Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hello Everyone, :flowerforyou:

    @BigAug-- Yay glad the surgery went well.:flowerforyou:

    @Kaye I hope yours went well too! :flowerforyou:

    @Skinny -- Sorry you didn't get your run in yesterday but glad it work out today.

    Today has been a good day overall, housework done, Costco run, and lovely walk with Bella today.

    Having a big meeting at work tomorrow morning with big news no one saying so it will be a suprise, Hoping for a good suprise.

    Wishing everyone a good night,

  • ohpampered1
    ohpampered1 Posts: 37 Member
    @Mnwalkingquee- I'm glad to hear your ok from your fall. Uneven sidewalks can be so dangerous.
    @Imackbeth- Congrats on your loss and I hope you get the job.
    @Aug, I'm glad your surgery went well.

    For all of you have been sick or just not feeling well, I'm wishing you better tomorrow's. :flowerforyou:

    Monday check-in
    Well I feel like I have been living the War of the Roses, :brokenheart: :cry: I'm doing very good with keep on track with food....right now that's about all I control in my life, I guess that's a good thing. Have a good night/day everyone.
  • ravenlaramie
    ravenlaramie Posts: 165 Member
    Monday Check-in: Ok so I did HORRIBLE this weekend. No matter what I did I couldn't seem to sate my hunger! I don't know what was going on (except that I'm yet again sick [insert frustrated face here]) so my diet, for the first time in a while... totally went out the window. Apparently it hasn't affected me too much though surprisingly. Despite that, I gained a half an inch on my tummy and lost everywhere else, anywhere from a half inch to an inch! It's kinda got me confused but I guess a few slip ups here and there are to be expected.


    Waist 46.5 on 10/16/12
    Hips 52.5 on 10/16/12
    Chest 47.0 on 10/16/12
    Arms 18.0 on 10/16/12
    Tummy 54.5 on 10/16/12
    Thigh 29.5 on 10/16/12
    Calf 20.0 on 10/16/12

    Tuesday goals: Trying to get back on track here. Between having to take tests at work, learning a new program, getting over my sinus infection and trying to get my energy back, I'm a wreck! On the upside I'm kind of getting back on track... but I've found a slightly new interest as far as dance. It's ballet! [le shock] It's a lot more strenuous to me but it's fun!
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    Tuesdays goals I will get my workouts done this week and drink lots of water !
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Augie - glad the surgeries over and went well and the pain is under control -

    Walkingqueen - so sorry about the fall - what a way to learn the neighborhood!

    Laurie - interesting your thinking about a home .....why not brooch the subject about your aun't home - if the cost is too high you can just say so and not get into negotiations, can't you? there is the odd chance they give you a sweetheart deal, so asking never hurts..........

    Raven - doggone girl, sorry you're sick again, take care!

    Interesting phenomena - my tissue is seperating on my upper arms - the muscle and fat were once all one structure but since I've had this problem, I've noticed that there is a definite separation and my biceps are sticking out and there is definite separation and a deep groove and now my arm fat is flapping down below the groove. Strange changes happening and I don't like it! :noway:
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good Morning.

    My back has been bothering me for so long, finally sucked it up and went to see a chiropractor yesterday. I'm glad I did, my pelvis is out of alignment which is causing some other problems. Also discovered I have a slight curvature of my cervical spine, which is most likely the culprit of my headaches. For now we're concentrating on getting the pelvis realigned and then we'll work on the other stuff. I had microcurrent therapy on my back which took some of the pain away and then he did an adjustment, which enabled me to have a lot more range of motion - walked out of there feeling better than when I walked in, that's a plus! Why did I put this off for so long? :grumble: I got home really late but did manage a short workout on my elliptical at home - hadn't used that thing in months since I'm so active at the gym.

    Tuesday Goals~No real update to my goals, just to keep on keeping on...

    @Aug~Glad the surgery went well, wishing you a speedy recovery!
    Interesting phenomena - my tissue is seperating on my upper arms - the muscle and fat were once all one structure but since I've had this problem, I've noticed that there is a definite separation and my biceps are sticking out and there is definite separation and a deep groove and now my arm fat is flapping down below the groove. Strange changes happening and I don't like it! :noway:

    Strange. Have you talked to your doctor about this? Is it a result of your recent injury?
  • trhjrh06
    trhjrh06 Posts: 2,272 Member
    Tuesday Goal:: My goal is to just keep on focusing on staying at or under my calorie goal and NOT depending on those extra work out calories to eat what I want. That's my problem. I think I have all these extra calories after working out so I will eat more. Which I know you can but I think for me eating them back isn't something I want to do. Just trying different things now. Had a great day yesterday not only were my food choices good and I was under my calorie goal but it was just a good day!

    UPDATE: On the whole college thing....As long as I get approved for student loans I AM GOING!!!!! I'm going to be VERY BUSY though. Nervous about that. Here's what my schedule will look like!
    This is on top of working Mon-Fri 8am-4pm (except fridays will just come in after school at 11:30)
    Monday: No Classes
    Tuesday & Wednesday: 5-9pm
    Thursday: 5:30-7:50pm
    Friday: 8-11am
    Saturday: Not sure of the schedule but will be clinicals for my CNA course.
    And will be taking an online class (I don't really want to do online but it's really my only option because I have to have this class and I don't really want to drive to any of the other campuses)
    Not only is my schedule full but I HAVE to get all A's in all my classes. It's the only way I will be eligible to be accepted into the nursing program.

    I CAN and WILL do this. Just like my weight loss journey.

    Also thank you everyone for your kind and encouraging words. I know I have been sort of a downer lately I have just been frustrated and had SO much on my mind. It's all starting to fall into place!
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Hi I am Cathy, Kaye's daughter. She asked me to update this thread on her surgery. The surgery went well. She was very alert yesterday but was having more pain than she would have liked. The nursing staff was on it and I hope they were able to get her better regulated after I left. She said this afternoon they would have her up and moving some.
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    Hi I am Cathy, Kaye's daughter. She asked me to update this thread on her surgery. The surgery went well. She was very alert yesterday but was having more pain than she would have liked. The nursing staff was on it and I hope they were able to get her better regulated after I left. She said this afternoon they would have her up and moving some.

    oh that's a shame. i hope the doctors figure out the right cocktail and she's on her feet again soon.
  • 2S_1R
    2S_1R Posts: 171
    Tuesday Goals:

    Not too much more than my goals from last week.
    One that I want to accomplish is getting below this number I keep hitting for the past two weeks. I have seen this EXACT number the past two weeks in a row. Which is better than going up, but still! haha!
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    @Aug and Kaye - Best wishes for fast recoveries!

    I hate moving.
    I hate not smoking.

    0= :smokin:
  • beachgirl613
    beachgirl613 Posts: 139 Member
    Tuesday goal - to get off my fat a** and workout tonight when I get home.
  • ushkii
    ushkii Posts: 472 Member
    I hear you Morgori!
    Aug, Kaye glad you both came out ok, good luck on recovery.
    Tina, you are going to do great, keep your nose to the grind stone and it will pay off in the end.

    Tues goal: Very busy week at the house, we have a dinner this coming Sunday and I have been working on the place to make it presentable. Stress makes me eat, so it has been a bad week. My goal is to go for a walk at least 4 times this week. Mostly for a break, stress relief.
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Hi I am Cathy, Kaye's daughter. She asked me to update this thread on her surgery. The surgery went well. She was very alert yesterday but was having more pain than she would have liked. The nursing staff was on it and I hope they were able to get her better regulated after I left. She said this afternoon they would have her up and moving some.
    Thank you for the update! So glad she's safe...if not quite sound yet. I remember my mother's disbelief at how quickly they wanted her to start using her new knee and how much pain she was in right after. According to her it was more than worth it.
    My best to Kaye!
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Awesome, Tina! You CAN do it!!!
    Hi I am Cathy, Kaye's daughter. She asked me to update this thread on her surgery. The surgery went well. She was very alert yesterday but was having more pain than she would have liked. The nursing staff was on it and I hope they were able to get her better regulated after I left. She said this afternoon they would have her up and moving some.

    Thank you so much for updating us on her progress! Sending her best wishes for a speedy recovery! :flowerforyou:
  • monarchris
    monarchris Posts: 262 Member
    Hi I am Cathy, Kaye's daughter. She asked me to update this thread on her surgery. The surgery went well. She was very alert yesterday but was having more pain than she would have liked. The nursing staff was on it and I hope they were able to get her better regulated after I left. She said this afternoon they would have her up and moving some.

    Thank you Cathy for updating us on Kaye's surgery, we really appreciate knowing how she is doing. Give her our love and well wishes. Praying a swift and complication-free recovery!
  • ButterflyWoods
    ButterflyWoods Posts: 35 Member
    Tuesday Goals:
    Get back into logging everyday...even when I don't eat the best
    Up my water intake everyday
    Find new recipes for healthy easy to fix & store low cost foods (Trying to feed a household of teens on a minimal budget and eat the way I should)
    Move More-find ways I can exercise even little bit each day
  • monarchris
    monarchris Posts: 262 Member
    It was such a nice October morning for my walk with Belle this morning, with the sunshine and the colorful leave swirling in the wind. I had problems with my food yesterday, but today I am back to watching it closely. Praying for strength to withstand the predisone munchies. I have decided that if they kick in tonight I am just going to go to bed. Typically it is around 8pm when they begin to kick in so I won't have to go to bed this afternoon.:laugh: My goals this week are to maintain my weight, continue to increase speed and distance in my walks and to not get "gritchy" (the predisone does make me irritable).

    Aug and Kate, speedy recovery.
    Tina, you can do it, it will take hard work, but then so does this and your doing it.
    Morigori, sorry for 2 changes in your life right now that you are unhappy about. Praying move goes smoothly and that you are able to whip the tobacco demon's butt!
    Robin, that sounds really weird about your arms, praying all is well and your pain is going away. By the way, I think I should have the nick name Batman due to my "wings."
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Tuesday goal - to get off my fat a** and workout tonight when I get home.

    She stole my goal....... :laugh:

    Have have have have to walk when I get home tonight. I skipped the pool AGAIN yesterday and ran errands (none were THAT urgent) instead.

    Did lose another pound this week so I've broken the 220 mark (barely). That was exciting. Struggling with all this halloween candy *EVERYWHERE*.

    Seems like everyone at work has candy on their desk and I'm really having a rough time avoiding it. This holiday was always one of my favorites for binging (and Easter). I'd buy TONS of halloween candy and pig out for weeks. So far I've managed to keep it down to two mini snack boxes of DOTS. It's replaced my snack (yogurt) for the past two days. Empty calories replacing something good for me. Be glad when it's all over and November starts. I can turn down Turkey (the mashed potatoes are another matter).
    Find new recipes for healthy easy to fix & store low cost foods (Trying to feed a household of teens on a minimal budget and eat the way I should)
    I'm looking at 3 separate slide shows from right now of cheap dinners. I've bookmarked 4 so far that I can't wait to try. Two of them are under 1.00 a serving. Can't get much cheaper than that. My restrictions are pretty tight as it has to be low carb, low cal, AND low sodium so you may find lots more than I did.
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Happy Tuesday- Goal today is to get a walk in and some math homework done.

    Thanks friends yes I seem ok from the fall my pride I think was hurt the most.

    @Tina- I think you have done great and everyone has bumps in the road you will overcome this bump.

    @Robin- Sounds like you had a great weekend.

    @Aug- Glad to see you back chatting it up.