha--you called him your BF! :smooched: Just teasing. :tongue: Hope your hip stops hurting. Have you figured out if it's the faster pace or the motion of running vs. walking that aggravates it?

    @lin--yeah, we need gutters too, but can't afford to do both at once. The roof is the more necessary b/c DH can patch and paint the gutters for now. Hey, AUG! Can I borrow some bubble-gum? :laugh:

    @chirstine--your doc is going to be SO proud of your progress so far! I know I am! :flowerforyou:

    @tina--So happy your parents are supportive of your plans to go to school! Also, as far as the exercise on Sat., I guess it all depends upon how many calories you want to burn. I would certainly wear my HRM and count the calories burned while walking the parade, but if I wanted a big calorie burn (>500), I would probably work out in addition to that.

    @maddalen--great plan to get the treadmill into an easily accessible spot!

    @mara--as much as I love running, I often wish I were faster so I could finish my workouts more quickly. But then I realize I would have to run for longer to burn the same amount of calories anyway b/c if running faster were easier, my HR would stay about the same. Not sure if that made sense--it makes sense in my head.

    @2S--good luck at your 10k and have fun at homecoming!

    @robin--it's really hard to clean when your arms don't work. As long as you're not hosting company, I'm sure the cleaning can wait until you're more mobile.

    @kelley--wow, I wish I could limit my starbuck's visit to once a year! I used to be that way with Cadbury Cream Eggs--every Easter I would buy one and indulge. Then they started selling them year-round--way to ruin something special...

    @doug--great SV!! Hope you get over that cold quickly!

    @vickie--hope the vehicle search goes well!

    UGH!!--I ate so much crap today--my food diary is a travesty. :blushing: I'm actually not even over on calories and only slightly over on carbs (provided I complete my core work tonight--which I WILL!), but my choices were ridiculously bad!

    Mon--walk dog + core DONE!!!
    Tues--walk dog + gym (weight machines + stationary bike) DONE!!!
    Wed--long run outside SKIPPED THIS DUE TO RAIN + core DONE!!!
    Thurs--walk dog DONE!!!
    Friday--walk dog DONE!!! + core
    Sat--walk dog + gym (weight machines + stairmaster and/or stationary bike)
    Sun--long run outside +core

    Grading goals:
    1. AP test corrections
    2. quiz extra-credit
    3. x/22 two paragraph responses
    4. finish re-reading The Awakening
    5. x/22 Punctuation quizzes
    6. re-read Montana 1948
  • Deanna149
    Deanna149 Posts: 147 Member
    Haven't been reading, haven't been posting, haven't been exercising, have been eating cookies! Need some motivation - not going back to 350 ever!!! I know I can get through this - I've been here before - seems like whenever I get under 270 I start screwing up. It's almost like the prisoner who has one week left on his sentence and is so freaked out about getting out that he screws up so he can stay where he feels comfortable.


    Thank you for sharing this analogy....know exactly what u mean, mine is when i get glose to breaking into the 250's......i dont' get it....let's break free!!!!! good luck and keep pushing forward!!!!
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Hi again everyone. Hope you are all having a great friday. I have had a pretty good day. We got a new family member yesterday. A 9 month old pomeranian named pauley. He is getting along great with our 8 yr old black labe Chelsie but has never been around cats so is having some adjustment issues with thor the kittie. I gt a nice walk in today when my husband and I took the dogs to the lake. I should really go more often since it is so close to home but I still have to drive there and back since there is quite a large hill between me and it. One of my mid term goals is to be able o wlk there nd home. I had a pretty good food day mainley because I just wasnt hungry but I made a new pea salad recipie for dinner that I quite enjoyed so I will be able to have that for lunch this weekend as well. Congrats to everyone I saw recording losses. Everyone here is doing o well and you should all be so proud.:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    It was me that listed the site that listed the top 10 anti-inflammatory foods - the website itself contains quite a bit of information actually. Here is the link: You can also find quite a bit of information on this subject on

    @Toots~I kind of eat anti-inflammatory, I'm not following any specific diet for it but just trying to avoid foods that cause inflammation. Its one of the reasons I've cut out dairy, foods that contain flour, and started buying organic free-range chicken and poultry. I can say that I feel A LOT better since I started watching these foods.

    ah thanks. marked the site. the doctor gave me a site too. i haven't been there yet, though.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    the doctor wants me to go on an anti-inflammatory diet. the first thing on her list of does and don'ts is 'DO NOT COUNT CALORIES!' written just like that. and then 'Do not weigh yourself.' the diet includes all kinds of crazy things. no white bread, no sugar, no white flour or wheat flower, no soy, no white rice, no dairy no estrongenized food, no food with more than five ingredients, no high-fructose corn syrup, no MSG, no hydrogenated oils and then on and on from there. yikes. not sure what to make of this.
    I'm always really leery of those kinds of diets. It doesn't seem very practical. I couldn't stay focused on it for any length of time. If you decide to do it, good luck.
  • monarchris
    monarchris Posts: 262 Member
    Hi y'all! Sorry it's been awhile... school has kept me super busy, but I love it! I have been checking in and reading all of your victories and also those not so victorious moments, just haven't had the chance to respond. Sorry.

    I am finally starting to balance it all, and have kicked the fast food AGAIN, but I am going to dinner with the bf and meeting his daughter tonight, so may have to tread carefully. Omigosh, I called him my "bf"? Who am I? :laugh: I have started filling my cooler with healthy snacks on school days, as per my amazingalicious pals on MFP recommended. It seems to work. The scale has started going back down... slowly, but I will take all I can get.

    Christine- yay on the loss!!! Keep moving girl- you are doing terrific. :drinker:

    kris1085 - a hoedown??? How totally fun!

    Toots - there was a website that someone (maybe Kelley?) recommended with the anti-inflammatory foods vs inflammatory. I found it interesting that tomatoes would cause inflammation... :huh:

    I will try and hop on tomorrow to fully catch up.

    As far as Friday fitness... my stinkin hip gave out on me earlier this week. I got excited because I was walking faster than I had so far.... and just as I was patting myself on the back- KAPOW - it was on fire. I am okay as long as I don't go too fast... so maybe I just have to pace myself and give up the c25k idea.... for now....

    Sorry about the hip! I know what you mean though, I was really starting to go faster and I have had to slow down a bit because of the pain level and breathing difficulties. But, we are going to keep moving aren't we as we are just doing too good to quit this wonderful way of getting healthy!!!
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    We had a good trip today, and are enjoying the grandkids. I had an apple/cranberry salad at Burger King for lunch. The calories are high, but I didn't eat the croutons and only about 1/3 of the dressing. I don't know how to make those adjustments. It looks like I went over on calories, but I don't think that I really did.
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    the doctor wants me to go on an anti-inflammatory diet. the first thing on her list of does and don'ts is 'DO NOT COUNT CALORIES!' written just like that. and then 'Do not weigh yourself.' the diet includes all kinds of crazy things. no white bread, no sugar, no white flour or wheat flower, no soy, no white rice, no dairy no estrongenized food, no food with more than five ingredients, no high-fructose corn syrup, no MSG, no hydrogenated oils and then on and on from there. yikes. not sure what to make of this.
    I'm always really leery of those kinds of diets. It doesn't seem very practical. I couldn't stay focused on it for any length of time. If you decide to do it, good luck.

    it seems crazy hard to me too. the idea of no medication within a few months is quite appealing. i don't know. i'll give it a try and see what happens. she wanted me to put the whole family on it but i know that will never happen. but maybe i can swing it with just me.
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Happy Friday Everyone,

    Just dropping in to read all of your posts. Today and tomorrow busy days. Are church is having a women day like a retreat. I am in charge of setup so i need to be there by 8 and will be all day. Today was a meeting to go over all of the plans to make sure we are ready to go. So just got home. Getting ready for bed. Will stop by tomorrow evening.

    Good night. So did do ok with food intake but did not get in my walk.

  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    What a week!! It's been super long for me, but I've stayed under calories every day. I didn't exercise every day, but the days I did I really pushed my HR to 150. Since this was my target, I need to work on sustaining the rate as well. Today was my second month check-in with the dietician and I'm down 8 lbs this month. I'll take it!!!!

    I've enjoyed reading everyone's posts, which are so real. Weight losses. Weight gains. Overeating. Undereating. Great calorie burn. Skipped workouts. Life in general. We're all going to have ups and downs. It's so good to know I'm not alone.

    Hope everyone has a GREAT weekend ahead. We can and will make good choices!!!
  • soulfulsally
    A day late, but better late than never.

    Friday Fitness: I've started running again. Friday was my 2nd day. Did two 5-minute runs, walking in between. Hoping to make this a regular thing until the snow and ice hits.

    I've stocked up on healthy foods for this weekend, so that's on my side. Now all I have to do is learn to say no to my kids about a million times when they plead for ice cream. :tongue:
  • soulfulsally
    I've enjoyed reading everyone's posts, which are so real. Weight losses. Weight gains. Overeating. Undereating. Great calorie burn. Skipped workouts. Life in general. We're all going to have ups and downs. It's so good to know I'm not alone.

    Yes, it's good have this sense of community here. IRL, family and friends around me don't understand the ups and downs of losing weight. It's rather depressing to talk candidly with people who don't struggle with weight issues. It's like I'm talking to the walls. :laugh:

    And congrats on the 8 lb loss this month!!!
  • naceto
    naceto Posts: 517 Member
    "tomatoes? Noooooooooo! picture me with my hand in the air like charlton heston at the end of Soilent Green."

    @Toots - :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • naceto
    naceto Posts: 517 Member
    It was me that listed the site that listed the top 10 anti-inflammatory foods - the website itself contains quite a bit of information actually. Here is the link: You can also find quite a bit of information on this subject on

    @Toots~I kind of eat anti-inflammatory, I'm not following any specific diet for it but just trying to avoid foods that cause inflammation. Its one of the reasons I've cut out dairy, foods that contain flour, and started buying organic free-range chicken and poultry. I can say that I feel A LOT better since I started watching these foods.

    Yay! I got it right for once :bigsmile: also Thanks for reposting the link... I couldn't find it again, and of the stuff I did find, that was the best :drinker: